298 results Stibbe advises Q-Park on sale of stake to Interogo Holding AG Stibbe has advised Q-Park, a leading European owner and operator of parking infrastructure, on the sale of a 12.25% stake to Interogo Holding AGâs infrastructure investment fund, Inter Infrastructure Capital. Het Monitoring Rapport Corporate Governance Code over boekjaar 2021 en het Slotdocument De vierjarige zittingstermijn van de Monitoring Commissie Corporate Governance Code (âMonitoring Commissieâ) onder voorzitterschap van Pauline van der Meer Mohr is per 1 januari 2023 verlopen. De beursvennootschap, wat praktisch (nog) te doen met de Corporate Governance Code 2022 in 2023 en 2024 Sandra Rietveld, Jet Rutgers en Lieke Stroeve gaan in een bijdrage in het Tijdschrift Ondernemingspraktijk (TOP) in op de op 1 januari 2023 in werking getreden Corporate Governance Code. Actuele ontwikkelingen rondom de Corporate Governance Code De Corporate Governance Code is geen rustig bezit. In deze bijdrage in het tijdschrift Ondernemingsrecht bespreekt Sandra Rietveld enkele actuele ontwikkelingen rondom de Code. Corporate governance and directors' duties in the Netherlands: overview A high-level overview of board composition and restrictions, directors' remuneration, management rules and authority, directors' duties and liabilities, transactions with directors and conflicts, and internal controls, accounts and audits. Listing Act: Inside information disclosure in a protracted process In April 2024, the European Parliament adopted the EU Listing Act. We discuss the removal of the obligation to immediately disclose an intermediate step in a protracted process that constitutes inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation. Wet aanpassing geschillenregeling en verduidelijking ontvankelijkheidseisen enquĂȘteprocedure Op 4 juni 2024 is de Wet aanpassing geschillenregeling en verduidelijking ontvankelijkheidseisen enquĂȘteprocedure (âWagevoeâ) aangenomen door de Eerste Kamer. De Wagevoe treedt in werking op 1 januari 2025. Actualiteiten UBO-registers en Europese ontwikkelingen In deze update beschrijven we enkele actuele ontwikkelingen over de toegang tot en het raadplegen van de UBO-registers en gaan we in op enkele Europese ontwikkelingen, waaronder een recent gepubliceerde verordening waarin de UBO definitie wordt aangepast. Actualiteiten Corporate Governance Code De Minister van FinanciĂ«n heeft op 1 maart 2024 positief gereageerd op het voorstel voor een Verklaring Omtrent Risicobeheersing. Noot bij de uitspraak van de Hoge Raad van 16 februari 2024 De Hoge Raad over de vrijheid van uittreding bij een coöperatie (JOR 2024/132), met noot van Manon Cremers How a 'non-commercial' contract can still qualify as a commercial transaction and be subject to statutory commercial interest Statutory commercial interest is higher than the ordinary statutory interest. Whether statutory commercial interest is due, depends on the qualification of the relationship between the parties as a commercial contract under Article 6:119a DCC. EBA Reports on Virtual IBANs On 24 May 2024, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a report on virtual IBAN (vIBANs) in which the EBA set outs characteristics and use cases of vIBANs and comments on identified risks associated with this development in the payments market. Stibbe advises Advantest Corporation on the acquisition of Salland Engineering Stibbe has successfully assisted Advantest Corporation in their acquisition of Salland Engineering. Under this acquisition, Salland Engineering will be an independent, wholly-owned (indirect) subsidiary of Advantest Europe GmbH. Stibbe advises Abab and Alfa on merger Stibbe has successfully assisted âABAB Accountantsâ and âAlfa Accountants en Adviseursâ in their merger process. De Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is definitief aangenomen Na een lange periode van onderhandelen heeft de Europese Raad op 24 mei 2024 de Europese Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (âCSDDDâ) formeel aangenomen. Stibbe advised MultiSafePay Stibbe advised MultiSafePay on all corporate and financial regulatory aspects of the acquisition of MultisafePay by ANT. Stibbe advises Nuvei Corporation Stibbe advised Nuvei Corporation alongside existing Canadian shareholders Philip Fayer, Novacap and CDPQ on the proposed $6.3 billion acquisition by private equity firm Advent International. Equity Capital Markets Insights Guide 2024 The Stibbe Equity Capital Markets (ECM) Insights Guide 2024 offers an overview of recent developments in the equity capital markets in the Netherlands, highlighting the key trends and legal developments. Pagination Previous page Page 3 Current page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Next page
Stibbe advises Q-Park on sale of stake to Interogo Holding AG Stibbe has advised Q-Park, a leading European owner and operator of parking infrastructure, on the sale of a 12.25% stake to Interogo Holding AGâs infrastructure investment fund, Inter Infrastructure Capital.
