1237 results Update initiatiefwetsvoorstel introductie instemmingsrecht en aanscherping vaste beloning bankiers Op 25 april 2018 had de Raad van State een kritisch advi het wetsvoorstel voor wijziging Wft. Op 5 juli 2018 volgden publicatie van dit advies, reactie van initiatiefnemers en aangepast wetsvoorstel voor de Tweede Kamer. Netherlands Commercial Court to open its doors in early 2019 On 11 December 2018, the Senate approved the bill for the new international trade chamber of the Amsterdam District Court, known as the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC), and the Netherlands Commercial Court of Appeal (NCCA). Stibbe wins Mergermarket ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award During the European M&A Awards 2018 in London organised by Mergermarket, Stibbe received the ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award. Following a review of all pitches and M&A league table data the judges selected Stibbe as the winner for the Benelu Brush up and avoid dawn raid drama - the clock is ticking There is no time like the present for companies to give their staff an opportunity to brush up on their responsibilities so they know what to do during dawn raids. Pharmaceutical companies beware: excessive pricing enforcement is thriving On 28 November 2018, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) held a discussion on excessive pricing by pharmaceutical companies, which is a hot topic in enforcement practice throughout Europe. Franchise argument in laundry cartel does not wash with Dutch court Companies participating in a franchise agreement are advised to carefully assess possible competition law concerns, particularly if the franchisees are (potential) competitors. Initiatiefwet constitutionele toetsing ingetrokken: op naar rechterlijke toetsing van formele wetten aan de Grondwet? Onlangs is het initiatiefvoorstel-Van Tongeren over constitutionele toetsing ingetrokken. Dit betekent niet dat constitutionele toetsing geheel van de baan is. Further guidance on Dutch ATAD implementation and measures against letterbox companies Further to the policy plans published by the Dutch government in October 2017, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance published on February 23, 2018 a Letter (the "Letter") containing further details on certain aspects of the Dutch government's two way appr General Court leaves door ajar for pharma companies in the Servier-case On 12 December 2018, the General Court partly annulled the Commission's decision to fine drug manufacturer and originator company Servier and five generic companies in a reverse payment patent settlement case. General Court dismisses Canal+ appeal against pay-TV commitment decision The General Court recently dismissed the appeal brought by Canal+ against the decision of the European Commission making the commitments of Paramount legally binding. Partial fine reduction for Deutsche Telekom and Slovak Telekom for abuse of dominance The General Court recently clarified that to establish a margin squeeze in the case of positive margins, the Commission needs to prove the exclusionary effects of the dominant company's pricing practices. Industrial plastic-bag makers lose out on EUR 800,000 at European Court of Justice Companies awaiting the outcome of appeal proceedings should carefully consider whether to pay the imposed fine by bank guarantee or direct payment. Stibbe advises Zeewolde and Geefsweer wind farms On 19 December 2018, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State ruled that the building of Zeewolde and Geefsweer wind farms could go ahead. Zijn de strafrechtelijke vervolgingsmogelijkheden in de Verenigde Staten onbegrensd? Het aanpakken van witteboordencriminaliteit is ‘top priority’ voor het Amerikaanse Department of Justice. Daarbij lijkt het niet meer uit te maken welke nationaliteit de betrokkenen hebben, zolang maar enig nadeel in de Verenigde Staten merkbaar is. In ee Stibbe named Belgium and Netherlands Law Firm of the Year 2018 at Chambers Europe Awards At the Chambers Europe Awards 2018 in Madrid on Friday 20 April, Benelux law firm Stibbe was selected as Law Firm of the Year in both Belgium and the Netherlands. Stibbe benoemd tot Belgium en Netherlands Law Firm of the Year 2018 bij Chambers Europe Awards Tijdens de Chambers Europe Awards op vrijdag 20 april in Madrid werd het Benelux-advocatenkantoor Stibbe verkozen tot Belgium Law Firm of the Year en Netherlands Law Firm of the Year. Te laat ingediend beroep toch ontvankelijk In april en mei van dit jaar hebben de hoogste bestuursrechters hun rechtspraak over de zogenaamde verschoonbare termijnoverschrijding iets versoepeld. Dat betrof de zogenaamde tweewekenregel. Highest Dutch court: the postman may still ring twice? The Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy was wrong to unblock the ACM’s prohibited merger between postal operators PostNL and Sandd on grounds of public interest. Pagination Previous page Page 61 Current page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Next page
Update initiatiefwetsvoorstel introductie instemmingsrecht en aanscherping vaste beloning bankiers Op 25 april 2018 had de Raad van State een kritisch advi het wetsvoorstel voor wijziging Wft. Op 5 juli 2018 volgden publicatie van dit advies, reactie van initiatiefnemers en aangepast wetsvoorstel voor de Tweede Kamer.
