187 results Vijftien jaar oude verkavelingen: het bos en de bomen In 2017 werd het mogelijk om verkavelingen van meer dan 15 jaar grotendeels buitenspel te zetten. Een verzameldecreet van 26 april 2019 herstelt deze oude verkavelingen deels in ere. Blijkbaar hebben zij toch nog enig nut. Updated FAQ clarifies that listed companies do not have to register their UBO in Belgium The Belgian AML Act does not provide an exemption for listed companies regarding the registration of their UBO. According to a recently updated government FAQ, however, listed companies do not have to register their UBO. Les baux pour les magasins pop-up bénéficient désormais d’une législation spécifique à Bruxelles La Région bruxelloise a instauré un cadre législatif pour les baux commerciaux consentis pour une durée maximale d’un an et lève, ainsi, l’incertitude qui planait sur les commerces éphémères. Companies unprepared for increasing cyber risks Companies increasingly face cybercrime incidents. Stibbe offers tailor-made solutions. Stibbe advises Eni Stibbe advised Italian energy company Eni onthe sale of Eni Gas & Power NV/SA to Dutch utility company Eneco. Stibbe advises Wind aan de Stroom Stibbe advised Wind aan de Stroom and Triodos on a project finance package for the development of the extension of its wind farm on the Antwerp left bank with five extra wind turbines. Getting the Deal Through - Private M&A 2023: The BeNeLux chapters A team of Stibbe lawyers from our Brussels, Luxembourg and Amsterdam offices have authored the BeNeLux sections of the Private M&A 2023 chapters published by Lexology Getting the Deal Through. Belgian Court of Cassation balances right to privacy with right to information In a recent judgement of 18 October 2022, the Belgian Court of Cassation has weighed the fundamental right to privacy against the equally fundamental right to information and freedom of expression. Extended access to electronic data for the Belgian Competition Authority The Belgian legislator has amended some competition law provisions in Book IV Code of Economic law. The new provision on access to data of electronic communications operators endows the Belgian Competition Authority with new investigation powers. Stibbe advises Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij Stibbe successfully assisted Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij on the development of the new greenfield “Kristal Solar Park”. Stibbe wins Mergermarket ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award During the European M&A Awards 2018 in London organised by Mergermarket, Stibbe received the ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award. Following a review of all pitches and M&A league table data the judges selected Stibbe as the winner for the Benelu Stibbe continues to support law incubator project IusStart in new academic year Stibbe, in cooperation with IusStart (KU Leuven), has supported promising start-ups for many years now by drawing their attention to potential legal obstacles in the field of general commercial law and IP and IT law. This new academic year is no exception Stibbe named Belgium and Netherlands Law Firm of the Year 2018 at Chambers Europe Awards At the Chambers Europe Awards 2018 in Madrid on Friday 20 April, Benelux law firm Stibbe was selected as Law Firm of the Year in both Belgium and the Netherlands. Stibbe benoemd tot Belgium en Netherlands Law Firm of the Year 2018 bij Chambers Europe Awards Tijdens de Chambers Europe Awards op vrijdag 20 april in Madrid werd het Benelux-advocatenkantoor Stibbe verkozen tot Belgium Law Firm of the Year en Netherlands Law Firm of the Year. Conference: Erik Valgaeren speaks on Algorithmic Criminal Justice at Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference Erik Valgaeren, TMT partner at Stibbe in Brussels, speaks about Algorithmic Criminal Justice at the 14th edition of the annual Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference taking place from 27-29 January 2021 in Brussels. Webinar: Intellectual Property Rights and Insolvency Proceedings Agoria, Belgium’s largest sectorial employers’ federation of technology driven companies, patent office V.O. and Stibbe jointly organise a webinar on the main aspects of insolvency proceedings and their impact on intellectual property rights. Charlotte Conings speaks on cybercrime and cyberprocedure during a seminar organised by KU Leuven Stibbe's litigation associate, Charlotte Conings, speaks on access to and use of digital evidence in criminal proceedings during a seminar organised by the Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) and the Institute for Criminal law of KU Leuven. Erik Valgaeren speaks about the legal perspective for industrial data during a webinar organised by Beltug On 21 October 2020, Beltug, the Belgian Association of Digital Technology Leaders, organises a virtual meeting on the use of data. Pagination Previous page Page 7 Current page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Next page
Vijftien jaar oude verkavelingen: het bos en de bomen In 2017 werd het mogelijk om verkavelingen van meer dan 15 jaar grotendeels buitenspel te zetten. Een verzameldecreet van 26 april 2019 herstelt deze oude verkavelingen deels in ere. Blijkbaar hebben zij toch nog enig nut.
