255 results Stibbe advises the Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe advised the Belgian Buildings Agency on the financial close of the Dendermonde Prison project. Het finale Belgische ânationaal energie- en klimaatplanâ en de Belgische langetermijnstrategie: het geduld van de Commissie op de proef gesteld? Op 31 december 2019 diende BelgiĂ«, nog net op tijd, zijn definitieve nationaal energie- en klimaatplan (NEKP) in bij de Commissie. Het staat nu al vast dat het Belgische NEKP niet op applaus zal worden onthaald door de Commissie. Wat zijn de gevolgen? Supreme Court approves criminal liability of suspect refusing to unlock his smartphone In a groundbreaking judgment, the Belgian Supreme Court (Court of Cassation) states that the investigating judge may order a suspect to provide the access code of his mobile phone. Hans Van Bavel and Charlotte Conings shed a light on the judgment. L'impact de la pandĂ©mie du Covid-19 sur lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics La crise du Coronavirus impacte les marchĂ©s publics. Ceux-ci sont soumis Ă des rĂšgles particuliĂšres impliquant lâobligation pour les adjudicateurs dâindemniser les adjudicataires qui subissent les effets de cette crise. Contracts & Corona: force majeure and related topics The spread of the coronavirus may have some consequences that affect your ability to perform your obligations under your contracts, or your co-contractorsâ ability to perform theirs. We provide some insight on a few pressing questions. Philippe Campolini authored the Belgian chapter of EPO's country-by-country overview on patent enforcement in Europe The European Patent Academy, along with authors across Europe, presents a comprehensive guide on patent enforcement across 38 EPC states. Discover measures to safeguard patent rights and relevant national procedures in this harmonization effort. Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc. Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc. Liste de contrĂŽle âCoronaâ pour les contrats (de fourniture) dans les secteurs de l'Ă©nergie et de l'industrie L'Ă©pidĂ©mie de coronavirus affecte les Ă©conomies du monde entier. Des mesures restrictives sont adoptĂ©es pour contenir sa propagation, entraĂźnant des pĂ©nuries d'approvisionnement et des interruptions de chaĂźnes de montage. New deal for online deals - EU consumer protection adapted to the digital era As part of the New Deal for Consumers, aimed to strengthen EU consumer protection in light of the digital era, a new Directive 2019/2161 of 27 November 2019 has been adopted. Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State! Interview with Wouter Ghijsels on Next Gen lawyers Stibbe's managing partner, Wouter Ghijsels, offers his perspective on the future of the legal profession and the emerging generation of lawyers. International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2020 - Belgium chapter The ICLG to Public Procurement 2020 covers common issues in public procurement laws and regulations â including application of the law to entities and contracts, award procedures, exclusions and exemptions â in 29 jurisdictions. Instrumentendecreet goedgekeurd door Vlaamse regering Op 20 december 2019 heeft de Vlaamse regering het ontwerp van Instrumentendecreet goedgekeurd. Dit decreet bundelt de verschillende omgevingsinstrumenten met het oog op ruimtelijke realisaties op het terrein (zoals de fameuze "betonstop" of "bouwshift"). Stibbe advises Breevast Stibbe advised the Dutch real estate company Breevast on the sale of the Finance Tower (Tour des Finances/ Financietoren) to the Valesco Group, who acted on behalf of Korean institutional investors. Stibbe announces new Counsel and Of Counsel appointments Brussels, 9 January 2020 â The Brussels office of Stibbe has promoted Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans and Sophie Bourgois to Counsel and Elisabeth Baeyens to Of Counsel. Stibbe benoemt nieuwe Counsels en Of Counsel Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe benoemt Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans en Sophie Bourgois tot Counsel en Elisabeth Baeyens tot Of Counsel. Stibbe nomme trois Counsels et un Of Counsel Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe a nommĂ© Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans et Sophie Bourgois en tant que Counsels. Elisabeth Baeyens est, quant Ă elle, nommĂ©e Of Counsel. Pagination Previous page Page 4 Current page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Next page
Stibbe advises the Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe advised the Belgian Buildings Agency on the financial close of the Dendermonde Prison project.
