255 results Stibbe advises leading technology solutions provider Stibbe assisted a leading technology solutions provider in a project involving the restructuring and partial acquisition of a Belgian-Luxembourg IT servicing company which provides cross-border IT services to no-longer affiliated financial institutions. Stibbe advises Immo Coronmeusse Stibbe advised Immo Coronmeusse on the public procurement of redevelopment and reconstruction works of the Coronmeuse site in Liège. Stibbe advises private investment fund Stibbe assisted a private investment fund in a litigation case against the American Internal Revenue Service concerning the cross-border leasing of railway material, and the applicability of Belgian law on such a transaction. Stibbe advises leading Belgian telecom operator Stibbe assisted a leading Belgian telecom operator in negotiations with a major European telecom operator on the offering of triple play (internet access, telephony and television) services on the Belgian market. Stibbe advises PMV Stibbe assisted Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen (PMV) on the construction of a new 'VAC' (Flemish Administrative Centre) in Brussels. Stibbe advises Isabel Stibbe advised Isabel, an international banking automation and electronic invoicing services provider, on its business model of trust services and compliance with various regulatory bodies. Stibbe advises FEDICT Stibbe assisted FEDICT with the drafting of a contract and negotiation of that contract and related service level agreements with Belgacom and Zetes for the delivery of electronic identity cards. Legal trend: climate change litigation The Urgenda case against the Dutch government sets a precedent for climate litigation. With similar cases pending, this blog offers updates on climate change litigation. Grondwettelijk Hof vernietigt versoepeling landschappelijk waardevol agrarisch gebied! De Codextrein is niet onbesproken. Reeds een aantal van de bepalingen die werden ingevoerd door de Codextrein stuitten op een ferme "njet" van het Grondwettelijk Hof. European Green Deal: klimaatverandering topprioriteit voor de Europese Commissie De European Green Deal zet klimaatverandering centraal met plannen voor 50% minder emissies tegen 2030, een CO₂-douanetaks, hervorming van het ETS-systeem, oprichting van het Just Transition Fund en groene investeringen via de Europese Investeringsbank. Verklaring van openbaar nut is geen "project" in de zin van de MER-regelgeving In een recent arrest bevestigt de Raad van State dat "verklaringen van openbaar nut" niet onder het begrip "project" uit de project-MER-regelgeving valt. Belgium's Energy & Climate Plan - What is the legislative framework for climate policy in Belgium? Belgium adopts the first version of the National Energy & Climate Plan, which is a compilation of three individual climate plans from each of Belgium’s regions. It contains specific measures aiming to reduce CO2 emissions in Belgium. Stibbe continues to support law incubator project IusStart in new academic year Stibbe continues its involvement in KU Leuven's IusStart, aiding tech start-ups with legal challenges in commercial, IP, and IT law, alongside final-year law students, coaches, and lawyers. Virtual Currency Regulation Law Review - Belgian chapter The 2nd edition of the Virtual Currency Regulation Law Review offers a business-focused analysis of recent legal and regulatory changes, their effects, and insights into upcoming trends in virtual currencies, with a focus on developments in each country. Pratique commerciale agressive : La Cour de Justice clarifie la notion La Cour de justice examine si un professionnel peut imposer un contrat de services télécoms où le consommateur décide en présence d'un coursier. Regelluw experimenteren in de energiesector: een boost voor innovatieve energieprojecten? Sinds 29 april 2019 kunnen de eerste aanvragen tot erkenning als 'regelluwe zone' eindelijk worden ingediend. Het nodige uitvoeringsbesluit werd daartoe op 19 april 2019 gepubliceerd in het Belgisch Staatsblad. Archeologieregelgeving gewijzigd Vanaf 1 april 2019 zijn verschillende bepalingen van de archeologieregelgeving gewijzigd. Vooral de versoepeling van de regels over de archeologienota en een premiestelsel springen daarbij in het oog. Part two - GDPR and Public Law: Data protection in public procurement Nearly a year after the GDPR took effect, questions have emerged about its interaction with public law. This three-part blog series "GDPR and Public Law" explores three key issues regarding its impact on public law and government. Pagination Previous page Page 11 Current page 12 Page 13 Page 14 Next page
Stibbe advises leading technology solutions provider Stibbe assisted a leading technology solutions provider in a project involving the restructuring and partial acquisition of a Belgian-Luxembourg IT servicing company which provides cross-border IT services to no-longer affiliated financial institutions.
