1314 results Consultation Document new Dutch Tax group regime released A public consultation document was published by the State Secretary of Finance on 17 June 2019 which includes four alternative concepts for a tax group regime. Tax Alert: Consultation Document new Dutch Tax group regime released On 22 February 2018 the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") ruled that the effective non-application of the Dutch anti-base erosion rules in domestic corporate income tax fiscal unity situations breaches the principle of freedom of establishment (see our ta Staatssteun: Real Madrid scoort tegen de Europese Commissie Op 22 mei 2019 heeft het Gerecht van de Europese Unie ("GvEU" of "Gerecht") een besluit van de Europese Commissie over vermeende staatssteun van circa € 18,4 miljoen aan voetbalclub Real Madrid vernietigd. Stibbe advises the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) Stibbe together with Shearman & Sterling advised the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) on its newly established global nitrogen fertilizer business joint venture with OCI NV (to be held 42% and 58% respectively). 'Europa' verankeren in de Nederlandse Grondwet? Een grondwet moet de belangrijkste constitutionele waarden en institutionele kaders van een democratische rechtsstaat omvatten. Stibbe advises Westermeerwind The District Court Midden-Nederland ruled in favour of Westermeerwind B.V. on 19 June, in a case brought by organisations acting for the 'Westermeerwind Group'. The group had claimed that the 32 members of that group had the right to participate in the Wi The impact of the Division’s PAN decision on the permissibility of nitrogen relevant activities? On 29 May 2019, in a long-awaited decision, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State (the “Division”) held that the Programmatic Approach to Nitrogen (“PAN”) was adopted in contravention of the Habitats Directive. Wat betekent de PAS-uitspraak van de Afdeling voor de toelaatbaarheid van stikstofrelevante activiteiten? Op 29 mei 2019 heeft de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State ("Afdeling") in haar langverwachte uitspraak geoordeeld dat het PAS in strijd met de Habitatrichtlijn is vastgesteld. EU reshaping the restructuring landscape? Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency approved by EU Council The Council of the European Union adopted a proposal for a Directive on restructuring and insolvency (2016/0359 (COD) on 6 June 2019. The Directive will enter into force twenty days after it is published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Afdeling stelt grens aan opleggen duurzaamheidseisen via zorgplicht of milieuvergunning aan bedrijven De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State ("Afdeling") heeft op 17 april 2019 een belangrijke uitspraak gewezen voor de milieupraktijk. Introduction of Sustainability Linked Loan Principles Sustainable finance and green lending is on the rise as more and more borrowers and lenders recognise the potential benefits of green and sustainability linked loan products for their business. Liability of audit firms and accountants towards clients for non-performance of the assignment The Dutch Supreme Court recently ruled on a case concerning liability of an audit firm towards its client for non-performance of an assignment to provide what is termed a 'contribution statement' (ECLI:NL:HR:2019:1447). Salinization: Do lawyers have a role? Salinization of land and water is increasing worldwide due to climate change alongside poor water and land management, and the effects are becoming more visible; threats to agriculture, the environment, and drinking water. Kamerdebat over digitalisering van de overheid: aandacht voor bescherming burger vereist Op 24 september 2019 zijn er vier moties in stemming gebracht én aangenomen door de Tweede Kamer. De moties hebben als gemeenschappelijke deler dat ze in het teken staan van de steeds groter wordende digitalisering bij de overheid. Wet Bpf 2000 en verplichtstellingsbesluit zijn bijzonder dwingend recht als bedoeld in artikel 9 Rome I (aantekening) In deze aantekening bespreekt Astrid Helstone de uitspraak van de Rechtbank Den Haag op 29 mei 2019. The ACM has to pay: moral damages awarded to real estate traders The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) needs to cough up a total of EUR 120,000 in moral damages to three real estate traders. The postman will no longer ring twice: Minister unblocks postal merger The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) recently blocked postal operator PostNL's acquisition of its only national competitor, Sandd, because this would create "a monopolist on the postal delivery market". PropertyNL publiceert Top-60 Vastgoedjuristen Maarten de Bruin nam namens Stibbe deel aan het jaarlijkse ronde tafelgesprek van PropertyNL over de trends in de wereld van de top-vastgoedjusristen. Onderwerpen zoals de Stikstof-uitspraak, de opkomst van zorgvastgoed en de aanpak van toenemende werkdru Pagination Previous page Page 53 Current page 54 Page 55 Page 56 Next page
Consultation Document new Dutch Tax group regime released A public consultation document was published by the State Secretary of Finance on 17 June 2019 which includes four alternative concepts for a tax group regime.