Updated FAQ clarifies that listed companies do not have to register their UBO in Belgium The Belgian AML Act does not provide an exemption for listed companies regarding the registration of their UBO. According to a recently updated government FAQ, however, listed companies do not have to register their UBO.
Les baux pour les magasins pop-up bénéficient désormais d’une législation spécifique à Bruxelles La Région bruxelloise a instauré un cadre législatif pour les baux commerciaux consentis pour une durée maximale d’un an et lève, ainsi, l’incertitude qui planait sur les commerces éphémères.
Companies unprepared for increasing cyber risks Companies increasingly face cybercrime incidents. Stibbe offers tailor-made solutions.
Stibbe advises Eni Stibbe advised Italian energy company Eni onthe sale of Eni Gas & Power NV/SA to Dutch utility company Eneco.
Stibbe advises Wind aan de Stroom Stibbe advised Wind aan de Stroom and Triodos on a project finance package for the development of the extension of its wind farm on the Antwerp left bank with five extra wind turbines.
Getting the Deal Through - Private M&A 2023: The BeNeLux chapters A team of Stibbe lawyers from our Brussels, Luxembourg and Amsterdam offices have authored the BeNeLux sections of the Private M&A 2023 chapters published by Lexology Getting the Deal Through.
Belgian Court of Cassation balances right to privacy with right to information In a recent judgement of 18 October 2022, the Belgian Court of Cassation has weighed the fundamental right to privacy against the equally fundamental right to information and freedom of expression.
Extended access to electronic data for the Belgian Competition Authority The Belgian legislator has amended some competition law provisions in Book IV Code of Economic law. The new provision on access to data of electronic communications operators endows the Belgian Competition Authority with new investigation powers.
Stibbe advises Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij Stibbe successfully assisted Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij on the development of the new greenfield “Kristal Solar Park”.
Stibbe wins Mergermarket ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award During the European M&A Awards 2018 in London organised by Mergermarket, Stibbe received the ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award. Following a review of all pitches and M&A league table data the judges selected Stibbe as the winner for the Benelu
Stibbe continues to support law incubator project IusStart in new academic year Stibbe, in cooperation with IusStart (KU Leuven), has supported promising start-ups for many years now by drawing their attention to potential legal obstacles in the field of general commercial law and IP and IT law. This new academic year is no exception
Stibbe named Belgium and Netherlands Law Firm of the Year 2018 at Chambers Europe Awards At the Chambers Europe Awards 2018 in Madrid on Friday 20 April, Benelux law firm Stibbe was selected as Law Firm of the Year in both Belgium and the Netherlands.
Stibbe benoemd tot Belgium en Netherlands Law Firm of the Year 2018 bij Chambers Europe Awards Tijdens de Chambers Europe Awards op vrijdag 20 april in Madrid werd het Benelux-advocatenkantoor Stibbe verkozen tot Belgium Law Firm of the Year en Netherlands Law Firm of the Year.
Conference: Erik Valgaeren speaks on Algorithmic Criminal Justice at Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference Erik Valgaeren, TMT partner at Stibbe in Brussels, speaks about Algorithmic Criminal Justice at the 14th edition of the annual Computers, Privacy and Data Protection Conference taking place from 27-29 January 2021 in Brussels.
Webinar: Intellectual Property Rights and Insolvency Proceedings Agoria, Belgium’s largest sectorial employers’ federation of technology driven companies, patent office V.O. and Stibbe jointly organise a webinar on the main aspects of insolvency proceedings and their impact on intellectual property rights.
Charlotte Conings speaks on cybercrime and cyberprocedure during a seminar organised by KU Leuven Stibbe's litigation associate, Charlotte Conings, speaks on access to and use of digital evidence in criminal proceedings during a seminar organised by the Centre for IT & IP Law (CiTiP) and the Institute for Criminal law of KU Leuven.
Erik Valgaeren speaks about the legal perspective for industrial data during a webinar organised by Beltug On 21 October 2020, Beltug, the Belgian Association of Digital Technology Leaders, organises a virtual meeting on the use of data.