Stibbe advises Ten Cate Stibbe advises Ten Cate Investeringsmaatschappij on its intended recommended public cash or share offer for all issued and outstanding shares of Hydratec Industries.
Stibbe adviseert Picnic Stibbe adviseert Picnic bij een strategische kapitaalinjectie van 355 miljoen euro van haar aandeelhouders om verdere expansie in Duitsland en Frankrijk te financieren.
Stibbe congratulates VCK Holding Stibbe congratulates VCK Holding on the successful sale of the entire share capital of VCK Travel to Gray Dawes Travel, which is part of the UK-based Gray Dawes Group.
Stibbe advises Walter de Gruyter Stibbe advises Walter de Gruyter GmbH on its intended recommended all-cash public offer for all securities in Koninklijke Brill N.V.
Belgian Competition Authority confirms jurisdiction for M&A transactions in hospital sector On 14 July 2023, the Belgian Competition Authority confirmed its jurisdiction to review M&A transactions between hospitals, regardless of whether these hospitals belong to the same hospital network.
Recent developments: Dutch corporate law This is our biannual newsletter about the main developments in Dutch corporate law.
Wet tot implementatie van de Richtlijn grensoverschrijdende fusie, omzetting en splitsing treedt op 1 september 2023 in werking Op 12 juli 2023 is de Wet ter implementatie van de Europese Mobiliteitsrichtlijn (de “wet”) in het Staatsblad verschenen. De Wet treedt op 1 september 2023 in werking. De wet vergroot de mobiliteit van kapitaalvennootschappen binnen de EU.
Foreign Subsidies Regulation Op 12 januari 2023 is de Europese Foreign Subsidies Regulation (de “FSR”) in werking getreden.
Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames De Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames (“Wet Vifo”) is op 1 juni 2023 in werking getreden, gelijktijdig met de publicatie van een tweetal besluiten en een Ministeriële regeling.
Stibbe advises Torqx Capital Partners on public offer for Beter Bed Holding N.V. Stibbe is acting as lead counsel to Benelux investment firm Torqx Capital Partners on its intended recommended all-cash public offer for 100% of the shares in Beter Bed Holding N.V.
Stibbe advises care chain Goed Stibbe advised Goed, the network of pharmacies, home care shops and audiology shops of health insurance fund CM, on the sale of its hearing centres chain to Audika Belgium.
Stibbe advised Rhône Capital on a public cash offer for equity stake in RHI Magnesita Stibbe advised Rhône Capital on a public cash offer for up to 29.9% of the share capital in RHI Magnesita N.V. The offer document was published on 19 June 2023 following an announcement of the intended transaction on 30 May 2023.
Avacta Group plc acquires Coris Bioconcept Stibbe advised Avacta Group plc on the acquisition of Coris BioConcept SRL.