225 results Stibbe Luxembourg lawyers co-author the second edition of the SFDR Implementation Guide Edouard d'Anterroches (Partner) and Nicolas Pradel (Senior Associate) co-authored the second edition of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Implementation Guide published on 11 April 2023. Consultatievoorstel voor Wijzigingswet toezicht financiële markten 2024 Ingrid van der Klooster bespreekt de hoofdlijnen van de voorgestelde wijzigingen in het consultatievoorstel dat op 29 april 2022 gepubliceerd is. Remedies for breach of contract: what, when and how? Enforceable obligations are an important aspect of commercial interaction. Contracts provide for this need by proving the terms and conditions to which parties agreed. However, in reality a promise made is not necessarily a promise kept Amendments to the Further Regulation on the Supervision of the Conduct of Financial Undertakings Wft On 14 December 2022, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets, published amendments to the Further Regulation on the Supervision of the Conduct of Financial Undertakings under the Financial Supervision Act. Reporting for non-EU AIFMs as of Q1 2023 Effective from Q1 2023, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (the “AFM”) indicated that it will require AIFMs who have notified AIFs for marketing under Article 36/Article 42 AIFMD to submit Periodic Reports. Cross-border representative actions: publication of requirements for Dutch organisations seeking designation as ‘qualified entities’ By 26 December 2023 at the latest, EU Member States must publish a list of organisations that they have designated as ‘qualified entities’ (bevoegde instanties) for bringing cross-border representative actions within the EU on behalf of consumers. Daniël Stein new senior associate at Stibbe We are pleased to announce that Daniël Stein will be joining Stibbe’s Amsterdam office as senior associate. His appointment as from 1 October 2023 will further strengthen our Litigation and Arbitration practice. MiCAR: regulering van de crypto-assets markt Cryptobedrijven moeten vanaf begin 2025 aan strenge eisen voldoen om een vergunning te verkrijgen om toegang te houden tot de Europese markt. In deze podcast bespreken we MiCAR, waarmee deze disruptieve industrie een stap naar volwassenheid zet. Court of Appeal overturns first instance judgment and establishes that several prestressing steel producers are liable for the potential loss alleged by Deutsche Bahn The Court of Appeal of 's-Hertogenbosch ruled that several producers of prestressing steel are jointly and severally liable for potential loss that Deutsche Bahn may have suffered as a result of an infringement of competition law rules. Introduction of the banking oath in Belgium On January 15, the law introducing the banking oath and ethical rules in the banking sector was published in the Belgian Official Gazette. Instauration d’un serment bancaire en Belgique Le 15 janvier dernier, la loi introduisant le serment bancaire et des règles déontologiques dans le secteur bancaire était publiée au Moniteur belge. Invoering van de bankierseed in België Op 15 januari werd de wet tot invoering van de bankierseed en tuchtrechtelijke regeling gepubliceerd in het Belgisch Staatsblad. European Commission adopts Delegated Regulations on oversight fees and critical ICT third-party service providers (DORA) and Delegated Regulations under MiCAR On 22 February 2024, the European Commission adopted two Delegated Regulations under the Regulation on digital operational resilience for the financial sector and four Delegated Regulations under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation. District Court ruled on the recognition of the res judicata effect of a Turkish judgment and dismissed an antitrust follow on damages claim regarding the cathode-ray tube markets The District Court of Oost-Brabant recognized the res judicata effect of a Turkish court of appeal judgment, in which the Turkish court had dismissed antitrust damages claims brought by Vestel against Philips, Samsung, LGE, Technicolor, TTD and TDP. Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten. Structural sustainability cannot be enforced through liability In her inaugural lecture at Leiden University on 22 March, Branda Katan spoke about enforcing sustainability through liability. The number of civil cases against companies is expected to increase in the coming years. AFM's spotlight on substantial holding notifications In its latest market watch, the AFM places a spotlight on notifications of substantial holdings and gross short positions in response to the ongoing public discourse on the issue. Court of Appeal of The Hague rules on liability for antitrust follow on damages claims in the elevator sector In a judgment of 23 January 2024 (case no. 200.304.621 and 200.304.673), the Court of Appeal ruled that elevator manufacturer Kone can be held liable for damages alleged by 23 parties that combined their claims in a litigation vehicle. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page
Stibbe Luxembourg lawyers co-author the second edition of the SFDR Implementation Guide Edouard d'Anterroches (Partner) and Nicolas Pradel (Senior Associate) co-authored the second edition of the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) Implementation Guide published on 11 April 2023.
