79 results Court of Appeal overturns first instance judgment and establishes that several prestressing steel producers are liable for the potential loss alleged by Deutsche Bahn The Court of Appeal of 's-Hertogenbosch ruled that several producers of prestressing steel are jointly and severally liable for potential loss that Deutsche Bahn may have suffered as a result of an infringement of competition law rules. District Court ruled on the recognition of the res judicata effect of a Turkish judgment and dismissed an antitrust follow on damages claim regarding the cathode-ray tube markets The District Court of Oost-Brabant recognized the res judicata effect of a Turkish court of appeal judgment, in which the Turkish court had dismissed antitrust damages claims brought by Vestel against Philips, Samsung, LGE, Technicolor, TTD and TDP. Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten. Structural sustainability cannot be enforced through liability In her inaugural lecture at Leiden University on 22 March, Branda Katan spoke about enforcing sustainability through liability. The number of civil cases against companies is expected to increase in the coming years. De valkuil van Funda In mijn vriendenkring zitten inmiddels best wat woningzoekers. Zij hebben de ambitie – al wordt het steeds moeilijker – de huizenmarkt te betreden. To what extent does the WAMCA procedure allow for collective actions for damages due to breaches of the GDPR? Whether it is possible to claim collective damages for an alleged breach of the GDPR by means of WAMCA proceedings has been a recent question within the mass damages practice. What information on this topic can be found in legislation, case law and litera In hoeverre leent de WAMCA-procedure zich voor massaschadeclaims op grond van de AVG? Binnen de massaschadepraktijk speelt al langer de vraag in hoeverre het mogelijk is om middels een WAMCA-procedure schadevergoeding te vorderen voor een vermeende inbreuk op de AVG. The new sustainability advertising code: lessons from one year of review by the advertising code committee In the first year since the SAC came into force there have been 22 rulings by the ACC and the AT in which an advertisement has been tested against the SAC. This blog addresses the lessons that can be drawn from an analysis of these rulings. De nieuwe duurzaamheidsreclamecode: lessen voor de praktijk uit een jaar toetsing door de Reclame Code Commissie In het eerste jaar sinds de inwerkingtreding van de Code voor Duurzaamheidsreclame zijn er 22 uitspraken geweest van de Reclame Code Commissie en het College van Beroep waarin een reclame-uiting aan de CDR is getoetst. Dit blog bevat een analyse. Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference 2024 The Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference took place on 25 June. The take aways on the two main topics Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching and Climate Litigation can be found in a freely accessible one-pager. Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres 2024 Op 25 juni vond het Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres plaats. De take aways van de twee hoofdonderwerpen Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching en Climate Litigation zijn te vinden in een vrij toegankelijke onepager. Breaking off negotiations: does unjust enrichment lead to liability for damages? The Dutch Supreme Court rendered a decision on 14 June 2024 that sheds light on the standards for a party’s obligation to reimburse the other party’s costs when breaking off negotiations. Noot bij de uitspraak van de Hoge Raad van 16 februari 2024 De Hoge Raad over de vrijheid van uittreding bij een coöperatie (JOR 2024/132), met noot van Manon Cremers Contractual clauses prohibiting the transferability or pledgeability of business claims could become void in the near future We discuss a draft bill to declare contractual clauses limiting the transferability and/or pledgeability of claims in business relations void, and call upon the Dutch Senate to reconsider at least its applicability to existing contracts. Stibbe contributes to Chambers ESG Guide 2024 The year 2024 has been notable for developments in ESG. Climate cases, impactful new laws and regulations, and geopolitical developments have shaped – or will largely shape – companies' choices. Stibbe has been a key contributor to the Chambers ESG Guide. Limitation in case of a deliberately hidden claim Dutch law provides for an extension of the limitation period in relation to claims that were “deliberately hidden” from the creditor (article 3:321 (f) Dutch Civil Code). Stibbe in Amsterdam answers questions from consumers, small business foundations and NGOs about the coronavirus [updated] In a special Q&A, lawyers from our Amsterdam office share their legal expertise and strive to provide answers to questions put to us by consumers, self-employed persons, enterprises large and small, foundations and NGOs as a result of the corona crisis. Impact van de coronacrisis op ICT-overeenkomsten De uitbraak van het coronavirus heeft gevolgen voor de gang van zaken binnen iedere organisatie. Mogelijk ook op uw contracten met leveranciers of juist afnemers van ICT. Het onderstaande overzicht bevat aandachtspunten voor het bepalen van uw positie ten Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page
Court of Appeal overturns first instance judgment and establishes that several prestressing steel producers are liable for the potential loss alleged by Deutsche Bahn The Court of Appeal of 's-Hertogenbosch ruled that several producers of prestressing steel are jointly and severally liable for potential loss that Deutsche Bahn may have suffered as a result of an infringement of competition law rules.
