563 results DAC 6 introduced under Luxembourg law On 21 March 2020, the Luxembourg Parliament voted to approve the law implementing the Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 which introduces disclosure obligations for intermediaries and taxpayers of certain reportable cross-border arrangements (the “Law”). Additional Dutch tax measures to provide relief for economic impact corona crisis Further to the measures already announced on 12 March 2020, the Dutch government earlier this week announced additional extraordinary measures (both tax and non-tax related) to mitigate the economic impact of the corona crisis. Below we will summarize som Luxembourg tax measures relieving companies and self-employed individuals impact The Luxembourg Government has announced a series of measures aiming at providing tax relief for companies and self-employed individuals in order to address the adverse economic impact of the Covid-19 crisis. What are the tax consequences of the coronavirus with regard to telework? The impact of the coronavirus is strongly felt in tax matters. The Ruling Commission has set up an accelerated procedure for the ruling requests concerning the lump sum expense allowances with regard to telework. Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc. Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc. Corona Checklist voor (leverings)contracten in de Energie & Industriesector De uitbraak van het coronavirus treft economieën wereldwijd. Veel regeringen nemen maatregelen om de verspreiding van het virus tegen te gaan. Dit leidt in toenemende mate tot leveringsproblemen, stilstand van assemblagelijnen etc. Liste de contrôle ‘Corona’ pour les contrats (de fourniture) dans les secteurs de l'énergie et de l'industrie L'épidémie de coronavirus affecte les économies du monde entier. Des mesures restrictives sont adoptées pour contenir sa propagation, entraînant des pénuries d'approvisionnement et des interruptions de chaînes de montage. Dutch tax measures to provide relief for economic impact corona crisis On 12 March, the Government sent a letter to the lower house of the Dutch parliament setting out a number of measures to mitigate the economic impact of the corona crisis, including a number of tax measures. Below we will provide you with a concise overvi Q&A guidance on revised Dutch tax ruling practice On 25 February 2020, the Dutch tax authorities have published a Q&A regarding the revised Dutch tax ruling practice. Although the Q&A is for information purposes only and no rights can be derived from the document, it provides some helpful guidance. Dutch chapter to Chambers Global Practice Guides Corporate Tax 2020 A tax team of Stibbe has contributed the Dutch chapter of Chambers Global Practice Guides Corporate Tax 2020. Stibbe advises the Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe advised the Belgian Buildings Agency on the financial close of the Dendermonde Prison project. Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State! Fiscale maatregelen tegen klimaatverandering De wereldwijde toegenomen CO2-uitstoot baart veel mensen zorgen, gezien de hoeveelheid (media)aandacht die de klimaatverandering tegenwoordig krijgt. Men is het erover eens dat er een wereldwijde aanpak zal moeten komen om de klimaatverandering tegen te g PSO-verordening in de openbaar vervoerregelgeving: een lex specialis of juist niet? De PSO-verordening brengt sinds de inwerkingtreding op 3 december 2009 het specifieke karakter van het openbaar personenvervoer ten opzichte van andersoortige overheidsopdrachten tot uitdrukking. Dat heeft geleid tot rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie o TenderNed en Klic-viewer: innoveren met overheidsinformatie kan een riskante onderneming zijn Aanbieders van online-diensten en applicaties kunnen niet altijd rekenen op bescherming van hun marktpositie op basis van de staatssteun- en mededingingsregels. Dit blijkt uit een onlangs gewezen uitspraak van de hoogste Unierechter. Stibbe advises Peugeot S.A. A Stibbe team led by Björn van der Klip has advised Peugeot S.A., alongside Bredin Prat and Cravath Swaine & Moore, on its USD 50 billion 50/50 cross-border merger with FCA Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. creating the world’s fourth largest global automoti David Orobio de Castro, Michael Molenaars and Job van Hooff new board Stibbe in Amsterdam As of 1 January 2020, David Orobio de Castro, Michael Molenaars and Job van Hooff will form the new board of Stibbe in Amsterdam. David Orobio de Castro has been on the board of Stibbe since 2016 and succeeds Derk Lemstra as managing partner. After a peri Pagination Previous page Page 8 Current page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Next page
DAC 6 introduced under Luxembourg law On 21 March 2020, the Luxembourg Parliament voted to approve the law implementing the Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 which introduces disclosure obligations for intermediaries and taxpayers of certain reportable cross-border arrangements (the “Law”).
