82 results Equity Capital Markets Insights Guide 2024 The Stibbe Equity Capital Markets (ECM) Insights Guide 2024 offers an overview of recent developments in the equity capital markets in the Netherlands, highlighting the key trends and legal developments. EU Listing Act enters into force 4 December 2024 The EU Listing Act, which includes updates to the Prospectus Regulation, Market Abuse Regulation, Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation, and to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, has been published on 14 November 2024. Listing Act: Expanded exemptions for managers to trade during closed periods In October 2024, the European Council adopted the EU Listing Act, a legislative package that includes changes to the Market Abuse Regulation. We discuss the expanded exemptions to the prohibition of PDMRs carrying out transactions during a closed period. Rogier Raas Partner Amsterdam Marieke Driessen Partner Amsterdam Pieter Nobels Partner Brussels GĆ©rald Origer Partner Luxembourg Jan Peeters Partner Brussels Nicolas Pradel Senior Associate Luxembourg Niek Groenendijk Senior Associate Amsterdam Biodiversiteitsverlies leidt tot financiĆ«le risicoās De afname van biodiversiteit staat net als klimaatverandering hoog op de agenda in de financiĆ«le sector, omdat dit kan leiden tot financiĆ«le risicoās. De Tijdelijke wet COVID-19 Justitie en Veiligheid Het Nederland van twee maanden geleden is niet het Nederland van nu. Vanwege de uitbraak van het coronavirus en de bestrijding daarvan heeft het Nederlandse kabinet diverse overheidsmaatregelen opgelegd om de volksgezondheid en de economie te beschermen. Corona-special Sinds de uitbraak van het coronavirus als veroorzaker van de ziekte COVID-19 lijkt alles anders. Tijdens zijn persconferentie op 31 maart jongstleden verwoordde minister-president Rutte dat door de huidige crisis, als gevolg van de uitbraak van het corona Eumedion: wetsvoorstel vrouwenquotum gaat niet ver genoeg Eumedion, belangenbehartiger van institutionele beleggers zoals pensioenfondsen, vindt het een gemiste kans dat beursgenoteerde vennootschappen niet meer hoeven te streven naar minimaal 30% vrouwelijke bestuurders. Commission adopts banking package in response to COVID-19 pandemic The European Commission adopts a banking package to bolster lending amid COVID-19, urging banks to utilize EU frameworks fully. It includes Interpretative Communication and "quick fix" amendments to banking rules. A digital counterpart to cash? DNBās findings Central banks, the IMF and various other organisations have been conducting research for several years with respect to a safer way to deposit money than exclusively with commercial banks, and the role of central banks in this respect. Tapping the Equity Capital Markets in Times of Economic Uncertainty This short note discusses a few thoughts for Dutch issuers that are considering a capital raise in order to strengthen their balance sheet, with or without the need to publish a prospectus. Although the markets for equity issuances are currently by and la ESG: European Commission consults on Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy While battling the COVID-19 outbreak, the European Commission does not lose sight of the long-term objective to fully embed sustainability in the financial services landscape. Pagination Previous page Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page
Equity Capital Markets Insights Guide 2024 The Stibbe Equity Capital Markets (ECM) Insights Guide 2024 offers an overview of recent developments in the equity capital markets in the Netherlands, highlighting the key trends and legal developments.
EU Listing Act enters into force 4 December 2024 The EU Listing Act, which includes updates to the Prospectus Regulation, Market Abuse Regulation, Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation, and to the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive, has been published on 14 November 2024.
Listing Act: Expanded exemptions for managers to trade during closed periods In October 2024, the European Council adopted the EU Listing Act, a legislative package that includes changes to the Market Abuse Regulation. We discuss the expanded exemptions to the prohibition of PDMRs carrying out transactions during a closed period.
Biodiversiteitsverlies leidt tot financiĆ«le risicoās De afname van biodiversiteit staat net als klimaatverandering hoog op de agenda in de financiĆ«le sector, omdat dit kan leiden tot financiĆ«le risicoās.
De Tijdelijke wet COVID-19 Justitie en Veiligheid Het Nederland van twee maanden geleden is niet het Nederland van nu. Vanwege de uitbraak van het coronavirus en de bestrijding daarvan heeft het Nederlandse kabinet diverse overheidsmaatregelen opgelegd om de volksgezondheid en de economie te beschermen.
Corona-special Sinds de uitbraak van het coronavirus als veroorzaker van de ziekte COVID-19 lijkt alles anders. Tijdens zijn persconferentie op 31 maart jongstleden verwoordde minister-president Rutte dat door de huidige crisis, als gevolg van de uitbraak van het corona
Eumedion: wetsvoorstel vrouwenquotum gaat niet ver genoeg Eumedion, belangenbehartiger van institutionele beleggers zoals pensioenfondsen, vindt het een gemiste kans dat beursgenoteerde vennootschappen niet meer hoeven te streven naar minimaal 30% vrouwelijke bestuurders.
Commission adopts banking package in response to COVID-19 pandemic The European Commission adopts a banking package to bolster lending amid COVID-19, urging banks to utilize EU frameworks fully. It includes Interpretative Communication and "quick fix" amendments to banking rules.
A digital counterpart to cash? DNBās findings Central banks, the IMF and various other organisations have been conducting research for several years with respect to a safer way to deposit money than exclusively with commercial banks, and the role of central banks in this respect.
Tapping the Equity Capital Markets in Times of Economic Uncertainty This short note discusses a few thoughts for Dutch issuers that are considering a capital raise in order to strengthen their balance sheet, with or without the need to publish a prospectus. Although the markets for equity issuances are currently by and la
ESG: European Commission consults on Renewed Sustainable Finance Strategy While battling the COVID-19 outbreak, the European Commission does not lose sight of the long-term objective to fully embed sustainability in the financial services landscape.