Consultatievoorstel voor Wijzigingswet toezicht financiële markten 2024 Ingrid van der Klooster bespreekt de hoofdlijnen van de voorgestelde wijzigingen in het consultatievoorstel dat op 29 april 2022 gepubliceerd is.
Remedies for breach of contract: what, when and how? Enforceable obligations are an important aspect of commercial interaction. Contracts provide for this need by proving the terms and conditions to which parties agreed. However, in reality a promise made is not necessarily a promise kept
Amendments to the Further Regulation on the Supervision of the Conduct of Financial Undertakings Wft On 14 December 2022, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets, published amendments to the Further Regulation on the Supervision of the Conduct of Financial Undertakings under the Financial Supervision Act.
Reporting for non-EU AIFMs as of Q1 2023 Effective from Q1 2023, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (the “AFM”) indicated that it will require AIFMs who have notified AIFs for marketing under Article 36/Article 42 AIFMD to submit Periodic Reports.
Cross-border representative actions: publication of requirements for Dutch organisations seeking designation as ‘qualified entities’ By 26 December 2023 at the latest, EU Member States must publish a list of organisations that they have designated as ‘qualified entities’ (bevoegde instanties) for bringing cross-border representative actions within the EU on behalf of consumers.
Daniël Stein new senior associate at Stibbe We are pleased to announce that Daniël Stein will be joining Stibbe’s Amsterdam office as senior associate. His appointment as from 1 October 2023 will further strengthen our Litigation and Arbitration practice.
MiCAR: regulering van de crypto-assets markt Cryptobedrijven moeten vanaf begin 2025 aan strenge eisen voldoen om een vergunning te verkrijgen om toegang te houden tot de Europese markt. In deze podcast bespreken we MiCAR, waarmee deze disruptieve industrie een stap naar volwassenheid zet.
Court of Appeal overturns first instance judgment and establishes that several prestressing steel producers are liable for the potential loss alleged by Deutsche Bahn The Court of Appeal of 's-Hertogenbosch ruled that several producers of prestressing steel are jointly and severally liable for potential loss that Deutsche Bahn may have suffered as a result of an infringement of competition law rules.
Introduction of the banking oath in Belgium On January 15, the law introducing the banking oath and ethical rules in the banking sector was published in the Belgian Official Gazette.
Instauration d’un serment bancaire en Belgique Le 15 janvier dernier, la loi introduisant le serment bancaire et des règles déontologiques dans le secteur bancaire était publiée au Moniteur belge.
Invoering van de bankierseed in België Op 15 januari werd de wet tot invoering van de bankierseed en tuchtrechtelijke regeling gepubliceerd in het Belgisch Staatsblad.
European Commission adopts Delegated Regulations on oversight fees and critical ICT third-party service providers (DORA) and Delegated Regulations under MiCAR On 22 February 2024, the European Commission adopted two Delegated Regulations under the Regulation on digital operational resilience for the financial sector and four Delegated Regulations under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation.
District Court ruled on the recognition of the res judicata effect of a Turkish judgment and dismissed an antitrust follow on damages claim regarding the cathode-ray tube markets The District Court of Oost-Brabant recognized the res judicata effect of a Turkish court of appeal judgment, in which the Turkish court had dismissed antitrust damages claims brought by Vestel against Philips, Samsung, LGE, Technicolor, TTD and TDP.
Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten.
Structural sustainability cannot be enforced through liability In her inaugural lecture at Leiden University on 22 March, Branda Katan spoke about enforcing sustainability through liability. The number of civil cases against companies is expected to increase in the coming years.
AFM's spotlight on substantial holding notifications In its latest market watch, the AFM places a spotlight on notifications of substantial holdings and gross short positions in response to the ongoing public discourse on the issue.
Court of Appeal of The Hague rules on liability for antitrust follow on damages claims in the elevator sector In a judgment of 23 January 2024 (case no. 200.304.621 and 200.304.673), the Court of Appeal ruled that elevator manufacturer Kone can be held liable for damages alleged by 23 parties that combined their claims in a litigation vehicle.