597 results ECJ ruling on Dutch CIT Fiscal Unity prompts legislative action In this Tax Alert we will address the anxiously awaited ruling of the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") on the joined cases C-398/16 and C-399/16. This judgement deals with the question whether EU law obliges the Netherlands to let taxpayers cherry pick b Stibbe advises on the construction of the Drentse Monden and Oostermoer wind farm On 21 February 2018, the Administrative Jurisdiction Department of the Council of State rendered its judgment on the construction of the Drentse Monden and Oostermoer wind farm. The zoning plan and other permits are now irrevocable and the construction of Wet DBA: handhaving opgeschort tot 1 januari 2020, maar verruiming handhaving bij kwaadwillenden Minister Koolmees en staatssecretaris Snel stuurden vrijdag 9 februari jl. de aangekondigde brief aan de Tweede Kamer met daarin een schets hoe het kabinet denkt te komen tot wetgeving die de Wet Deregulering Beoordeling Arbeidsrelaties zal vervangen. General market studies are insufficient proof to establish dominance, two Dutch District Courts rule In two recently published Dutch District Court judgments, the high evidentiary standard for invoking competition law arguments in civil proceedings was confirmed. Legislative proposal on changes to the Dutch CIT fiscal unity made public On 22 February 2018 the European Court of Justice ('ECJ') decided on two cases (C-398/16 and C-399/16), which are relevant for purposes of the 'per-element-approach' concerning the Dutch corporate income tax ('CIT') fiscal unity regime. To mitigate the (n Het arbeidsrecht moet op de schop Voor het arbeidsrecht zijn het tegenwoordig spannende tijden. De arbeidsmarkt is sterk in ontwikkeling als gevolg van fenomenen zoals flexibilisering en digitalisering. Stibbe lanceert informatiepagina over de Wab op website Nieuw ontslagrecht Op 9 april 2018 werd het Concept wetsvoorstel arbeidsmarkt in balans (de Wab) in consultatie gebracht. Hiermee zet het kabinet de eerste stap naar invoering van de plannen uit het Regeerakkoord 2017-2021. Opvolgend werkgeverschap in de Ontslagregeling en de banden met het BW Opvolgend werkgeverschap komt op verschillende plekken in de wet voor. Sommige van deze bepalingen zijn op 1 juli 2015 met de Wet werk en zekerheid (Wwz) in het BW terechtgekomen, maar kregen zogeheten 'onmiddellijke werking'. Rotterdam District Court quashes cartel fines imposed by the ACM on cold storage operators On 12 April 2018, the District Court of Rotterdam quashed four fines imposed by the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) on cold storage operators and their respective directors for violating the cartel prohibition. European Commission imposes record fine on Altice for premature implementation of PT Portugal acquisition On 24 April 2018, the European Commission announced that it had imposed a fine of EUR 124.5 million on Altice for acquiring control of PT Portugal before clearance by the Commission ('gun-jumping'). Dutch Under-Minister of Finance clarifies expected changes to the Dutch CIT fiscal unity regime In his letter (the “Letter”) of 20 April 2018 the Dutch Under-Minister of Finance has answered questions raised by a member of the Second Chamber of Parliament regarding the Dutch corporate income tax (“CIT”) fiscal unity regime. De Raad van State verduidelijkt het gebruik van de beoordelingsmethodiek door de aanbestedende dienst De RvS verduidelijkt het gebruik van de beoordelingsmethode bij opdrachten die worden gegund obv meerdere gunningscriteria. Zo is vereist dat de beoordelingsmethode voor de opening van de offertes wordt vastgesteld. Seminar 'Sustainable Finance: how do we finance our way to green?' Stibbe will be hosting a live seminar on Thursday 18 November (NL) and an online webinar on Monday 22 November (ENG) on 'Sustainable Finance: how do we finance our way to green?'. Pieter Schütte co-chairs 7th Annual Corporate Governance Conference On 2 & 3 December the IBA will be hosting the 7th Annual Corporate Governance Conference in Frankfurt. Pieter Schütte will co-chair the two-day conference. Astrid Helstone will co-chair a panel discussion on ‘Employee Representation'. Webinar: Focus on pathological clauses and collaborative law On 21 June 2021, Stibbe partners Nicolas Résimont and Oliver Stevens host a webinar on pathological clauses and collaborative law for the members of the Practice Group Effective Dispute Resolution of IBJ/IJE. Webinar: Organisatie van de AVA 2021 - What's new? On Tuesday 16 March, Stibbe, ABN AMRO and Computershare will host the webinar: 'Organisatie van de AVA 2021 - What's new?' Webinar: Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era On 24-26 March 2021, Brussels TMT partner Erik Valgaeren will address the topic 'Managing personal data breach in a complex international scenarios' during ERA's online conference 'Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era'. Webinar: The next generation of international data transfers On 18 March 2021, Erik Valgaeren, Carolien Michielsen and Jan Joos host a webinar on 'The next generation of international data transfers' organised by DPO-pro. Pagination Previous page Page 23 Current page 24 Page 25 Page 26 Next page
ECJ ruling on Dutch CIT Fiscal Unity prompts legislative action In this Tax Alert we will address the anxiously awaited ruling of the European Court of Justice ("ECJ") on the joined cases C-398/16 and C-399/16. This judgement deals with the question whether EU law obliges the Netherlands to let taxpayers cherry pick b
Stibbe advises on the construction of the Drentse Monden and Oostermoer wind farm On 21 February 2018, the Administrative Jurisdiction Department of the Council of State rendered its judgment on the construction of the Drentse Monden and Oostermoer wind farm. The zoning plan and other permits are now irrevocable and the construction of
Wet DBA: handhaving opgeschort tot 1 januari 2020, maar verruiming handhaving bij kwaadwillenden Minister Koolmees en staatssecretaris Snel stuurden vrijdag 9 februari jl. de aangekondigde brief aan de Tweede Kamer met daarin een schets hoe het kabinet denkt te komen tot wetgeving die de Wet Deregulering Beoordeling Arbeidsrelaties zal vervangen.
