416 results CBb geeft nadere en verscherpte uitleg over de toepassing van de Wet markt en overheid Het CBb heeft in twee belangwekkende uitspraken van 12 december 2018 een nadere uitleg gegeven over de toepassing van de Wet markt en overheid ("Wmo"). Deze wet reguleert het economisch handelen van overheden middels een viertal gedragsregels. Can you rely on your contract to process personal data? Everything you need to know about Article 6(1)(b) GDPR, and more The EDPB adopted on 9 April 2019 a set of draft guidelines on personal data processing under Article 6(1)(b) GDPR in the context of providing online services to data subjects. Read below everything you need to know about the (pre-)contractual necessity cr Financial sector remains on the antitrust radar: the report on loan syndication is out The European Commission recently published a report it had commissioned to examine the market dynamics and potential antitrust risks related to loan syndication. Initiatiefwet constitutionele toetsing ingetrokken: op naar rechterlijke toetsing van formele wetten aan de Grondwet? Onlangs is het initiatiefvoorstel-Van Tongeren over constitutionele toetsing ingetrokken. Dit betekent niet dat constitutionele toetsing geheel van de baan is. Stibbe advises PostNL and ING Stibbe advises PostNL and ING on the sale of their shares in book store chain Bruna to the Dutch publisher VBK (rebranded as Shared Stories Group). Stibbe advised Iret Development Stibbe acted as counsel to Iret Develoment in its tendering procedure, development, and negotiations of the more than EUR 100 million public–private partnership (PPP) project, which is the new police headquarters building in Antwerp. Stibbe represents Nationale Nederlanden Stibbe advised the post-merger integration team of NN and Delta Lloyd as they form the biggest insurance company in the Netherlands. Stibbe represents BP Plc in a successful defence in a securities class action initiated by Dutch Shareholders Association VEB before the Amsterdam District Court On 28 September 2016, the Amsterdam District Court granted a motion to dismiss for lack of international jurisdiction filed by BP in a securities class action initiated by VEB. VEB had requested a declaratory judgment on the basis of Article 3:305a Dutch Stibbe advises on the IPO of Basic-Fit Stibbe advises Basic-Fit, the largest "value-for-money" fitness club operator in Europe as measured by number of clubs, on its IPO. Stibbe advises Funai Stibbe represents Funai in a major post-M&A dispute with Philips. Stibbe advised Mainfreight Who is a consumer? The dynamic approach to the concept of 'consumer' under the Brussels I Regulation On 25 January 2018, the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") rendered a preliminary ruling in a case between Austrian citizen Maximilian Schrems and online social network Facebook. The ruling is important for two reasons. De Raad van State verduidelijkt het gebruik van de beoordelingsmethodiek door de aanbestedende dienst De RvS verduidelijkt het gebruik van de beoordelingsmethode bij opdrachten die worden gegund obv meerdere gunningscriteria. Zo is vereist dat de beoordelingsmethode voor de opening van de offertes wordt vastgesteld. Mesure entrée en vigueur - Trajet de réintégration Face à l’augmentation du nombre et de la durée des incapacités de longue durée, le gouvernement a décidé de réformer les règles applicables en instaurant le « trajet de réintégration ». Webinar: Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era On 24-26 March 2021, Brussels TMT partner Erik Valgaeren will address the topic 'Managing personal data breach in a complex international scenarios' during ERA's online conference 'Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era'. Stibbe hosts a webinar on trade secrets in corporate matters organised by IBJ/IJE On 20 October 2020, our IP partners, Ignace Vernimme and Philippe Campolini host a webinar on trade secrets in corporate matters. Seminar on Trade Secrets in corporate matters Shhhhhh.... Don't tell anyone! Trade Secrets in corporate matters. On 31 January 2020, our IP and corporate law departments organise a seminar on Trade Secrets in corporate matters. Seminar: Data protection implications of (a no-deal) Brexit We are organising a seminar where we will discus the implications of a (no-deal) Brexit on data protection. These issues affect all businesses interacting between UK and EEA (including EU). Pagination Previous page Page 16 Current page 17 Page 18 Page 19 Next page
CBb geeft nadere en verscherpte uitleg over de toepassing van de Wet markt en overheid Het CBb heeft in twee belangwekkende uitspraken van 12 december 2018 een nadere uitleg gegeven over de toepassing van de Wet markt en overheid ("Wmo"). Deze wet reguleert het economisch handelen van overheden middels een viertal gedragsregels.
