1562 results Court bundles educational publishers merger off to ACM for reassessment Digital mergers have steered competition authorities away from their usual mantra of structural over behavioural remedies. The Rotterdam District Court recently gave its blessing to the ACMās remedies for securing access to a digital school platform. Stibbe Knowledgepagina āEnergietransitie en klimaatā is live De klimaat- en energietransitieĀ wetgeving is versnipperd en daarom is samenwerking tussen diverse juridische specialismen van belang. Climate case Milieudefensie et al. ā The Hague District Court orders Shell to reduce CO2 emissions On May 26, 2021, the District Court of The Hague rendered its judgment in the case between Milieudefensie and others against Shell. Highest Dutch Court: ACM has not proved dominance of Dutch railway operator NS A high market share is not always proof of a dominant position. The Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) upheld the annulment of the ACMās fine of nearly EUR 41 million on Dutch railway operator NS for alleged abuse of dominance. Triple-check merger info to prevent costly fines ā or worse Companies should check their merger information for accuracy, truthfulness and completeness before handing it over to the European Commission. Foreign subsidies: another addition to the M&A checklist Checking for merger control notification obligations and Foreign Direct Investment screening mechanisms will be on the list for most companies involved in M&A deals. Stand van zaken uitwerking pensioenakkoord: inwerkingtreding Wet toekomst pensioenen opgeschoven naar (uiterlijk) 1 januari 2023 Op 10 mei 2021 heeft de minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid de Tweede Kamer een update gegeven over de uitwerking van het pensioenakkoord. De minister staat in zijn brief vooral stil bij de stand van zaken van de Wet toekomst pensioenen (Wtp). Environmental and financial worlds meet in the āEā of ESG Developments in the environmental and financial worlds may appear to be at first sight completely separate from each other. In this blog post, we will explain why this no longer applies in 2021. Milieuwereld en financiĆ«le wereld ontmoeten elkaar in de āEā van ESG Ontwikkelingen binnen de milieuwereld en binnen de financiĆ«le wereld staan op het eerste zicht los van elkaar. In dit blog lichten wij toe waarom die vlieger anno 2021 niet meer opgaat. Kabinet kondigt NOW-4 en een wijziging van de omzetberekening aan Er komt een nieuwe NOW-subsidieregeling, de NOW-4. Dit heeft het kabinet aangekondigd in de Kamerbrief van 27 mei 2021. Klimaatzaak Milieudefensie e.a. ā rechtbank beveelt Shell te zorgen voor CO2-reductie Op 26 mei 2021 deed de rechtbank Den Haag uitspraak in de zaak tussen Milieudefensie e.a. tegen Shell. Een multidisciplinair team van Stibbe geeft in dit blog haarĀ eerste visie op deze uitspraak en legt uit waarom dit een baanbrekende uitspraak kan zijn. Stibbe advises Forum Estates A team of Stibbeās Real Estate Transaction Group in Amsterdam advised Belgian real estate fund Forum Estates with the acquisition of three grocery stores (4,300m2) in The Netherlands. Stibbe participates in CFO Forum on ESG and sustainable value creation Derk Lemstra and Rogier Raas participated in the annual CFO Forum - the Annual edition, organised by Transformation Forums on May 19, 2021. Failed to submit a view? An appeal of an interested party against an environmental or spatial planning decision is nevertheless admissible An interested party who lodges an appeal against an environmental or spatial planning decision may no longer be declared inadmissible because he failed to submit a view on an earlier draft. Brexit and Private International Law (Part 2 of 2) This second of two blogsĀ discusses the enforcement of UK court judgments in the Netherlands and applicable law. It also gives a brief overview of other EU PIL instruments that have ceased to apply to the UK from 1 January 2021. Stibbe advises BP Stibbe successfully acted as counsel for BP in proceedings before the Dutch courts and the CJEU. Brexit and Private International Law (Part 1 of 2) Since 1 January 2021, EU regulations simplifying cross-border litigation no longer apply in relation to the UK and ā in most cases ā to parties based in the UK. Upward referral of killer acquisitions: enlightened or one-stop shop flop? Companies involved in M&A deals falling below the EU and national notification thresholds need to think twice about their dealās potential impact on competition from now on. Pagination Previous page Page 49 Current page 50 Page 51 Page 52 Next page
Court bundles educational publishers merger off to ACM for reassessment Digital mergers have steered competition authorities away from their usual mantra of structural over behavioural remedies. The Rotterdam District Court recently gave its blessing to the ACMās remedies for securing access to a digital school platform.
