1467 results Stibbe advises BP Stibbe successfully acted as counsel for BP in proceedings before the Dutch courts and the CJEU. Brexit and Private International Law (Part 1 of 2) Since 1 January 2021, EU regulations simplifying cross-border litigation no longer apply in relation to the UK and – in most cases – to parties based in the UK. Upward referral of killer acquisitions: enlightened or one-stop shop flop? Companies involved in M&A deals falling below the EU and national notification thresholds need to think twice about their deal’s potential impact on competition from now on. Abuse of economic dependence: lessons drawn from the first judgments On 22 August 2020, the ban on abuse of economic dependence was implemented in Belgium. Now that almost a year has passed and the first judgments have been rendered, we assess what first lessons can be drawn from these judgments. The Dutch Scheme – tax aspects On 1 January 2021, the Act on confirmation of private restructuring plans (Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord, also known as the “WHOA”, hereinafter: the “Dutch Scheme”) came into effect. Aanbevelingen van het Pbl voor de circulaire economie: meer bestuursrechtelijke verplichtingen voor bedrijven? Begin dit jaar publiceerde het Planbureau voor de leefomgeving (Pbl) zijn eerste Integrale Circulaire Economie Rapportage. Die rapportage bespreekt de huidige status van de circulaire economie in Nederland en geeft adviezen om de transitie te versnellen. De overheid behoeft de besten, maar krijgt zij die nog wel? ‘De overheid behoeft de besten; zij moet aantrekken en opkweken de bekwaamsten onder de jongeren; haar mensen moeten het in kennis maar ook in levenshouding en beschaving kunnen opnemen tegen de leidende figuren uit de maatschappij; [...]' Stibbe wins case about Boeing for Twente Airport A team of Stibbe in Amsterdam has won a case for Twente Airport in what has become known in the east of the country as the 'Boeing dispute'. Overzicht van EU-BE juridische ontwikkelingen Gelieve hierbij een overzicht te vinden van recente Belgische en Europese juridische ontwikkelingen tot en met 1 april 2021. Update website Nieuw pensioenstelsel: mark-up Pensioenwet beschikbaar Op 30 maart 2022 is het Wetsvoorstel toekomst pensioenen (Wtp) (Kamerstuk 36067) ingediend bij de Tweede Kamer. DNB to start investigations on compliance with sanction regulations On 30 March 2022, the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, "DNB") announced that it will start investigations to determine whether financial institutions take sufficient measures to comply with sanction regulations. New RCS filing formalities The Luxembourg Business Registers issued an Explanatory Note further detailing the new filing formalities and requirements soon to be applicable with respect to the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register. Game on for gatekeepers: Digital Markets Act finalised Now that political agreement has been reached on the final text, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) will enter into force soon. The DMA’s ex ante rules and obligations will apply next to the ad hoc EU and national competition rules. ACM jumps on gun-jumping bandwagon Companies involved in multi-step acquisitions should beware of potential gun-jumping risks. The ACM has fined a trade association for failing to notify the acquisition of four pharmacies involving a consecutive partial resale. Gedogen van PAS-melders: makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan, maar niet onmogelijk Onder het Programma Aanpak Stikstof ("PAS") kon voor projecten met weinig stikstofneerslag vaak volstaan worden met een melding onder de Wet natuurbescherming ("Wnb"). Stibbe advises The Hague, Staedion and Heijmans Stibbe advises the Municipality of The Hague, Housing Association Staedion, and Heijmans on a major inner city restructuring in The Hague area, consisting of the (re)development of 5,500 houses, commercial real estate and public areas. Private Equity in the Netherlands: Tax Update 2022 In today’s rapidly changing tax environment, it is important to be aware of all relevant tax developments. In the past months, several new tax rules have been implemented or announced. Gedeeltelijk einde grondenfuik in hoger beroep Het bestuursrecht is weer een stukje minder formalistisch geworden. Ook de Afdeling bestuursrecht staat nu toe dat er in hoger beroep nieuwe gronden worden aangevoerd. Pagination Previous page Page 47 Current page 48 Page 49 Page 50 Next page
Stibbe advises BP Stibbe successfully acted as counsel for BP in proceedings before the Dutch courts and the CJEU.
