17 results The latest Legal Updates straight to your mailbox We publish high-quality legal knowledge and insights on our website on a daily basis. If you would like to be promptly informed about the latest developments within your areas of interest, we invite you to sign up for our Legal Updates. De laatste Legal Updates direct in uw mailbox Dagelijks publiceren wij op onze website hoogwaardige juridische kennis en vooruitzichten. Wilt u snel op de hoogte zijn van de meest actuele ontwikkelingen binnen uw interessegebieden? Meld u dan aan voor onze Legal Updates. Stibbe advises the Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe advised the Belgian Buildings Agency on the financial close of the Dendermonde Prison project. L'impact de la pandĂ©mie du Covid-19 sur lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics La crise du Coronavirus impacte les marchĂ©s publics. Ceux-ci sont soumis Ă des rĂšgles particuliĂšres impliquant lâobligation pour les adjudicateurs dâindemniser les adjudicataires qui subissent les effets de cette crise. Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc. Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc. Liste de contrĂŽle âCoronaâ pour les contrats (de fourniture) dans les secteurs de l'Ă©nergie et de l'industrie L'Ă©pidĂ©mie de coronavirus affecte les Ă©conomies du monde entier. Des mesures restrictives sont adoptĂ©es pour contenir sa propagation, entraĂźnant des pĂ©nuries d'approvisionnement et des interruptions de chaĂźnes de montage. Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State! International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2020 - Belgium chapter The ICLG to Public Procurement 2020 covers common issues in public procurement laws and regulations â including application of the law to entities and contracts, award procedures, exclusions and exemptions â in 29 jurisdictions. La Cour de justice prĂ©cise le champ dâapplication matĂ©riel des rĂšgles de passation de marchĂ©s publics propres aux secteurs spĂ©ciaux LâarrĂȘt Pegaso et Sistemi di Sicurezza du 28 octobre 2020 a permis Ă la Cour de justice de prĂ©ciser le champ dâapplication matĂ©riel des rĂšgles de passation de marchĂ©s publics propres aux secteurs spĂ©ciaux. Stibbe advises Eurogare Stibbe advised Eurogare on the launch and follow-up of the entire public procurement process for the reconstruction of the railway station in Mons. Le RGPD peut empĂȘcher les opĂ©rateurs Ă©conomiques de certains pays tiers Ă lâUE de participer Ă lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics des adjudicateurs belges Le RGPD peut empĂȘcher les opĂ©rateurs Ă©conomiques de certains pays tiers Ă lâUnion europĂ©enne de participer Ă lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics des adjudicateurs belges. Stibbe advises Immo Coronmeusse Stibbe advised Immo Coronmeusse on the public procurement of redevelopment and reconstruction works of the Coronmeuse site in LiĂšge. Stibbe advises PMV Stibbe assisted Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen (PMV) on the construction of a new 'VAC' (Flemish Administrative Centre) in Brussels. Stibbe advises FEDICT Stibbe assisted FEDICT with the drafting of a contract and negotiation of that contract and related service level agreements with Belgacom and Zetes for the delivery of electronic identity cards. Part two - GDPR and Public Law: Data protection in public procurement Nearly a year after the GDPR took effect, questions have emerged about its interaction with public law. This three-part blog series "GDPR and Public Law" explores three key issues regarding its impact on public law and government. Juge des cessations incompĂ©tent en cas de contournement des instances de recours spĂ©cifiques dans une lĂ©gislation particuliĂšre Dans son arrĂȘt du 17 octobre 2018, la Cour dâappel de Bruxelles a fixĂ© une limite importante Ă la possibilitĂ© dĂ©bridĂ©e dâintroduire des actions en cessation.
The latest Legal Updates straight to your mailbox We publish high-quality legal knowledge and insights on our website on a daily basis. If you would like to be promptly informed about the latest developments within your areas of interest, we invite you to sign up for our Legal Updates.
De laatste Legal Updates direct in uw mailbox Dagelijks publiceren wij op onze website hoogwaardige juridische kennis en vooruitzichten. Wilt u snel op de hoogte zijn van de meest actuele ontwikkelingen binnen uw interessegebieden? Meld u dan aan voor onze Legal Updates.
Stibbe advises the Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe advised the Belgian Buildings Agency on the financial close of the Dendermonde Prison project.
L'impact de la pandĂ©mie du Covid-19 sur lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics La crise du Coronavirus impacte les marchĂ©s publics. Ceux-ci sont soumis Ă des rĂšgles particuliĂšres impliquant lâobligation pour les adjudicateurs dâindemniser les adjudicataires qui subissent les effets de cette crise.
Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc.
Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc.
Liste de contrĂŽle âCoronaâ pour les contrats (de fourniture) dans les secteurs de l'Ă©nergie et de l'industrie L'Ă©pidĂ©mie de coronavirus affecte les Ă©conomies du monde entier. Des mesures restrictives sont adoptĂ©es pour contenir sa propagation, entraĂźnant des pĂ©nuries d'approvisionnement et des interruptions de chaĂźnes de montage.
Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State!
International Comparative Legal Guide to Public Procurement 2020 - Belgium chapter The ICLG to Public Procurement 2020 covers common issues in public procurement laws and regulations â including application of the law to entities and contracts, award procedures, exclusions and exemptions â in 29 jurisdictions.
La Cour de justice prĂ©cise le champ dâapplication matĂ©riel des rĂšgles de passation de marchĂ©s publics propres aux secteurs spĂ©ciaux LâarrĂȘt Pegaso et Sistemi di Sicurezza du 28 octobre 2020 a permis Ă la Cour de justice de prĂ©ciser le champ dâapplication matĂ©riel des rĂšgles de passation de marchĂ©s publics propres aux secteurs spĂ©ciaux.
Stibbe advises Eurogare Stibbe advised Eurogare on the launch and follow-up of the entire public procurement process for the reconstruction of the railway station in Mons.
Le RGPD peut empĂȘcher les opĂ©rateurs Ă©conomiques de certains pays tiers Ă lâUE de participer Ă lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics des adjudicateurs belges Le RGPD peut empĂȘcher les opĂ©rateurs Ă©conomiques de certains pays tiers Ă lâUnion europĂ©enne de participer Ă lâexĂ©cution des marchĂ©s publics des adjudicateurs belges.
Stibbe advises Immo Coronmeusse Stibbe advised Immo Coronmeusse on the public procurement of redevelopment and reconstruction works of the Coronmeuse site in LiĂšge.
Stibbe advises PMV Stibbe assisted Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen (PMV) on the construction of a new 'VAC' (Flemish Administrative Centre) in Brussels.
Stibbe advises FEDICT Stibbe assisted FEDICT with the drafting of a contract and negotiation of that contract and related service level agreements with Belgacom and Zetes for the delivery of electronic identity cards.
Part two - GDPR and Public Law: Data protection in public procurement Nearly a year after the GDPR took effect, questions have emerged about its interaction with public law. This three-part blog series "GDPR and Public Law" explores three key issues regarding its impact on public law and government.
Juge des cessations incompĂ©tent en cas de contournement des instances de recours spĂ©cifiques dans une lĂ©gislation particuliĂšre Dans son arrĂȘt du 17 octobre 2018, la Cour dâappel de Bruxelles a fixĂ© une limite importante Ă la possibilitĂ© dĂ©bridĂ©e dâintroduire des actions en cessation.