Stibbe Knowledgepagina āEnergietransitie en klimaatā is live De klimaat- en energietransitieĀ wetgeving is versnipperd en daarom is samenwerking tussen diverse juridische specialismen van belang.
Climate case Milieudefensie et al. ā The Hague District Court orders Shell to reduce CO2 emissions On May 26, 2021, the District Court of The Hague rendered its judgment in the case between Milieudefensie and others against Shell.
Highest Dutch Court: ACM has not proved dominance of Dutch railway operator NS A high market share is not always proof of a dominant position. The Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) upheld the annulment of the ACMās fine of nearly EUR 41 million on Dutch railway operator NS for alleged abuse of dominance.
Triple-check merger info to prevent costly fines ā or worse Companies should check their merger information for accuracy, truthfulness and completeness before handing it over to the European Commission.
Foreign subsidies: another addition to the M&A checklist Checking for merger control notification obligations and Foreign Direct Investment screening mechanisms will be on the list for most companies involved in M&A deals.
Stand van zaken uitwerking pensioenakkoord: inwerkingtreding Wet toekomst pensioenen opgeschoven naar (uiterlijk) 1 januari 2023 Op 10 mei 2021 heeft de minister van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid de Tweede Kamer een update gegeven over de uitwerking van het pensioenakkoord. De minister staat in zijn brief vooral stil bij de stand van zaken van de Wet toekomst pensioenen (Wtp).
Environmental and financial worlds meet in the āEā of ESG Developments in the environmental and financial worlds may appear to be at first sight completely separate from each other. In this blog post, we will explain why this no longer applies in 2021.
Milieuwereld en financiĆ«le wereld ontmoeten elkaar in de āEā van ESG Ontwikkelingen binnen de milieuwereld en binnen de financiĆ«le wereld staan op het eerste zicht los van elkaar. In dit blog lichten wij toe waarom die vlieger anno 2021 niet meer opgaat.
Kabinet kondigt NOW-4 en een wijziging van de omzetberekening aan Er komt een nieuwe NOW-subsidieregeling, de NOW-4. Dit heeft het kabinet aangekondigd in de Kamerbrief van 27 mei 2021.
Klimaatzaak Milieudefensie e.a. ā rechtbank beveelt Shell te zorgen voor CO2-reductie Op 26 mei 2021 deed de rechtbank Den Haag uitspraak in de zaak tussen Milieudefensie e.a. tegen Shell. Een multidisciplinair team van Stibbe geeft in dit blog haarĀ eerste visie op deze uitspraak en legt uit waarom dit een baanbrekende uitspraak kan zijn.
Stibbe advises Forum Estates A team of Stibbeās Real Estate Transaction Group in Amsterdam advised Belgian real estate fund Forum Estates with the acquisition of three grocery stores (4,300m2) in The Netherlands.
Stibbe participates in CFO Forum on ESG and sustainable value creation Derk Lemstra and Rogier Raas participated in the annual CFO Forum - the Annual edition, organised by Transformation Forums on May 19, 2021.
Failed to submit a view? An appeal of an interested party against an environmental or spatial planning decision is nevertheless admissible An interested party who lodges an appeal against an environmental or spatial planning decision may no longer be declared inadmissible because he failed to submit a view on an earlier draft.
Brexit and Private International Law (Part 2 of 2) This second of two blogsĀ discusses the enforcement of UK court judgments in the Netherlands and applicable law. It also gives a brief overview of other EU PIL instruments that have ceased to apply to the UK from 1 January 2021.
Stibbe advises BP Stibbe successfully acted as counsel for BP in proceedings before the Dutch courts and the CJEU.
Brexit and Private International Law (Part 1 of 2) Since 1 January 2021, EU regulations simplifying cross-border litigation no longer apply in relation to the UK and ā in most cases ā to parties based in the UK.
Upward referral of killer acquisitions: enlightened or one-stop shop flop? Companies involved in M&A deals falling below the EU and national notification thresholds need to think twice about their dealās potential impact on competition from now on.