Het finale Belgische ânationaal energie- en klimaatplanâ en de Belgische langetermijnstrategie: het geduld van de Commissie op de proef gesteld? Op 31 december 2019 diende BelgiĂ«, nog net op tijd, zijn definitieve nationaal energie- en klimaatplan (NEKP) in bij de Commissie. Het staat nu al vast dat het Belgische NEKP niet op applaus zal worden onthaald door de Commissie. Wat zijn de gevolgen?
Supreme Court approves criminal liability of suspect refusing to unlock his smartphone In a groundbreaking judgment, the Belgian Supreme Court (Court of Cassation) states that the investigating judge may order a suspect to provide the access code of his mobile phone. Hans Van Bavel and Charlotte Conings shed a light on the judgment.
L'impact de la pandĂ©mie du Covid-19 sur lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics La crise du Coronavirus impacte les marchĂ©s publics. Ceux-ci sont soumis Ă des rĂšgles particuliĂšres impliquant lâobligation pour les adjudicateurs dâindemniser les adjudicataires qui subissent les effets de cette crise.
Contracts & Corona: force majeure and related topics The spread of the coronavirus may have some consequences that affect your ability to perform your obligations under your contracts, or your co-contractorsâ ability to perform theirs. We provide some insight on a few pressing questions.
Philippe Campolini authored the Belgian chapter of EPO's country-by-country overview on patent enforcement in Europe The European Patent Academy, along with authors across Europe, presents a comprehensive guide on patent enforcement across 38 EPC states. Discover measures to safeguard patent rights and relevant national procedures in this harmonization effort.
Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc.
Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc.
Liste de contrĂŽle âCoronaâ pour les contrats (de fourniture) dans les secteurs de l'Ă©nergie et de l'industrie L'Ă©pidĂ©mie de coronavirus affecte les Ă©conomies du monde entier. Des mesures restrictives sont adoptĂ©es pour contenir sa propagation, entraĂźnant des pĂ©nuries d'approvisionnement et des interruptions de chaĂźnes de montage.
New deal for online deals - EU consumer protection adapted to the digital era As part of the New Deal for Consumers, aimed to strengthen EU consumer protection in light of the digital era, a new Directive 2019/2161 of 27 November 2019 has been adopted.
Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State!
Interview with Wouter Ghijsels on Next Gen lawyers Stibbe's managing partner, Wouter Ghijsels, offers his perspective on the future of the legal profession and the emerging generation of lawyers.
International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2020 - Belgium chapter The ICLG to Public Procurement 2020 covers common issues in public procurement laws and regulations â including application of the law to entities and contracts, award procedures, exclusions and exemptions â in 29 jurisdictions.
Instrumentendecreet goedgekeurd door Vlaamse regering Op 20 december 2019 heeft de Vlaamse regering het ontwerp van Instrumentendecreet goedgekeurd. Dit decreet bundelt de verschillende omgevingsinstrumenten met het oog op ruimtelijke realisaties op het terrein (zoals de fameuze "betonstop" of "bouwshift").Â
Stibbe advises Breevast Stibbe advised the Dutch real estate company Breevast on the sale of the Finance Tower (Tour des Finances/ Financietoren) to the Valesco Group, who acted on behalf of Korean institutional investors.
Stibbe announces new Counsel and Of Counsel appointments Brussels, 9 January 2020 â The Brussels office of Stibbe has promoted Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans and Sophie Bourgois to Counsel and Elisabeth Baeyens to Of Counsel.
Stibbe benoemt nieuwe Counsels en Of Counsel Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe benoemt Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans en Sophie Bourgois tot Counsel en Elisabeth Baeyens tot Of Counsel.
Stibbe nomme trois Counsels et un Of Counsel Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe a nommé Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans et Sophie Bourgois en tant que Counsels. Elisabeth Baeyens est, quant à elle, nommée Of Counsel.