Publications & Insights

European flags waving in front of the European Parliament in Brussels
BE Law

Arrest Kolin: Beperkingen voor niet-Europese ondernemingen in de Europese overheidsopdrachtenmarkt

Het Kolin-arrest markeert de protectionistische koers van de EU, met grote gevolgen voor de rechtspositie van ondernemingen, gevestigd in niet-Europese landen zonder wederkerige toegang tot de overheidsopdrachtenmarkt.

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Skyline of the Zuidas
NL Law

The ACM hits the ground running in its 2025 priorities

The ACM will, possibly as a prelude to an upcoming New Competition Tool, launch market investigations into five sectors. Companies are well-advised to prepare for upcoming market investigations and potential solutions for identified market failures.

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BE Law

Belgian data protection authority fines hospital after data breach for taking insufficient data protection measures

In 2021, a Belgian hospital fell victim to a ransomware attack that disrupted critical operations and compromised the personal data of 300,000 people. As a result, the Belgian data protection authority imposed a fine of €200,000 three years later.

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Amsterdam Van Baerlestraat Stedelijk Museum
NL Law

De impact van de AMLR op financiële instellingen

Soeradj Ramsanjhal onderzoekt de impact van de nieuwe anti-witwasverordening (AMLR) op financiële instellingen in Nederland.

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Nederland Raad van State


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