Het Monitoring Rapport Corporate Governance Code over boekjaar 2021 en het Slotdocument De vierjarige zittingstermijn van de Monitoring Commissie Corporate Governance Code (âMonitoring Commissieâ) onder voorzitterschap van Pauline van der Meer Mohr is per 1 januari 2023 verlopen.
De beursvennootschap, wat praktisch (nog) te doen met de Corporate Governance Code 2022 in 2023 en 2024 Sandra Rietveld, Jet Rutgers en Lieke Stroeve gaan in een bijdrage in het Tijdschrift Ondernemingspraktijk (TOP) in op de op 1 januari 2023 in werking getreden Corporate Governance Code.
Actuele ontwikkelingen rondom de Corporate Governance Code De Corporate Governance Code is geen rustig bezit. In deze bijdrage in het tijdschrift Ondernemingsrecht bespreekt Sandra Rietveld enkele actuele ontwikkelingen rondom de Code.
Corporate governance and directors' duties in the Netherlands: overview A high-level overview of board composition and restrictions, directors' remuneration, management rules and authority, directors' duties and liabilities, transactions with directors and conflicts, and internal controls, accounts and audits.
Listing Act: Inside information disclosure in a protracted process In April 2024, the European Parliament adopted the EU Listing Act. We discuss the removal of the obligation to immediately disclose an intermediate step in a protracted process that constitutes inside information under the Market Abuse Regulation.
Wet aanpassing geschillenregeling en verduidelijking ontvankelijkheidseisen enquĂȘteprocedure Op 4 juni 2024 is de Wet aanpassing geschillenregeling en verduidelijking ontvankelijkheidseisen enquĂȘteprocedure (âWagevoeâ) aangenomen door de Eerste Kamer. De Wagevoe treedt in werking op 1 januari 2025.
Actualiteiten UBO-registers en Europese ontwikkelingen In deze update beschrijven we enkele actuele ontwikkelingen over de toegang tot en het raadplegen van de UBO-registers en gaan we in op enkele Europese ontwikkelingen, waaronder een recent gepubliceerde verordening waarin de UBO definitie wordt aangepast.
Actualiteiten Corporate Governance Code De Minister van Financiën heeft op 1 maart 2024 positief gereageerd op het voorstel voor een Verklaring Omtrent Risicobeheersing.
Noot bij de uitspraak van de Hoge Raad van 16 februari 2024 De Hoge Raad over de vrijheid van uittreding bij een coöperatie (JOR 2024/132), met noot van Manon Cremers
How a 'non-commercial' contract can still qualify as a commercial transaction and be subject to statutory commercial interest Statutory commercial interest is higher than the ordinary statutory interest. Whether statutory commercial interest is due, depends on the qualification of the relationship between the parties as a commercial contract under Article 6:119a DCC.
EBA Reports on Virtual IBANs On 24 May 2024, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a report on virtual IBAN (vIBANs) in which the EBA set outs characteristics and use cases of vIBANs and comments on identified risks associated with this development in the payments market.
Stibbe advises Advantest Corporation on the acquisition of Salland Engineering Stibbe has successfully assisted Advantest Corporation in their acquisition of Salland Engineering. Under this acquisition, Salland Engineering will be an independent, wholly-owned (indirect) subsidiary of Advantest Europe GmbH.
Stibbe advises Abab and Alfa on merger Stibbe has successfully assisted âABAB Accountantsâ and âAlfa Accountants en Adviseursâ in their merger process.
De Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) is definitief aangenomen Na een lange periode van onderhandelen heeft de Europese Raad op 24 mei 2024 de Europese Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (âCSDDDâ) formeel aangenomen.
Stibbe advised MultiSafePay Stibbe advised MultiSafePay on all corporate and financial regulatory aspects of the acquisition of MultisafePay by ANT.
Stibbe advises Nuvei Corporation Stibbe advised Nuvei Corporation alongside existing Canadian shareholders Philip Fayer, Novacap and CDPQ on the proposed $6.3 billion acquisition by private equity firm Advent International.
Equity Capital Markets Insights Guide 2024 The Stibbe Equity Capital Markets (ECM) Insights Guide 2024 offers an overview of recent developments in the equity capital markets in the Netherlands, highlighting the key trends and legal developments.