597 results Risque de confusion entre noms commerciaux et/ou noms de domaine : l’essentiel est de réagir rapidement Le tribunal de l'entreprise néerlandophone de Bruxelles a jugé qu’une inactivité de 13 ans émanant d’un demandeur concernant le nom commercial d'un tiers prêtant à confusion entraine une renonciation tacite de droit. Tackling Reverse-Hybrid and Entity Classification Mismatches In the Netherlands This article, published in Tax Notes International, examines two recent Dutch proposals, which could have an immediate impact on Dutch and non-Dutch corporate taxpayers and existing national or international structures. Ontwikkelingen modernisering NV-recht Op 14 juni 2021 is een Kamerbrief gepubliceerd waarin demissionair minister Dekker reageert op het advies van een expertgroep over de modernisering van het NV-recht. The response of the Dutch government to the G7 Tax initiative On 14 June 2021 the Dutch State Secretary of Finance sent a letter to the Dutch Parliament setting out his view on (i) the political agreement reached by the G7 countries on global tax reform and (ii) the next meeting of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework. Gun jumping: beware, the Commission will take action The Commission has imposed interim measures on Illumina and GRAIL. These measures include the obligation to run GRAIL by independent management. Back to the future – Commission publishes roadmap for green and digital challenges The Commission’s Communication “A competition policy fit for new challenges” (the “Communication”) identifies key areas in which competition law and policy can support European efforts in dealing with the challenges of the green and digital transitions. ECJ: private enforcement in aviation sector also a national court's game Recently, the ECJ ruled that national courts dealing with private enforcement cases are competent to apply EU competition law to historical behaviour in the aviation sector. Dominant firm may refuse to supply retailer after initial delivery The Brussels Court of Appeal has held that a dominant producer firm may have valid reasons to refuse further supplies to a retailer, despite its dominance and despite previous deliveries. Google Shopping: self-preferencing is a form of abuse of dominance On 10 November 2021, the General Court (GC) almost entirely dismissed Google’s action against the European Commission’s Google Shopping decision. De Afdeling geeft criteria voor werken met open normen in bestemmingsplannen en omgevingsplannen De rechtszekerheid stelt eisen aan het werken met open normen in bestemmingsplannen. Anne-Marie Span en Jan van Oosten schreven een blog over de einduitspraak van de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de RvS over Retailpark Belvédère in Maastricht. Europese Commissie herziet en verruimt een belangrijk staatssteunkader: consultatie wijzigingen AGVV geopend tot 8 december 2021 De Europese Commissie zet in op meer staatssteun voor innovatieve ondernemingen en duurzaamheid. Dit blijkt uit de voorgestelde wijziging van de Algemene groepsvrijstellingsverordening waarover tot 8 december a.s. een consultatie loopt. Stibbe StartsUP programme open to new applicants With our unique start-up programme we continue to support innovative companies that may face a variety of legal challenges in their early stages. Intrekking van natuurvergunningen en de praktijk: de stand van zaken en de rol van significantie van eventuele effecten Onherroepelijke natuurvergunningen lijken anno 2021 geen rustig bezit meer te zijn. Bij provincies liggen op dit moment verzoeken voor om tot intrekking van (onherroepelijke) natuurvergunningen over te gaan. Enforcement of Schrems II: Council of State refuses unconditional illegality of transfers to the U.S. A recent decision of the Belgian Council of State shines a first light on the enforcement of the Schrems II ruling of the European Court of Justice in Belgium. Digital Law Up(to)date: (1) the download of a software with a permanent licence can constitute a “sale of goods”; (2) alert of the BEUC regarding the privacy policy of WhatsApp and its new terms of use In this blog, we present two interesting matters in the field of digital law: (1) The supply of a copy of software together with a licence to use it can constitute a "sale of goods”; and (2) WhatsApp in turmoil for its privacy policy and terms of use. The Netherlands' Budget Day 2021: the impact of the Dutch 2022 Tax Package on international businesses On Tuesday 21 September 2021 (Budget Day; Prinsjesdag) the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2022 Tax Package (Belastingpakket) including the 2022 Tax Plan (Belastingplan). Jérôme Dubois Associate Brussels Anneleen Quirynen Partner Brussels Pagination Previous page Page 13 Current page 14 Page 15 Page 16 Next page
Risque de confusion entre noms commerciaux et/ou noms de domaine : l’essentiel est de réagir rapidement Le tribunal de l'entreprise néerlandophone de Bruxelles a jugé qu’une inactivité de 13 ans émanant d’un demandeur concernant le nom commercial d'un tiers prêtant à confusion entraine une renonciation tacite de droit.
