139 results Stibbe advises Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first ABB Stibbe assisted Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first capital increase through an accelerated book building. Stibbe advises Strohm Stibbe advised Strohm Holding on another EUR 15 million joint investment. Cross-border representative actions: publication of requirements for Dutch organisations seeking designation as ‘qualified entities’ By 26 December 2023 at the latest, EU Member States must publish a list of organisations that they have designated as ‘qualified entities’ (bevoegde instanties) for bringing cross-border representative actions within the EU on behalf of consumers. Court of Appeal overturns first instance judgment and establishes that several prestressing steel producers are liable for the potential loss alleged by Deutsche Bahn The Court of Appeal of 's-Hertogenbosch ruled that several producers of prestressing steel are jointly and severally liable for potential loss that Deutsche Bahn may have suffered as a result of an infringement of competition law rules. District Court ruled on the recognition of the res judicata effect of a Turkish judgment and dismissed an antitrust follow on damages claim regarding the cathode-ray tube markets The District Court of Oost-Brabant recognized the res judicata effect of a Turkish court of appeal judgment, in which the Turkish court had dismissed antitrust damages claims brought by Vestel against Philips, Samsung, LGE, Technicolor, TTD and TDP. Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten. Structural sustainability cannot be enforced through liability In her inaugural lecture at Leiden University on 22 March, Branda Katan spoke about enforcing sustainability through liability. The number of civil cases against companies is expected to increase in the coming years. De valkuil van Funda In mijn vriendenkring zitten inmiddels best wat woningzoekers. Zij hebben de ambitie – al wordt het steeds moeilijker – de huizenmarkt te betreden. Stibbe appoints two new counsel in Brussels We are pleased to announce that the Brussels office of Stibbe has appointed Tobe Inghelbrecht (Litigation & Arbitration) and Renaud Smal (Environment & Planning) as Counsel, effective 1 January 2024. Stibbe nomme deux nouveaux counsels à Bruxelles Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe a nommé Tobe Inghelbrecht (Litigation & Arbitration) et Renaud Smal (Environment & Planning) en tant que counsel, à compter du 1er janvier 2024. Stibbe benoemt twee nieuwe counsels in Brussel Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe heeft Tobe Inghelbrecht (Litigation & Arbitration) en Renaud Smal (Environment & Planning) benoemd tot counsel, met ingang van 1 januari 2024. Stibbe advises Palex Medical Stibbe is advising Palex Medical, a Spain-based company specialising in high value-added MedTech equipment and solutions, on its planned acquisition of Duomed, a fast-growing European MedTech distributor. No reformatio in peius in Dutch civil procedure: a principle to be cherished? The prohibition of (as the Latin saying goes) reformatio in peius means that the outcome of appeal proceedings may not be that a party ends up in a worse position as a result of its own appeal against a decision by the District Court. Stibbe advised Rhône Capital on a public cash offer for equity stake in RHI Magnesita Stibbe advised Rhône Capital on a public cash offer for up to 29.9% of the share capital in RHI Magnesita N.V. The offer document was published on 19 June 2023 following an announcement of the intended transaction on 30 May 2023. Stibbe advises Torqx Capital Partners on public offer for Beter Bed Holding N.V. Stibbe is acting as lead counsel to Benelux investment firm Torqx Capital Partners on its intended recommended all-cash public offer for 100% of the shares in Beter Bed Holding N.V. New double tax treaty concluded with the United Kingdom ratified by Luxembourg The new double tax treaty between Luxembourg and the United Kingdom (“DTT”) ratified by the Luxembourg Parliament on 19 July 2023 should apply as from 2024. Blackstone Group acquires IGI Stibbe advised Blackstone Group on the acquisition of International Gemological Institute (IGI) at an enterprise value of $525 million. To what extent does the WAMCA procedure allow for collective actions for damages due to breaches of the GDPR? Whether it is possible to claim collective damages for an alleged breach of the GDPR by means of WAMCA proceedings has been a recent question within the mass damages practice. What information on this topic can be found in legislation, case law and litera Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page
Stibbe advises Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first ABB Stibbe assisted Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first capital increase through an accelerated book building.
