1904 results Financial Regulation Our experienced financial services regulation team provides integrated advice on complex regulatory issues. Infrastructure and Mobility Our team of experienced infrastructure and mobility specialists provides vital services to clients looking to navigate the ever-changing mobility landscape. Investment Funds Our investment funds practice provides a full range of legal services to asset managers, investors and other professionals active in the investment funds and asset management industries. Insurance The full-service nature of our firm allows us to assist the insurance industry, large businesses and institutions with all legal services, from transactional work and advice to litigation. Sports Our broad expertise in all areas of sports law allows us to provide our clients with the highest quality service in legal advice and representation. Healthcare and Life Sciences Our reputable and experienced healthcare and life sciences lawyers provide a full range of legal services to companies and professionals active in the healthcare and life sciences sectors. Audit Firms and Accountancy Bringing together experts in all relevant fields, we are optimally equipped to provide integrated assistance to audit firms and accountants in challenging times. Intellectual Property Our IP specialists put proven expertise at our clients’ disposal for the enforcement and exploitation of their intellectual property and trade secrets, offering an integrated, cross-border service to help them protect their intangible assets. Banking and Finance We are a leading team of finance lawyers with in-depth knowledge of ever-changing rules and regulations and developments in the financial markets. We advise our clients on the constant challenges and opportunities they face and on their financial markets transactions. Litigation and Arbitration Large organisations are sometimes confronted with complex and sensitive disputes. We assist our clients in responding appropriately and in managing the impact on their business and reputation. Digital Economy Over the past decade, many aspects of our economy have changed due to significant technological developments, such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), smart mobility, and the rise of digital platforms. Restructuring and Insolvency Specialising in financial and corporate restructuring and insolvency matters, our team has worked on many of the major cross-border restructurings and insolvencies of the past decade. Getting the Deal Through - Debt Capital Markets Marieke Driessen and Niek Groenendijk contributed the Dutch chapter on the law and practice of Debt Capital Markets in the multi-jurisdictional publication by to Getting the Deal Through/Lexology. Inwerkingtreding Omgevingswet per 1 januari 2024 De Omgevingswet treedt op 1 januari 2024 in werking. Energieprojecten op gronden van de overheid: overheidsopdracht, concessie of geen van beide? De Raad van State oordeelde in een arrest van 8 december 2022 of er sprake is van een overheidsopdracht, een concessie of geen van beide in situaties waarin een overheid gronden ter beschikking stelt voor de ontwikkeling van energieprojecten. De herziene Netwerk- en Informatiebeveiligingsrichtlijn De Netwerk- en Informatiebeveiligingsrichtlijn (NIS 1) beoogt overkoepelende doelen en waarden te creëren, die bedrijven en organisaties naar eigen inzicht, maar bezien vanuit de betreffende cyberrisico’s, dienen na te streven en te bewerkstelligen. The revised Network and Information Security Directive: enhancing EU cybersecurity standards More businesses and organisations will have to strengthen their cybersecurity strategies, as the European legislator revised the NIS Directive. NIS 2 will impose stricter cybersecurity obligations on more organisations. Nog geen toetsing van formele wetgeving aan rechtsbeginselen Het vraagstuk van de toetsing van formele wetten aan rechtsbeginselen werd door het kabinet bij de rechter neergelegd. De rechter legt het nu echter weer terug bij de politiek, terwijl snelle actie nodig is. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page
Financial Regulation Our experienced financial services regulation team provides integrated advice on complex regulatory issues.
Infrastructure and Mobility Our team of experienced infrastructure and mobility specialists provides vital services to clients looking to navigate the ever-changing mobility landscape.
Investment Funds Our investment funds practice provides a full range of legal services to asset managers, investors and other professionals active in the investment funds and asset management industries.
Insurance The full-service nature of our firm allows us to assist the insurance industry, large businesses and institutions with all legal services, from transactional work and advice to litigation.
Sports Our broad expertise in all areas of sports law allows us to provide our clients with the highest quality service in legal advice and representation.
Healthcare and Life Sciences Our reputable and experienced healthcare and life sciences lawyers provide a full range of legal services to companies and professionals active in the healthcare and life sciences sectors.
Audit Firms and Accountancy Bringing together experts in all relevant fields, we are optimally equipped to provide integrated assistance to audit firms and accountants in challenging times.
Intellectual Property Our IP specialists put proven expertise at our clients’ disposal for the enforcement and exploitation of their intellectual property and trade secrets, offering an integrated, cross-border service to help them protect their intangible assets.
Banking and Finance We are a leading team of finance lawyers with in-depth knowledge of ever-changing rules and regulations and developments in the financial markets. We advise our clients on the constant challenges and opportunities they face and on their financial markets transactions.
Litigation and Arbitration Large organisations are sometimes confronted with complex and sensitive disputes. We assist our clients in responding appropriately and in managing the impact on their business and reputation.
Digital Economy Over the past decade, many aspects of our economy have changed due to significant technological developments, such as artificial intelligence (AI), blockchain, the Internet of Things (IoT), smart mobility, and the rise of digital platforms.
Restructuring and Insolvency Specialising in financial and corporate restructuring and insolvency matters, our team has worked on many of the major cross-border restructurings and insolvencies of the past decade.
Getting the Deal Through - Debt Capital Markets Marieke Driessen and Niek Groenendijk contributed the Dutch chapter on the law and practice of Debt Capital Markets in the multi-jurisdictional publication by to Getting the Deal Through/Lexology.
Inwerkingtreding Omgevingswet per 1 januari 2024 De Omgevingswet treedt op 1 januari 2024 in werking.
Energieprojecten op gronden van de overheid: overheidsopdracht, concessie of geen van beide? De Raad van State oordeelde in een arrest van 8 december 2022 of er sprake is van een overheidsopdracht, een concessie of geen van beide in situaties waarin een overheid gronden ter beschikking stelt voor de ontwikkeling van energieprojecten.
De herziene Netwerk- en Informatiebeveiligingsrichtlijn De Netwerk- en Informatiebeveiligingsrichtlijn (NIS 1) beoogt overkoepelende doelen en waarden te creëren, die bedrijven en organisaties naar eigen inzicht, maar bezien vanuit de betreffende cyberrisico’s, dienen na te streven en te bewerkstelligen.
The revised Network and Information Security Directive: enhancing EU cybersecurity standards More businesses and organisations will have to strengthen their cybersecurity strategies, as the European legislator revised the NIS Directive. NIS 2 will impose stricter cybersecurity obligations on more organisations.
Nog geen toetsing van formele wetgeving aan rechtsbeginselen Het vraagstuk van de toetsing van formele wetten aan rechtsbeginselen werd door het kabinet bij de rechter neergelegd. De rechter legt het nu echter weer terug bij de politiek, terwijl snelle actie nodig is.