Important Information Stibbe BV/SRL

Stibbe BV/SRL
Central Plaza
Loksumstraat 25 Rue de Loxum
1000 Brussels

T. +32 2 533 52 11
F. +32 2 533 52 12 

Registered with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises of Belgium under number RPR 0429 914 688 - RPR/RPM: Brussels

Belgian VAT number: BE0429914688

Professional rules/organisations
Stibbe BV/SRL attorneys are registered with the following professional organisations and bound by these organisations' professional rules and codes of conduct.

Nederlandse Orde van Advocaten bij de Balie te Brussel (The Dutch speaking Bar Association in Brussels)
Ordre français des avocats du Barreau de Bruxelles (The French speaking Bar Association in Brussels)

Client identification obligations
Further to the Belgian Law of 18 September 2017 on the prevention of money laundering and financing terrorism and on the restriction of cash usage (hereinafter referred to as the AML Law) Stibbe BV/SRL has to identify its clients, their representatives, and ultimate beneficiaries (UBOs) as well as to take appropriate measures to assess the characteristics of its clients and the purpose and nature of the business relationship as part of its duty of constant vigilance. The client undertakes to spontaneously provide, at the latest when the business relationship with Stibbe BV/SRL is entered into, all the information and to answer all the questions that Stibbe BV/SRL considers relevant to fulfil its obligations and allows Stibbe BV/SRL to save a copy of these documents in a dedicated database. In addition, the client will inform Stibbe BV/SRL as soon as possible about any change and will submit proof of such change.

If the obligations referred to above cannot be fulfilled before, or, at the time of entering into the business relation with Stibbe BV/SRL, Stibbe BV/SRL reserves the right not to enter into the business relationship or to terminate the existing relationship with the client.

If Stibbe BV/SRL assists the client in its legal defense or in the assessment of its legal position, Stibbe BV/SRL is strictly bound by the obligation of professional secrecy. The AML Law however requires Stibbe BV/SRL, in specific situations set out in the AML Law, to inform the President of the bar as soon as possible once Stibbe BV/SRL knows, suspects, or has reasonable grounds to believe that funds, transactions (or attempts to carry out those transactions), or facts relating to money laundering and the financing of terrorism are being used or carried out. The President of the bar, who oversees professional secrecy in the profession, will report any suspicions, if appropriate, to the Financial Information Processing Unit (

When the client instructs Stibbe BV/SRL with a mission which qualifies as a "reportable cross-border transaction" (as defined in the Act of 20 December 2019 transposing Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 of 25 May 2018 amending Directive 2011/16/EU as regards mandatory automatic exchange of information in the field of taxation in relation to reportable cross-border arrangements), Stibbe BV/SRL will be required to comply with the applicable reporting obligations, save where the Belgian legislator were to allow that legal  privilege be invoked.

Stibbe BV/SRL attorneys are primarily insured under professional indemnity policies entered into on their behalf by the respective Bar to which they belong for professional liability risks. In addition to these policies, Stibbe BV/SRL and its attorneys have secondary worldwide insurance coverage via its insurance agent Aon Nederland C.V., Condensatorweg 54, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. More information can be found in Aon’s insurance declaration.

Our aspiration is to provide our clients with the best possible service. Should you for any reason not be satisfied with our services or have any further questions, we would like to hear from you. Any questions, suggestions or complaints can be addressed to your usual Stibbe contact or to