Cross-border representative actions: publication of requirements for Dutch organisations seeking designation as ‘qualified entities’ By 26 December 2023 at the latest, EU Member States must publish a list of organisations that they have designated as ‘qualified entities’ (bevoegde instanties) for bringing cross-border representative actions within the EU on behalf of consumers.
Court of Appeal overturns first instance judgment and establishes that several prestressing steel producers are liable for the potential loss alleged by Deutsche Bahn The Court of Appeal of 's-Hertogenbosch ruled that several producers of prestressing steel are jointly and severally liable for potential loss that Deutsche Bahn may have suffered as a result of an infringement of competition law rules.
District Court ruled on the recognition of the res judicata effect of a Turkish judgment and dismissed an antitrust follow on damages claim regarding the cathode-ray tube markets The District Court of Oost-Brabant recognized the res judicata effect of a Turkish court of appeal judgment, in which the Turkish court had dismissed antitrust damages claims brought by Vestel against Philips, Samsung, LGE, Technicolor, TTD and TDP.
Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten.
Structural sustainability cannot be enforced through liability In her inaugural lecture at Leiden University on 22 March, Branda Katan spoke about enforcing sustainability through liability. The number of civil cases against companies is expected to increase in the coming years.
De valkuil van Funda In mijn vriendenkring zitten inmiddels best wat woningzoekers. Zij hebben de ambitie – al wordt het steeds moeilijker – de huizenmarkt te betreden.
Stibbe appoints two new counsel in Brussels We are pleased to announce that the Brussels office of Stibbe has appointed Tobe Inghelbrecht (Litigation & Arbitration) and Renaud Smal (Environment & Planning) as Counsel, effective 1 January 2024.
Stibbe nomme deux nouveaux counsels à Bruxelles Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe a nommé Tobe Inghelbrecht (Litigation & Arbitration) et Renaud Smal (Environment & Planning) en tant que counsel, à compter du 1er janvier 2024.
Stibbe benoemt twee nieuwe counsels in Brussel Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe heeft Tobe Inghelbrecht (Litigation & Arbitration) en Renaud Smal (Environment & Planning) benoemd tot counsel, met ingang van 1 januari 2024.
Stibbe advises Palex Medical Stibbe is advising Palex Medical, a Spain-based company specialising in high value-added MedTech equipment and solutions, on its planned acquisition of Duomed, a fast-growing European MedTech distributor.
No reformatio in peius in Dutch civil procedure: a principle to be cherished? The prohibition of (as the Latin saying goes) reformatio in peius means that the outcome of appeal proceedings may not be that a party ends up in a worse position as a result of its own appeal against a decision by the District Court.
Stibbe advised Rhône Capital on a public cash offer for equity stake in RHI Magnesita Stibbe advised Rhône Capital on a public cash offer for up to 29.9% of the share capital in RHI Magnesita N.V. The offer document was published on 19 June 2023 following an announcement of the intended transaction on 30 May 2023.
Stibbe advises Torqx Capital Partners on public offer for Beter Bed Holding N.V. Stibbe is acting as lead counsel to Benelux investment firm Torqx Capital Partners on its intended recommended all-cash public offer for 100% of the shares in Beter Bed Holding N.V.
New double tax treaty concluded with the United Kingdom ratified by Luxembourg The new double tax treaty between Luxembourg and the United Kingdom (“DTT”) ratified by the Luxembourg Parliament on 19 July 2023 should apply as from 2024.
Blackstone Group acquires IGI Stibbe advised Blackstone Group on the acquisition of International Gemological Institute (IGI) at an enterprise value of $525 million.
To what extent does the WAMCA procedure allow for collective actions for damages due to breaches of the GDPR? Whether it is possible to claim collective damages for an alleged breach of the GDPR by means of WAMCA proceedings has been a recent question within the mass damages practice. What information on this topic can be found in legislation, case law and litera