General market studies are insufficient proof to establish dominance, two Dutch District Courts rule In two recently published Dutch District Court judgments, the high evidentiary standard for invoking competition law arguments in civil proceedings was confirmed.
Legislative proposal on changes to the Dutch CIT fiscal unity made public On 22 February 2018 the European Court of Justice ('ECJ') decided on two cases (C-398/16 and C-399/16), which are relevant for purposes of the 'per-element-approach' concerning the Dutch corporate income tax ('CIT') fiscal unity regime. To mitigate the (n
Het arbeidsrecht moet op de schop Voor het arbeidsrecht zijn het tegenwoordig spannende tijden. De arbeidsmarkt is sterk in ontwikkeling als gevolg van fenomenen zoals flexibilisering en digitalisering.
Stibbe lanceert informatiepagina over de Wab op website Nieuw ontslagrecht Op 9 april 2018 werd het Concept wetsvoorstel arbeidsmarkt in balans (de Wab) in consultatie gebracht. Hiermee zet het kabinet de eerste stap naar invoering van de plannen uit het Regeerakkoord 2017-2021.
Opvolgend werkgeverschap in de Ontslagregeling en de banden met het BW Opvolgend werkgeverschap komt op verschillende plekken in de wet voor. Sommige van deze bepalingen zijn op 1 juli 2015 met de Wet werk en zekerheid (Wwz) in het BW terechtgekomen, maar kregen zogeheten 'onmiddellijke werking'.
Rotterdam District Court quashes cartel fines imposed by the ACM on cold storage operators On 12 April 2018, the District Court of Rotterdam quashed four fines imposed by the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) on cold storage operators and their respective directors for violating the cartel prohibition.
European Commission imposes record fine on Altice for premature implementation of PT Portugal acquisition On 24 April 2018, the European Commission announced that it had imposed a fine of EUR 124.5 million on Altice for acquiring control of PT Portugal before clearance by the Commission ('gun-jumping').
Dutch Under-Minister of Finance clarifies expected changes to the Dutch CIT fiscal unity regime In his letter (the “Letter”) of 20 April 2018 the Dutch Under-Minister of Finance has answered questions raised by a member of the Second Chamber of Parliament regarding the Dutch corporate income tax (“CIT”) fiscal unity regime.
De Raad van State verduidelijkt het gebruik van de beoordelingsmethodiek door de aanbestedende dienst De RvS verduidelijkt het gebruik van de beoordelingsmethode bij opdrachten die worden gegund obv meerdere gunningscriteria. Zo is vereist dat de beoordelingsmethode voor de opening van de offertes wordt vastgesteld.
Seminar 'Sustainable Finance: how do we finance our way to green?' Stibbe will be hosting a live seminar on Thursday 18 November (NL) and an online webinar on Monday 22 November (ENG) on 'Sustainable Finance: how do we finance our way to green?'.
Pieter Schütte co-chairs 7th Annual Corporate Governance Conference On 2 & 3 December the IBA will be hosting the 7th Annual Corporate Governance Conference in Frankfurt. Pieter Schütte will co-chair the two-day conference. Astrid Helstone will co-chair a panel discussion on ‘Employee Representation'.
Webinar: Focus on pathological clauses and collaborative law On 21 June 2021, Stibbe partners Nicolas Résimont and Oliver Stevens host a webinar on pathological clauses and collaborative law for the members of the Practice Group Effective Dispute Resolution of IBJ/IJE.
Webinar: Organisatie van de AVA 2021 - What's new? On Tuesday 16 March, Stibbe, ABN AMRO and Computershare will host the webinar: 'Organisatie van de AVA 2021 - What's new?'
Webinar: Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era On 24-26 March 2021, Brussels TMT partner Erik Valgaeren will address the topic 'Managing personal data breach in a complex international scenarios' during ERA's online conference 'Responding to Personal Data Breaches in the Post-GDPR era'.
Webinar: The next generation of international data transfers On 18 March 2021, Erik Valgaeren, Carolien Michielsen and Jan Joos host a webinar on 'The next generation of international data transfers' organised by DPO-pro.