Brexit and Private International Law (Part 1 of 2) Since 1 January 2021, EU regulations simplifying cross-border litigation no longer apply in relation to the UK and – in most cases – to parties based in the UK.
Upward referral of killer acquisitions: enlightened or one-stop shop flop? Companies involved in M&A deals falling below the EU and national notification thresholds need to think twice about their deal’s potential impact on competition from now on.
Abuse of economic dependence: lessons drawn from the first judgments On 22 August 2020, the ban on abuse of economic dependence was implemented in Belgium. Now that almost a year has passed and the first judgments have been rendered, we assess what first lessons can be drawn from these judgments.
The Dutch Scheme – tax aspects On 1 January 2021, the Act on confirmation of private restructuring plans (Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord, also known as the “WHOA”, hereinafter: the “Dutch Scheme”) came into effect.
Aanbevelingen van het Pbl voor de circulaire economie: meer bestuursrechtelijke verplichtingen voor bedrijven? Begin dit jaar publiceerde het Planbureau voor de leefomgeving (Pbl) zijn eerste Integrale Circulaire Economie Rapportage. Die rapportage bespreekt de huidige status van de circulaire economie in Nederland en geeft adviezen om de transitie te versnellen.
De overheid behoeft de besten, maar krijgt zij die nog wel? ‘De overheid behoeft de besten; zij moet aantrekken en opkweken de bekwaamsten onder de jongeren; haar mensen moeten het in kennis maar ook in levenshouding en beschaving kunnen opnemen tegen de leidende figuren uit de maatschappij; [...]'
Stibbe wins case about Boeing for Twente Airport A team of Stibbe in Amsterdam has won a case for Twente Airport in what has become known in the east of the country as the 'Boeing dispute'.
Overzicht van EU-BE juridische ontwikkelingen Gelieve hierbij een overzicht te vinden van recente Belgische en Europese juridische ontwikkelingen tot en met 1 april 2021.
Update website Nieuw pensioenstelsel: mark-up Pensioenwet beschikbaar Op 30 maart 2022 is het Wetsvoorstel toekomst pensioenen (Wtp) (Kamerstuk 36067) ingediend bij de Tweede Kamer.
DNB to start investigations on compliance with sanction regulations On 30 March 2022, the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, "DNB") announced that it will start investigations to determine whether financial institutions take sufficient measures to comply with sanction regulations.
New RCS filing formalities The Luxembourg Business Registers issued an Explanatory Note further detailing the new filing formalities and requirements soon to be applicable with respect to the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register.
Game on for gatekeepers: Digital Markets Act finalised Now that political agreement has been reached on the final text, the Digital Markets Act (DMA) will enter into force soon. The DMA’s ex ante rules and obligations will apply next to the ad hoc EU and national competition rules.
ACM jumps on gun-jumping bandwagon Companies involved in multi-step acquisitions should beware of potential gun-jumping risks. The ACM has fined a trade association for failing to notify the acquisition of four pharmacies involving a consecutive partial resale.
Gedogen van PAS-melders: makkelijker gezegd dan gedaan, maar niet onmogelijk Onder het Programma Aanpak Stikstof ("PAS") kon voor projecten met weinig stikstofneerslag vaak volstaan worden met een melding onder de Wet natuurbescherming ("Wnb").
Stibbe advises The Hague, Staedion and Heijmans Stibbe advises the Municipality of The Hague, Housing Association Staedion, and Heijmans on a major inner city restructuring in The Hague area, consisting of the (re)development of 5,500 houses, commercial real estate and public areas.
Private Equity in the Netherlands: Tax Update 2022 In today’s rapidly changing tax environment, it is important to be aware of all relevant tax developments. In the past months, several new tax rules have been implemented or announced.
Gedeeltelijk einde grondenfuik in hoger beroep Het bestuursrecht is weer een stukje minder formalistisch geworden. Ook de Afdeling bestuursrecht staat nu toe dat er in hoger beroep nieuwe gronden worden aangevoerd.