District Court ruled on the recognition of the res judicata effect of a Turkish judgment and dismissed an antitrust follow on damages claim regarding the cathode-ray tube markets The District Court of Oost-Brabant recognized the res judicata effect of a Turkish court of appeal judgment, in which the Turkish court had dismissed antitrust damages claims brought by Vestel against Philips, Samsung, LGE, Technicolor, TTD and TDP.
Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten.
Structural sustainability cannot be enforced through liability In her inaugural lecture at Leiden University on 22 March, Branda Katan spoke about enforcing sustainability through liability. The number of civil cases against companies is expected to increase in the coming years.
De valkuil van Funda In mijn vriendenkring zitten inmiddels best wat woningzoekers. Zij hebben de ambitie – al wordt het steeds moeilijker – de huizenmarkt te betreden.
To what extent does the WAMCA procedure allow for collective actions for damages due to breaches of the GDPR? Whether it is possible to claim collective damages for an alleged breach of the GDPR by means of WAMCA proceedings has been a recent question within the mass damages practice. What information on this topic can be found in legislation, case law and litera
In hoeverre leent de WAMCA-procedure zich voor massaschadeclaims op grond van de AVG? Binnen de massaschadepraktijk speelt al langer de vraag in hoeverre het mogelijk is om middels een WAMCA-procedure schadevergoeding te vorderen voor een vermeende inbreuk op de AVG.
The new sustainability advertising code: lessons from one year of review by the advertising code committee In the first year since the SAC came into force there have been 22 rulings by the ACC and the AT in which an advertisement has been tested against the SAC. This blog addresses the lessons that can be drawn from an analysis of these rulings.
De nieuwe duurzaamheidsreclamecode: lessen voor de praktijk uit een jaar toetsing door de Reclame Code Commissie In het eerste jaar sinds de inwerkingtreding van de Code voor Duurzaamheidsreclame zijn er 22 uitspraken geweest van de Reclame Code Commissie en het College van Beroep waarin een reclame-uiting aan de CDR is getoetst. Dit blog bevat een analyse.
Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference 2024 The Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference took place on 25 June. The take aways on the two main topics Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching and Climate Litigation can be found in a freely accessible one-pager.
Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres 2024 Op 25 juni vond het Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres plaats. De take aways van de twee hoofdonderwerpen Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching en Climate Litigation zijn te vinden in een vrij toegankelijke onepager.
Breaking off negotiations: does unjust enrichment lead to liability for damages? The Dutch Supreme Court rendered a decision on 14 June 2024 that sheds light on the standards for a party’s obligation to reimburse the other party’s costs when breaking off negotiations.
Noot bij de uitspraak van de Hoge Raad van 16 februari 2024 De Hoge Raad over de vrijheid van uittreding bij een coöperatie (JOR 2024/132), met noot van Manon Cremers
Contractual clauses prohibiting the transferability or pledgeability of business claims could become void in the near future We discuss a draft bill to declare contractual clauses limiting the transferability and/or pledgeability of claims in business relations void, and call upon the Dutch Senate to reconsider at least its applicability to existing contracts.
Stibbe contributes to Chambers ESG Guide 2024 The year 2024 has been notable for developments in ESG. Climate cases, impactful new laws and regulations, and geopolitical developments have shaped – or will largely shape – companies' choices. Stibbe has been a key contributor to the Chambers ESG Guide.
Limitation in case of a deliberately hidden claim Dutch law provides for an extension of the limitation period in relation to claims that were “deliberately hidden” from the creditor (article 3:321 (f) Dutch Civil Code).
Stibbe in Amsterdam answers questions from consumers, small business foundations and NGOs about the coronavirus [updated] In a special Q&A, lawyers from our Amsterdam office share their legal expertise and strive to provide answers to questions put to us by consumers, self-employed persons, enterprises large and small, foundations and NGOs as a result of the corona crisis.
Impact van de coronacrisis op ICT-overeenkomsten De uitbraak van het coronavirus heeft gevolgen voor de gang van zaken binnen iedere organisatie. Mogelijk ook op uw contracten met leveranciers of juist afnemers van ICT. Het onderstaande overzicht bevat aandachtspunten voor het bepalen van uw positie ten