Publications & Insights

Power plant energy
NL Law

No reduction order for Shell on appeal: what does this mean?

Shell climate case on appeal: no CO2 reduction order. What does this mean for the future? And for other companies?

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Office table with a phone, tablet and laptop
NL Law
EU Law

Consumer law and online ‘order buttons’: Supreme Court takes strict approach with far-reaching consequences

The Supreme Court ruled in two cases on the (in)clarity of the text on an order button for online purchases: several buttons did not make it sufficiently clear to consumers that they were entering into a payment obligation.

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Freeway cars wind energy
BE Law

Het Vlaams Regeerakkoord: impact op het bestuursrecht

De Vlaamse Regering heeft in haar regeerakkoord een reeks belangrijke beleidsdoelstellingen vastgelegd. Ontdek in deze blogpost de hoogtepunten van wat de Vlaamse Regering de komende vijf jaar op bestuursrechtelijk vlak wil veranderen.

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European flags waving in front of the European Parliament in Brussels
EU Law

Google Shopping: self-preferencing can be abusive

The European Court of Justice has confirmed that Google abused its dominance by favouring its own shopping comparison service and demoting competing ones. However, not all favouritism is doomed.

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Nederland Raad van State


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