Netherlands Commercial Court to open its doors in early 2019 On 11 December 2018, the Senate approved the bill for the new international trade chamber of the Amsterdam District Court, known as the Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC), and the Netherlands Commercial Court of Appeal (NCCA).
Stibbe wins Mergermarket ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award During the European M&A Awards 2018 in London organised by Mergermarket, Stibbe received the ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award. Following a review of all pitches and M&A league table data the judges selected Stibbe as the winner for the Benelu
Brush up and avoid dawn raid drama - the clock is ticking There is no time like the present for companies to give their staff an opportunity to brush up on their responsibilities so they know what to do during dawn raids.
Pharmaceutical companies beware: excessive pricing enforcement is thriving On 28 November 2018, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) held a discussion on excessive pricing by pharmaceutical companies, which is a hot topic in enforcement practice throughout Europe.
Franchise argument in laundry cartel does not wash with Dutch court Companies participating in a franchise agreement are advised to carefully assess possible competition law concerns, particularly if the franchisees are (potential) competitors.
Initiatiefwet constitutionele toetsing ingetrokken: op naar rechterlijke toetsing van formele wetten aan de Grondwet? Onlangs is het initiatiefvoorstel-Van Tongeren over constitutionele toetsing ingetrokken. Dit betekent niet dat constitutionele toetsing geheel van de baan is.
Further guidance on Dutch ATAD implementation and measures against letterbox companies Further to the policy plans published by the Dutch government in October 2017, the Dutch State Secretary of Finance published on February 23, 2018 a Letter (the "Letter") containing further details on certain aspects of the Dutch government's two way appr
General Court leaves door ajar for pharma companies in the Servier-case On 12 December 2018, the General Court partly annulled the Commission's decision to fine drug manufacturer and originator company Servier and five generic companies in a reverse payment patent settlement case.
General Court dismisses Canal+ appeal against pay-TV commitment decision The General Court recently dismissed the appeal brought by Canal+ against the decision of the European Commission making the commitments of Paramount legally binding.
Partial fine reduction for Deutsche Telekom and Slovak Telekom for abuse of dominance The General Court recently clarified that to establish a margin squeeze in the case of positive margins, the Commission needs to prove the exclusionary effects of the dominant company's pricing practices.
Industrial plastic-bag makers lose out on EUR 800,000 at European Court of Justice Companies awaiting the outcome of appeal proceedings should carefully consider whether to pay the imposed fine by bank guarantee or direct payment.
Stibbe advises Zeewolde and Geefsweer wind farms On 19 December 2018, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State ruled that the building of Zeewolde and Geefsweer wind farms could go ahead.
Zijn de strafrechtelijke vervolgingsmogelijkheden in de Verenigde Staten onbegrensd? Het aanpakken van witteboordencriminaliteit is ‘top priority’ voor het Amerikaanse Department of Justice. Daarbij lijkt het niet meer uit te maken welke nationaliteit de betrokkenen hebben, zolang maar enig nadeel in de Verenigde Staten merkbaar is. In ee
Stibbe named Belgium and Netherlands Law Firm of the Year 2018 at Chambers Europe Awards At the Chambers Europe Awards 2018 in Madrid on Friday 20 April, Benelux law firm Stibbe was selected as Law Firm of the Year in both Belgium and the Netherlands.
Stibbe benoemd tot Belgium en Netherlands Law Firm of the Year 2018 bij Chambers Europe Awards Tijdens de Chambers Europe Awards op vrijdag 20 april in Madrid werd het Benelux-advocatenkantoor Stibbe verkozen tot Belgium Law Firm of the Year en Netherlands Law Firm of the Year.
Te laat ingediend beroep toch ontvankelijk In april en mei van dit jaar hebben de hoogste bestuursrechters hun rechtspraak over de zogenaamde verschoonbare termijnoverschrijding iets versoepeld. Dat betrof de zogenaamde tweewekenregel.
Highest Dutch court: the postman may still ring twice? The Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy was wrong to unblock the ACM’s prohibited merger between postal operators PostNL and Sandd on grounds of public interest.