Helin Özcan

Helin specialises in public law. She acts for a wide range of businesses, developers and public bodies in environment and planning law matters.

Helin Ozcan Stibbe

Helin Özcan

Junior Associate Amsterdam

Helin specialises in public law. She acts for a wide range of businesses, developers and public bodies in environment and planning law matters.

Helin Özcan

Junior Associate Amsterdam

Helin obtained a master’s degree in Constitutional and Administrative Law from the University of Leiden in 2022.

Languages: Dutch, English
Admitted to the Amsterdam Bar: 2022
Zuidas Amsterdam
NL Law

Van BENG naar ZEB

De vierde herziening van de Europese Energy Performance of Buildings Directive vergt dat vanaf 2028 alle nieuwe overheidsgebouwen, vanaf 2030 alle nieuwe gebouwen en vanaf 2050 alle bestaande gebouwen energieneutraal zijn.

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Cows Landscape Electricity wires
NL Law

Environmental rules in the environmental plan

With the arrival of the Omgevingswet (Environment and Planning Act) as of 1 January 2024, the concept of the omgevingsplan (environmental plan) will make its appearance.

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Cows Landscape Electricity wires
NL Law

Milieuregels in het omgevingsplan

Met de komst van de Omgevingswet per 1 januari 2024 doet de figuur van het omgevingsplan zijn intrede. Onder de Omgevingswet heeft elke gemeente één omgevingsplan voor het grondgebied, waarin de regels voor de fysieke leefomgeving worden opgenomen.

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Greenhouse wind energy
NL Law

FAQ: What does the energy savings obligation under the Activities Environmental Management Decree mean today and what changes will apply as of 1 July 2023?

Article 2.15 of the Activities Decree currently requires operators of so-called Type A and Type B establishments to implement all energy saving measures with a payback period of five years or less.

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