Fewer or more consumer rights for a more sustainable world? On the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March, our consumer law experts discuss what legal measures can be taken to reduce the negative impact on climate.
Meer of minder consumentenrechten voor een duurzamere wereld? Ter gelegenheid van World Consumer Rights Day op 15 maart bespreken onze experten in het consumentenrecht welke wettelijke maatregelen genomen kunnen worden om de negatieve impact op het klimaat te verminderen.
Stibbe assists electricity producer Stibbe assists an electricity producer with numerous unfair competition questions and several commercial practices.
Stibbe assists retailer group Stibbe assisted a retailer group in a court procedure for an error in an online sale and the risk of a group claim.
Unfair Competition and Consumer Protection Our team has long and recognised experience in unfair competition law and consumer protection. Our specialists excel in advice, litigation, administrative practice, contract drafting and setting up commercial actions.
The new VBER is here! Time to update your distribution agreements The new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) entered into force on 1 June 2022. The new VBER is stricter on dual distribution and across-platform retail parity obligations than the old one, but is more lenient towards active sales and online sales r