Additional Dutch tax measures to provide relief for economic impact corona crisis Further to the measures already announced on 12 March 2020, the Dutch government earlier this week announced additional extraordinary measures (both tax and non-tax related) to mitigate the economic impact of the corona crisis. Below we will summarize som
Luxembourg tax measures relieving companies and self-employed individuals impact The Luxembourg Government has announced a series of measures aiming at providing tax relief for companies and self-employed individuals in order to address the adverse economic impact of the Covid-19 crisis.
What are the tax consequences of the coronavirus with regard to telework? The impact of the coronavirus is strongly felt in tax matters. The Ruling Commission has set up an accelerated procedure for the ruling requests concerning the lump sum expense allowances with regard to telework.
Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc.
Corona Checklist for (Supply) Contracts in the Energy & Industry Sector The outbreak of the corona virus is affecting economies worldwide. Many governments are taking measures to mitigate the spread of the corona virus. Increasingly, this is leading to supply bottlenecks, assembly line stoppages, etc.
Corona Checklist voor (leverings)contracten in de Energie & Industriesector De uitbraak van het coronavirus treft economieën wereldwijd. Veel regeringen nemen maatregelen om de verspreiding van het virus tegen te gaan. Dit leidt in toenemende mate tot leveringsproblemen, stilstand van assemblagelijnen etc.
Liste de contrôle ‘Corona’ pour les contrats (de fourniture) dans les secteurs de l'énergie et de l'industrie L'épidémie de coronavirus affecte les économies du monde entier. Des mesures restrictives sont adoptées pour contenir sa propagation, entraînant des pénuries d'approvisionnement et des interruptions de chaînes de montage.
Dutch tax measures to provide relief for economic impact corona crisis On 12 March, the Government sent a letter to the lower house of the Dutch parliament setting out a number of measures to mitigate the economic impact of the corona crisis, including a number of tax measures. Below we will provide you with a concise overvi
Q&A guidance on revised Dutch tax ruling practice On 25 February 2020, the Dutch tax authorities have published a Q&A regarding the revised Dutch tax ruling practice. Although the Q&A is for information purposes only and no rights can be derived from the document, it provides some helpful guidance.
Dutch chapter to Chambers Global Practice Guides Corporate Tax 2020 A tax team of Stibbe has contributed the Dutch chapter of Chambers Global Practice Guides Corporate Tax 2020.
Stibbe advises the Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe advised the Belgian Buildings Agency on the financial close of the Dendermonde Prison project.
Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State Onze Nieuwjaarswens: breng het gunningscontentieux overheidsopdrachten en concessies volledig naar de Raad van State!
Fiscale maatregelen tegen klimaatverandering De wereldwijde toegenomen CO2-uitstoot baart veel mensen zorgen, gezien de hoeveelheid (media)aandacht die de klimaatverandering tegenwoordig krijgt. Men is het erover eens dat er een wereldwijde aanpak zal moeten komen om de klimaatverandering tegen te g
PSO-verordening in de openbaar vervoerregelgeving: een lex specialis of juist niet? De PSO-verordening brengt sinds de inwerkingtreding op 3 december 2009 het specifieke karakter van het openbaar personenvervoer ten opzichte van andersoortige overheidsopdrachten tot uitdrukking. Dat heeft geleid tot rechtspraak van het Hof van Justitie o
TenderNed en Klic-viewer: innoveren met overheidsinformatie kan een riskante onderneming zijn Aanbieders van online-diensten en applicaties kunnen niet altijd rekenen op bescherming van hun marktpositie op basis van de staatssteun- en mededingingsregels. Dit blijkt uit een onlangs gewezen uitspraak van de hoogste Unierechter.
Stibbe advises Peugeot S.A. A Stibbe team led by Björn van der Klip has advised Peugeot S.A., alongside Bredin Prat and Cravath Swaine & Moore, on its USD 50 billion 50/50 cross-border merger with FCA Fiat Chrysler Automobiles N.V. creating the world’s fourth largest global automoti
David Orobio de Castro, Michael Molenaars and Job van Hooff new board Stibbe in Amsterdam As of 1 January 2020, David Orobio de Castro, Michael Molenaars and Job van Hooff will form the new board of Stibbe in Amsterdam. David Orobio de Castro has been on the board of Stibbe since 2016 and succeeds Derk Lemstra as managing partner. After a peri