Tackling Reverse-Hybrid and Entity Classification Mismatches In the Netherlands This article, published in Tax Notes International, examines two recent Dutch proposals, which could have an immediate impact on Dutch and non-Dutch corporate taxpayers and existing national or international structures.
Ontwikkelingen modernisering NV-recht Op 14 juni 2021 is een Kamerbrief gepubliceerd waarin demissionair minister Dekker reageert op het advies van een expertgroep over de modernisering van het NV-recht.
The response of the Dutch government to the G7 Tax initiative On 14 June 2021 the Dutch State Secretary of Finance sent a letter to the Dutch Parliament setting out his view on (i) the political agreement reached by the G7 countries on global tax reform and (ii) the next meeting of the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework.
Gun jumping: beware, the Commission will take action The Commission has imposed interim measures on Illumina and GRAIL. These measures include the obligation to run GRAIL by independent management.
Back to the future – Commission publishes roadmap for green and digital challenges The Commission’s Communication “A competition policy fit for new challenges” (the “Communication”) identifies key areas in which competition law and policy can support European efforts in dealing with the challenges of the green and digital transitions.
ECJ: private enforcement in aviation sector also a national court's game Recently, the ECJ ruled that national courts dealing with private enforcement cases are competent to apply EU competition law to historical behaviour in the aviation sector.
Dominant firm may refuse to supply retailer after initial delivery The Brussels Court of Appeal has held that a dominant producer firm may have valid reasons to refuse further supplies to a retailer, despite its dominance and despite previous deliveries.
Google Shopping: self-preferencing is a form of abuse of dominance On 10 November 2021, the General Court (GC) almost entirely dismissed Google’s action against the European Commission’s Google Shopping decision.
De Afdeling geeft criteria voor werken met open normen in bestemmingsplannen en omgevingsplannen De rechtszekerheid stelt eisen aan het werken met open normen in bestemmingsplannen. Anne-Marie Span en Jan van Oosten schreven een blog over de einduitspraak van de Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de RvS over Retailpark Belvédère in Maastricht.
Europese Commissie herziet en verruimt een belangrijk staatssteunkader: consultatie wijzigingen AGVV geopend tot 8 december 2021 De Europese Commissie zet in op meer staatssteun voor innovatieve ondernemingen en duurzaamheid. Dit blijkt uit de voorgestelde wijziging van de Algemene groepsvrijstellingsverordening waarover tot 8 december a.s. een consultatie loopt.
Stibbe StartsUP programme open to new applicants With our unique start-up programme we continue to support innovative companies that may face a variety of legal challenges in their early stages.
Intrekking van natuurvergunningen en de praktijk: de stand van zaken en de rol van significantie van eventuele effecten Onherroepelijke natuurvergunningen lijken anno 2021 geen rustig bezit meer te zijn. Bij provincies liggen op dit moment verzoeken voor om tot intrekking van (onherroepelijke) natuurvergunningen over te gaan.
Enforcement of Schrems II: Council of State refuses unconditional illegality of transfers to the U.S. A recent decision of the Belgian Council of State shines a first light on the enforcement of the Schrems II ruling of the European Court of Justice in Belgium.
Digital Law Up(to)date: (1) the download of a software with a permanent licence can constitute a “sale of goods”; (2) alert of the BEUC regarding the privacy policy of WhatsApp and its new terms of use In this blog, we present two interesting matters in the field of digital law: (1) The supply of a copy of software together with a licence to use it can constitute a "sale of goods”; and (2) WhatsApp in turmoil for its privacy policy and terms of use.
The Netherlands' Budget Day 2021: the impact of the Dutch 2022 Tax Package on international businesses On Tuesday 21 September 2021 (Budget Day; Prinsjesdag) the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2022 Tax Package (Belastingpakket) including the 2022 Tax Plan (Belastingplan).