40 results Signaleringsblog week 49: actuele jurisprudentie bestuursrecht en omgevingsrecht In deze blog signaleren wij kort enkele belangwekkende bestuursrechtelijke en omgevingsrechtelijke uitspraken van de afgelopen periode. Netherlands further locked in? Council of State limits internal netting of nitrogen emissions The Council of State has changed its case law on internal and external netting. This has major implications for activities involving nitrogen. In this blog Anna Collignon discusses the new case law. Annalies Outhuijse Associate Amsterdam Construction sector and corona: on the brakes unnecessarily? Here and there throughout the construction sector, the corona crisis appears to be unnecessarily slowing down production. In particular, the process for granting permits has slowed down. Clients are putting certain construction projects on hold, while ten Hydrogen: Consultation by the Dutch regulator (ACM) on the role of group companies of TSOs and DSOs in the Dutch hydrogen market On 30 March 2020, the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy presented the ‘Government strategy on hydrogen’, detailing the government strategy and policy agenda on hydrogen. Proposal to amend European Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) in context of Fit-for-55 One component of the Fit-for-55 climate package is a revision of the European Emissions Trading System (ETS) to allow the ETS to also contribute to the target of 55% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2030 compared to 1990. Paper Dutch Transformation Forum: New value in a new sustainable future Anna Collignon, Marieke Driessen, Valérie van ‘t Lam, Martin In de Braekt and Tom Barkhuysen authored a short paper included in Dutch Transformation Forum’s publication on the road to a sustainable future. Financiële zekerheidsstelling onder het Omgevingsbesluit: de vervuiler betaalt Op 24 november verscheen een consultatieversie ‘Wijziging Omgevingsbesluit verplicht stellen Financiële Zekerheid’ (welke overigens sinds 31 december jl. is gesloten). Navigating Legal Barriers to Mortgaging Energy Installations at Sea – the Case of the North Sea and the Netherlands The Law of the Seabed reviews the most pressing legal questions raised by the use and protection of natural resources on and underneath the world’s seabeds. Waarborgt de Omgevingswet een goed participatieproces zoals bedoeld in de Denkwijzer voor goede participatie? De wetgever hecht grote waarde aan participatie in de Omgevingswet. De wetgever laat echter veel vrijheid aan het bevoegd gezag over de concrete invulling van participatie. The Clean Air Agreement and industry: Dutch government aims to tighten emission requirements On 26 March 2021, the implementation agenda for the Clean Air Agreement was presented to the House of Representatives. This marks the start of a process of concretizing the arrangements for emission reduction, as laid down in the Clean Air Agreement. Climate case Milieudefensie et al. – The Hague District Court orders Shell to reduce CO2 emissions On May 26, 2021, the District Court of The Hague rendered its judgment in the case between Milieudefensie and others against Shell. Participatie en privacyregels: hoe te combineren onder de Omgevingswet? In het stelsel van de Omgevingswet (Ow) is een belangrijke rol bedacht voor participatie bij de totstandkoming van besluiten. Toetsing van aanvragen voor zonneparken in strijd met het beginsel van fair play De gemeente Drimmelen moet opnieuw beslissen op vijf vergunningaanvragen voor de aanleg van zonneparken op diverse locaties in de gemeente. Including scope 3 emissions in environmental impact assessments used in public decision-making In this blog post, we discuss the role that Scope 3 emissions can play in project permitting and environmental impact assessments. We do this in the light of a landmark decision by the UK Supreme Court on 20 June 2024. The European Climate Law explained Co-legislators on the European Climate Law reached a provisional agreement on April 21, 2021. This Climate Law is one of the key elements of the European Green Deal, published by the European Commission in December 2019. The impact of the Division’s PAN decision on the permissibility of nitrogen relevant activities? On 29 May 2019, in a long-awaited decision, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State (the “Division”) held that the Programmatic Approach to Nitrogen (“PAN”) was adopted in contravention of the Habitats Directive. Salinization: Do lawyers have a role? Salinization of land and water is increasing worldwide due to climate change alongside poor water and land management, and the effects are becoming more visible; threats to agriculture, the environment, and drinking water. Pagination Previous page Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Next page
Signaleringsblog week 49: actuele jurisprudentie bestuursrecht en omgevingsrecht In deze blog signaleren wij kort enkele belangwekkende bestuursrechtelijke en omgevingsrechtelijke uitspraken van de afgelopen periode.
