Publications & Insights

Ministry of Justice Ministerie van Justitie Den Haag
BE Law

Available now: the 2025 real estate guide

The third edition of our real estate legal guide is available now, specifically designed for investors and developers in Belgian real estate. It offers clear and practical insights into the key legal aspects shaping Belgium's real estate landscape.

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Amsterdam Zuidas Symphony building
BE Law

Coalition agreement - What are the changes for Private PRICAF?

Belgium’s coalition agreement aims to simplify Private PRICAF regulations, boosting venture capital. This article explores rising investor interest in establishing collective investment funds in Belgium and the potential impact of the regulatory changes.

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European flags waving in front of the European Parliament in Brussels
BE Law

Arrest Kolin: Beperkingen voor niet-Europese ondernemingen in de Europese overheidsopdrachtenmarkt

Het Kolin-arrest markeert de protectionistische koers van de EU, met grote gevolgen voor de rechtspositie van ondernemingen, gevestigd in niet-Europese landen zonder wederkerige toegang tot de overheidsopdrachtenmarkt.

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Skyline of the Zuidas
NL Law

The ACM hits the ground running in its 2025 priorities

The ACM will, possibly as a prelude to an upcoming New Competition Tool, launch market investigations into five sectors. Companies are well-advised to prepare for upcoming market investigations and potential solutions for identified market failures.

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Nederland Raad van State


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