Stibbe advises PMV Stibbe assisted PMV, an investment company of the Flemish government, on an highly-publicized, complex infrastructure renovation project, involving approximately 170 schools in the Flemish Region.
Stibbe advises Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe assisted the Belgian Buildings Agency (federal government agency) on the construction of six prison compounds in Belgium.
Stibbe advises Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe advised the Belgian Buildings Agency, a federal government agency, on the construction, public law, and project financing aspects of the EUR 800 million PFI for prisons programme, for the construction of 54 new prison compounds on the basis of a DB
Stibbe advises listed telecom player Stibbe assisted a major listed telecom player on its bid for the public procurement contract to be awarded by the three regions in Belgium regarding the introduction of a road charging system.
Stibbe advises Sofico Stibbe advised SOFICO (Société de Financement Complémentaire des infrastructures), a public investment company created by the Walloon Region, on its plans to install LED lights on the 2,300km road network.
Stibbe advises the Walloon Regional Transport Company Stibbe advised the Walloon Regional Transport Company (SRWT) on the EUR 380 million tramway network (17.5 km) project in Liège.
Stibbe advises Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG and Efkon AG Stibbe assisted a consortium composed of Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG, and Efkon AG with the preparation of its bid and with the negotiations and subsequent closing of the contract for the realization of the ETCS PPR project.
Stibbe advises a consortium consisting out of DEC and Bopro Stibbe advised a consortium consisting out of DEC (DEME Environmental Contractors) and Bopro in relation to their successful bid for the Blue Gate PPP project in Antwerp.
Stibbe advises a consortium consisting out of Willemen and Democo Stibbe advised the Belgian prime contractors Democo and Willemen in the course of the negotiations regarding the design, build and finance of the new headquarters of the Ostend police.
Stibbe advised Iret Development Stibbe acted as counsel to Iret Develoment in its tendering procedure, development, and negotiations of the more than EUR 100 million public–private partnership (PPP) project, which is the new police headquarters building in Antwerp.
Stibbe advises the Brussels Capital Region Stibbe successfully advised the Brussels Capital Region (represented by Minister Pascal Smet) on the PPP renovation of the Leopold II Tunnel (2.5 km), Belgium’s longest underpass, which has 65,000 road users daily.
Stibbe advises the Walloon Transport Operator Stibbe assisted the Walloon Transport Operator (OTW) with the creation of a brand new tramway network (11.7 km) including the construction of 21 stations and a new depot and the acquisition of trams in Liège, Wallonia.
Stibbe advises SOFICO Stibbe advised SOFICO, the Walloon Region’s financing company, on one of Wallonia’s most innovative and ambitious PPP projects.
Stibbe advises the Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe advised the Belgian Buildings Agency on the financial close of the Dendermonde Prison project.
Wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden: (mogelijke) impact op de financieringspraktijk Het op 2/6/2020 bij de Tweede Kamer ingediende wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden beoogt de bestaande praktijk van het contractueel overeenkomen van verboden of beperkingen van de overdracht of verpanding van geldvorderingen op naam op te heffen.