Netherlands further locked in? Council of State limits internal netting of nitrogen emissions The Council of State has changed its case law on internal and external netting. This has major implications for activities involving nitrogen. In this blog Anna Collignon discusses the new case law.
Construction sector and corona: on the brakes unnecessarily? Here and there throughout the construction sector, the corona crisis appears to be unnecessarily slowing down production. In particular, the process for granting permits has slowed down. Clients are putting certain construction projects on hold, while ten
Hydrogen: Consultation by the Dutch regulator (ACM) on the role of group companies of TSOs and DSOs in the Dutch hydrogen market On 30 March 2020, the Dutch Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy presented the ‘Government strategy on hydrogen’, detailing the government strategy and policy agenda on hydrogen.
Proposal to amend European Emission Trading Scheme (ETS) in context of Fit-for-55 One component of the Fit-for-55 climate package is a revision of the European Emissions Trading System (ETS) to allow the ETS to also contribute to the target of 55% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2030 compared to 1990.
Paper Dutch Transformation Forum: New value in a new sustainable future Anna Collignon, Marieke Driessen, Valérie van ‘t Lam, Martin In de Braekt and Tom Barkhuysen authored a short paper included in Dutch Transformation Forum’s publication on the road to a sustainable future.
Financiële zekerheidsstelling onder het Omgevingsbesluit: de vervuiler betaalt Op 24 november verscheen een consultatieversie ‘Wijziging Omgevingsbesluit verplicht stellen Financiële Zekerheid’ (welke overigens sinds 31 december jl. is gesloten).
Navigating Legal Barriers to Mortgaging Energy Installations at Sea – the Case of the North Sea and the Netherlands The Law of the Seabed reviews the most pressing legal questions raised by the use and protection of natural resources on and underneath the world’s seabeds.
Waarborgt de Omgevingswet een goed participatieproces zoals bedoeld in de Denkwijzer voor goede participatie? De wetgever hecht grote waarde aan participatie in de Omgevingswet. De wetgever laat echter veel vrijheid aan het bevoegd gezag over de concrete invulling van participatie.
The Clean Air Agreement and industry: Dutch government aims to tighten emission requirements On 26 March 2021, the implementation agenda for the Clean Air Agreement was presented to the House of Representatives. This marks the start of a process of concretizing the arrangements for emission reduction, as laid down in the Clean Air Agreement.
Climate case Milieudefensie et al. – The Hague District Court orders Shell to reduce CO2 emissions On May 26, 2021, the District Court of The Hague rendered its judgment in the case between Milieudefensie and others against Shell.
Participatie en privacyregels: hoe te combineren onder de Omgevingswet? In het stelsel van de Omgevingswet (Ow) is een belangrijke rol bedacht voor participatie bij de totstandkoming van besluiten.
Toetsing van aanvragen voor zonneparken in strijd met het beginsel van fair play De gemeente Drimmelen moet opnieuw beslissen op vijf vergunningaanvragen voor de aanleg van zonneparken op diverse locaties in de gemeente.
Including scope 3 emissions in environmental impact assessments used in public decision-making In this blog post, we discuss the role that Scope 3 emissions can play in project permitting and environmental impact assessments. We do this in the light of a landmark decision by the UK Supreme Court on 20 June 2024.
The European Climate Law explained Co-legislators on the European Climate Law reached a provisional agreement on April 21, 2021. This Climate Law is one of the key elements of the European Green Deal, published by the European Commission in December 2019.
The impact of the Division’s PAN decision on the permissibility of nitrogen relevant activities? On 29 May 2019, in a long-awaited decision, the Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State (the “Division”) held that the Programmatic Approach to Nitrogen (“PAN”) was adopted in contravention of the Habitats Directive.
Salinization: Do lawyers have a role? Salinization of land and water is increasing worldwide due to climate change alongside poor water and land management, and the effects are becoming more visible; threats to agriculture, the environment, and drinking water.