Can you rely on your contract to process personal data? Everything you need to know about Article 6(1)(b) GDPR, and more The EDPB adopted on 9 April 2019 a set of draft guidelines on personal data processing under Article 6(1)(b) GDPR in the context of providing online services to data subjects. Read below everything you need to know about the (pre-)contractual necessity cr
Financial sector remains on the antitrust radar: the report on loan syndication is out The European Commission recently published a report it had commissioned to examine the market dynamics and potential antitrust risks related to loan syndication.
Initiatiefwet constitutionele toetsing ingetrokken: op naar rechterlijke toetsing van formele wetten aan de Grondwet? Onlangs is het initiatiefvoorstel-Van Tongeren over constitutionele toetsing ingetrokken. Dit betekent niet dat constitutionele toetsing geheel van de baan is.
Stibbe advises PostNL and ING Stibbe advises PostNL and ING on the sale of their shares in book store chain Bruna to the Dutch publisher VBK (rebranded as Shared Stories Group).
Stibbe advised Iret Development Stibbe acted as counsel to Iret Develoment in its tendering procedure, development, and negotiations of the more than EUR 100 million public–private partnership (PPP) project, which is the new police headquarters building in Antwerp.
Stibbe represents Nationale Nederlanden Stibbe advised the post-merger integration team of NN and Delta Lloyd as they form the biggest insurance company in the Netherlands.
Stibbe represents BP Plc in a successful defence in a securities class action initiated by Dutch Shareholders Association VEB before the Amsterdam District Court On 28 September 2016, the Amsterdam District Court granted a motion to dismiss for lack of international jurisdiction filed by BP in a securities class action initiated by VEB. VEB had requested a declaratory judgment on the basis of Article 3:305a Dutch
Stibbe advises on the IPO of Basic-Fit Stibbe advises Basic-Fit, the largest "value-for-money" fitness club operator in Europe as measured by number of clubs, on its IPO.
Who is a consumer? The dynamic approach to the concept of 'consumer' under the Brussels I Regulation On 25 January 2018, the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") rendered a preliminary ruling in a case between Austrian citizen Maximilian Schrems and online social network Facebook. The ruling is important for two reasons.
De Raad van State verduidelijkt het gebruik van de beoordelingsmethodiek door de aanbestedende dienst De RvS verduidelijkt het gebruik van de beoordelingsmethode bij opdrachten die worden gegund obv meerdere gunningscriteria. Zo is vereist dat de beoordelingsmethode voor de opening van de offertes wordt vastgesteld.
Mesure entrée en vigueur - Trajet de réintégration Face à l’augmentation du nombre et de la durée des incapacités de longue durée, le gouvernement a décidé de réformer les règles applicables en instaurant le « trajet de réintégration ».
Webinar: Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era On 24-26 March 2021, Brussels TMT partner Erik Valgaeren will address the topic 'Managing personal data breach in a complex international scenarios' during ERA's online conference 'Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era'.
Stibbe hosts a webinar on trade secrets in corporate matters organised by IBJ/IJE On 20 October 2020, our IP partners, Ignace Vernimme and Philippe Campolini host a webinar on trade secrets in corporate matters.
Seminar on Trade Secrets in corporate matters Shhhhhh.... Don't tell anyone! Trade Secrets in corporate matters. On 31 January 2020, our IP and corporate law departments organise a seminar on Trade Secrets in corporate matters.
Seminar: Data protection implications of (a no-deal) Brexit We are organising a seminar where we will discus the implications of a (no-deal) Brexit on data protection. These issues affect all businesses interacting between UK and EEA (including EU).