Stibbe advises Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe assisted the Belgian Buildings Agency (federal government agency) on the construction of six prison compounds in Belgium.
Stibbe advises Re-Vive Stibbe assisted Re-Vive – in accordance with its values and objectives: people, planet, and profit – on the legal aspects of the EKLA project in Brussels.
Stibbe advises AG Real Estate Stibbe advised AG Real Estate on the urban redevelopment of the “Kanaalkom” site in Hasselt (Flanders).
Stibbe advises Uplace Stibbe assists Uplace in one of the biggest all-in-one redevelopment projects ever planned in the Flemish Region.
Stibbe advises the province of Limburg Legal representation of the province of Limburg on environmental impact assessment and nature conservation issues in the context of the rezoning and permitting for the transport business of H. Essers in the province of Limburg (Flanders).
Stibbe advises Goldman Sachs Stibbe advises Goldman Sachs on the acquisition of Continental Bakeries by Goldman Sachs and The Silverfern Group of NPM Capital, a subsidiary of SHV. Continental Bakeries is a leading European bakery group which produces typical Dutch cookies.
Stibbe advises Blue Gate Antwerp Assisting Blue Gate Antwerp in the redevelopment of its petroleum business cluster.
Stibbe advises Wind aan de Stroom Stibbe advised Wind aan de Stroom and Triodos on a project finance package for the development of the extension of its wind farm on the Antwerp left bank with five extra wind turbines.
Stibbe advises Makro Cash & Carry Belgium Stibbe acted as longstanding legal counsel for Makro Cash & Carry Belgium in various legal fields, such as socio-economic legislation, competition and unfair competition law, consumer protection, general commercial, etc.
Stibbe advises De Werkvennootschap De Werkvennootschap (established by the Flemish decree for the realization of complex city infrastructure) is currently leading the redevelopment of the traffic system on the ring road R0 around Brussels.
Stibbe advised Iret Development Stibbe acted as counsel to Iret Develoment in its tendering procedure, development, and negotiations of the more than EUR 100 million public–private partnership (PPP) project, which is the new police headquarters building in Antwerp.
Stibbe advises the Walloon Transport Operator Stibbe assisted the Walloon Transport Operator (OTW) with the creation of a brand new tramway network (11.7 km) including the construction of 21 stations and a new depot and the acquisition of trams in Liège, Wallonia.
Stibbe advises SOFICO Stibbe advised SOFICO, the Walloon Region’s financing company, on one of Wallonia’s most innovative and ambitious PPP projects.
Dierlijk afval als bedoeld in art. 6.5 van bijlage I van de RIE ziet op resten van dode dieren, en niet op mest. Noot onder de uitspraak van de afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State op 7 november 2018.
Verbinden van voorschriften aan een omgevingsvergunning milieu i.p.v. maatwerk o.b.v. het Activiteitenbesluit. Noot onder de uitspraak van de Rechtbank Limburg op 5 november 2018.