M&A en de (administratieve) impact van de EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation Duco de Boer en Roos Elemans schreven een bijdrage voor Mena.nl over M&A en de (administratieve) impact van de EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation.
Foreign Subsidies Regulation Op 12 januari 2023 is de Europese Foreign Subsidies Regulation (de “FSR”) in werking getreden.
Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames De Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames (“Wet Vifo”) is op 1 juni 2023 in werking getreden, gelijktijdig met de publicatie van een tweetal besluiten en een Ministeriële regeling.
The era of FDI screenings kicks off in Belgium The Belgian screening mechanism for FDIs will enter into force on 1 July 2023. The mechanism is designed to safeguard Belgium's critical infrastructure and to protect sectors crucial to Belgium's public order, national security and strategic interests.
The impact of geopolitical developments on transactions: a tangled web of rules and hurdles Where is the line between openness and protectionism in the European single market? At both EU and national level, more and more protective barriers against foreign investors and acquirers have been created in the international competition.
Foreign investment developments in 2022 2022 marks the second year of the EU Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Regulation, and the year in which legislators haven been busy shaping the Dutch national security screening regime and the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation.
Stibbe advises French public infrastructure investment fund Stibbe advised a French public infrastructure investment fund on the acquisition of an interest in a German wind farm project.
Stibbe advises selling shareholders of Punch Powertrain Stibbe assisted the selling shareholders of Punch Powertrain on the sale of their participation to New Horizon Capital.
De vrijwaring van de Vlaamse strategische belangen tegen vijandige buitenlandse investeerders Op 1 januari 2019 trad het Vlaamse Bestuursdecreet in werking. Dit decreet bevat een specifieke regeling, die de strategische belangen van Vlaanderen moet vrijwaren.
Foreign Direct Investment Screening in the EU On 21 March 2019, Regulation 2019/452/EU was published providing for a framework for the screening of foreign direct investments into the European Union and its Member States. This Regulation shall apply from 11 October 2020.
European Commission to pull the strings of foreign subsidies The European Commission is adding powers to its toolbox to ensure a level playing field between European and foreign(-backed) companies active on the EU market.
Foreign subsidies: another addition to the M&A checklist Checking for merger control notification obligations and Foreign Direct Investment screening mechanisms will be on the list for most companies involved in M&A deals.
Wetsvoorstel veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames ingediend bij de Tweede Kamer Op 30 juni 2021 is het wetsvoorstel voor de Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames (Vifo) samen met de memorie van toelichting ingediend bij de Tweede Kamer.