Tax Alert: Consultation Document new Dutch Tax group regime released On 22 February 2018 the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") ruled that the effective non-application of the Dutch anti-base erosion rules in domestic corporate income tax fiscal unity situations breaches the principle of freedom of establishment (see our ta
Staatssteun: Real Madrid scoort tegen de Europese Commissie Op 22 mei 2019 heeft het Gerecht van de Europese Unie ("GvEU" of "Gerecht") een besluit van de Europese Commissie over vermeende staatssteun van circa € 18,4 miljoen aan voetbalclub Real Madrid vernietigd.
Stibbe advises the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) Stibbe together with Shearman & Sterling advised the Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) on its newly established global nitrogen fertilizer business joint venture with OCI NV (to be held 42% and 58% respectively).
'Europa' verankeren in de Nederlandse Grondwet? Een grondwet moet de belangrijkste constitutionele waarden en institutionele kaders van een democratische rechtsstaat omvatten.
Stibbe advises Westermeerwind The District Court Midden-Nederland ruled in favour of Westermeerwind B.V. on 19 June, in a case brought by organisations acting for the 'Westermeerwind Group'. The group had claimed that the 32 members of that group had the right to participate in the Wi
The impact of the Division’s PAN decision on the permissibility of nitrogen relevant activities? On 29 May 2019, in a long-awaited decision, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State (the “Division”) held that the Programmatic Approach to Nitrogen (“PAN”) was adopted in contravention of the Habitats Directive.
Wat betekent de PAS-uitspraak van de Afdeling voor de toelaatbaarheid van stikstofrelevante activiteiten? Op 29 mei 2019 heeft de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State ("Afdeling") in haar langverwachte uitspraak geoordeeld dat het PAS in strijd met de Habitatrichtlijn is vastgesteld.
EU reshaping the restructuring landscape? Directive on Restructuring and Insolvency approved by EU Council The Council of the European Union adopted a proposal for a Directive on restructuring and insolvency (2016/0359 (COD) on 6 June 2019. The Directive will enter into force twenty days after it is published in the Official Journal of the European Union.
Afdeling stelt grens aan opleggen duurzaamheidseisen via zorgplicht of milieuvergunning aan bedrijven De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State ("Afdeling") heeft op 17 april 2019 een belangrijke uitspraak gewezen voor de milieupraktijk.
Introduction of Sustainability Linked Loan Principles Sustainable finance and green lending is on the rise as more and more borrowers and lenders recognise the potential benefits of green and sustainability linked loan products for their business.
Liability of audit firms and accountants towards clients for non-performance of the assignment The Dutch Supreme Court recently ruled on a case concerning liability of an audit firm towards its client for non-performance of an assignment to provide what is termed a 'contribution statement' (ECLI:NL:HR:2019:1447).
Salinization: Do lawyers have a role? Salinization of land and water is increasing worldwide due to climate change alongside poor water and land management, and the effects are becoming more visible; threats to agriculture, the environment, and drinking water.
Kamerdebat over digitalisering van de overheid: aandacht voor bescherming burger vereist Op 24 september 2019 zijn er vier moties in stemming gebracht én aangenomen door de Tweede Kamer. De moties hebben als gemeenschappelijke deler dat ze in het teken staan van de steeds groter wordende digitalisering bij de overheid.
Wet Bpf 2000 en verplichtstellingsbesluit zijn bijzonder dwingend recht als bedoeld in artikel 9 Rome I (aantekening) In deze aantekening bespreekt Astrid Helstone de uitspraak van de Rechtbank Den Haag op 29 mei 2019.
The ACM has to pay: moral damages awarded to real estate traders The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) needs to cough up a total of EUR 120,000 in moral damages to three real estate traders.
The postman will no longer ring twice: Minister unblocks postal merger The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) recently blocked postal operator PostNL's acquisition of its only national competitor, Sandd, because this would create "a monopolist on the postal delivery market".
PropertyNL publiceert Top-60 Vastgoedjuristen Maarten de Bruin nam namens Stibbe deel aan het jaarlijkse ronde tafelgesprek van PropertyNL over de trends in de wereld van de top-vastgoedjusristen. Onderwerpen zoals de Stikstof-uitspraak, de opkomst van zorgvastgoed en de aanpak van toenemende werkdru