Stibbe advises Immo Coronmeusse Stibbe advised Immo Coronmeusse on the public procurement of redevelopment and reconstruction works of the Coronmeuse site in Liège.
Stibbe advises private investment fund Stibbe assisted a private investment fund in a litigation case against the American Internal Revenue Service concerning the cross-border leasing of railway material, and the applicability of Belgian law on such a transaction.
Stibbe advises leading Belgian telecom operator Stibbe assisted a leading Belgian telecom operator in negotiations with a major European telecom operator on the offering of triple play (internet access, telephony and television) services on the Belgian market.
Stibbe advises PMV Stibbe assisted Participatiemaatschappij Vlaanderen (PMV) on the construction of a new 'VAC' (Flemish Administrative Centre) in Brussels.
Stibbe advises Isabel Stibbe advised Isabel, an international banking automation and electronic invoicing services provider, on its business model of trust services and compliance with various regulatory bodies.
Stibbe advises FEDICT Stibbe assisted FEDICT with the drafting of a contract and negotiation of that contract and related service level agreements with Belgacom and Zetes for the delivery of electronic identity cards.
Legal trend: climate change litigation The Urgenda case against the Dutch government sets a precedent for climate litigation. With similar cases pending, this blog offers updates on climate change litigation.
Grondwettelijk Hof vernietigt versoepeling landschappelijk waardevol agrarisch gebied! De Codextrein is niet onbesproken. Reeds een aantal van de bepalingen die werden ingevoerd door de Codextrein stuitten op een ferme "njet" van het Grondwettelijk Hof.
European Green Deal: klimaatverandering topprioriteit voor de Europese Commissie De European Green Deal zet klimaatverandering centraal met plannen voor 50% minder emissies tegen 2030, een COâ‚‚-douanetaks, hervorming van het ETS-systeem, oprichting van het Just Transition Fund en groene investeringen via de Europese Investeringsbank.
Verklaring van openbaar nut is geen "project" in de zin van de MER-regelgeving In een recent arrest bevestigt de Raad van State dat "verklaringen van openbaar nut" niet onder het begrip "project" uit de project-MER-regelgeving valt.
Belgium's Energy & Climate Plan - What is the legislative framework for climate policy in Belgium? Belgium adopts the first version of the National Energy & Climate Plan, which is a compilation of three individual climate plans from each of Belgium’s regions. It contains specific measures aiming to reduce CO2 emissions in Belgium.
Stibbe continues to support law incubator project IusStart in new academic year Stibbe continues its involvement in KU Leuven's IusStart, aiding tech start-ups with legal challenges in commercial, IP, and IT law, alongside final-year law students, coaches, and lawyers.
Virtual Currency Regulation Law Review - Belgian chapter The 2nd edition of the Virtual Currency Regulation Law Review offers a business-focused analysis of recent legal and regulatory changes, their effects, and insights into upcoming trends in virtual currencies, with a focus on developments in each country.
Pratique commerciale agressive : La Cour de Justice clarifie la notion La Cour de justice examine si un professionnel peut imposer un contrat de services télécoms où le consommateur décide en présence d'un coursier.
Regelluw experimenteren in de energiesector: een boost voor innovatieve energieprojecten? Sinds 29 april 2019 kunnen de eerste aanvragen tot erkenning als 'regelluwe zone' eindelijk worden ingediend. Het nodige uitvoeringsbesluit werd daartoe op 19 april 2019 gepubliceerd in het Belgisch Staatsblad.
Archeologieregelgeving gewijzigd Vanaf 1 april 2019 zijn verschillende bepalingen van de archeologieregelgeving gewijzigd. Vooral de versoepeling van de regels over de archeologienota en een premiestelsel springen daarbij in het oog.
Part two - GDPR and Public Law: Data protection in public procurement Nearly a year after the GDPR took effect, questions have emerged about its interaction with public law. This three-part blog series "GDPR and Public Law" explores three key issues regarding its impact on public law and government.