715 results Corporate Tax Laws and Regulations 2023 Stibbe’s Tax team has contributed to the Dutch chapter of the Global Legal Insights Corporate Tax Laws and Regulations 2023. Extended producer responsibility for textiles from 2025: what does this mean for textile producers in the Netherlands? Sinds 1 juli 2023 is het Besluit uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid textiel in werking getreden. Mail van burgemeester was wel degelijk appellabel besluit Een mail van een burgemeester aan een burger naar aanleiding van diens verzoek iets aan bedreigingen door een medebewoner te doen, blijkt wél een appellabel besluit. FAQ: An Open Government Act request has been submitted that relates to me, now what? The Dutch government has given you the opportunity to present your views on an intended disclosure of information based on the Open Government Act (Wet open overheid). What does the Open Government Act entail? Dawn raid drama: bycatch and data rooms Beware of the fine line in antitrust investigations between illegal fishing expeditions and accidental discoveries pointing at a separate antitrust infringement. If at first you don’t succeed ... Court unblocks two blocked healthcare mergers The ACM needs to ‘try, try again’ when assessing healthcare mergers. The Rotterdam District Court overturned two of the ACM’s healthcare merger prohibitions within less than two months. Stibbe StartsUp attends the Next Web Event Stibbe StartsUp will be attending the Next Web Event (TNW) in Amsterdam on 15 and 16 June 2023. Dutch national security screening regime enters into force The Dutch national security screening regime (Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames or Wet Vifo) enters into force today, 1 June. The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation Erik Valgaeren, Jan Joos and Thibau Duquin contributed to the article 'The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation' published by the IBA Business Law International Journal. Waterdoelen in Nederland – een schets van de juridische stand van zaken. Het eerste blogbericht uit een reeks (deel I) Water staat hoog op de agenda. En met reden: de kwaliteit en kwantiteit van het oppervlakte- en grondwater in Nederland staan onder druk, aldus de Raad voor de leefomgeving en infrastructuur (“Rli”). Natan Vermeersch wins the CREG Prize 2022 We are proud to announce that Natan Vermeersch has been awarded the prestigious CREG - Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation - Belgium Prize in the Flemish Community for his master's thesis, titled "De gunning van offshore domeinconcessies". EU Artificial Intelligence Act and Generative AI – an update In this blogpost, our TMT expert Thibau Duquin elaborates on the AI Act, the rules on generative AI such as ChatGPT, and the next steps. Announcement of amendments to draft bill to exclude RETT concurrence exemption for share deals The Dutch government announced that the draft legislative proposal to exclude the application of the RETT concurrence exemption on the acquisition of a qualifying share interest in companies owning newly developed real estate will be amended. The era of FDI screenings kicks off in Belgium The Belgian screening mechanism for FDIs will enter into force on 1 July 2023. The mechanism is designed to safeguard Belgium's critical infrastructure and to protect sectors crucial to Belgium's public order, national security and strategic interests. Stibbe supports third IFA European Region Conference Stibbe Amsterdam is supporting the third Regional IFA conference and is looking forward to welcoming IFA members in Amsterdam. Signaleringsblog week 16: actuele jurisprudentie bestuursrecht en omgevingsrecht In deze blog signaleren wij kort enkele belangwekkende bestuursrechtelijke en omgevingsrechtelijke uitspraken van de afgelopen periode. ECJ accepts carve-out Italy in Commission’s Amazon Buy Box investigation The EU Court of Justice dismissed Amazon’s claim that the exclusion of Italy from the European Commission’s investigation into its Buy Box feature deprived Amazon of its protection against a parallel investigation by the Italian competition authority. The 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon Stibbe attends the 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon. Pagination Previous page Page 6 Current page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Next page
Corporate Tax Laws and Regulations 2023 Stibbe’s Tax team has contributed to the Dutch chapter of the Global Legal Insights Corporate Tax Laws and Regulations 2023.
Extended producer responsibility for textiles from 2025: what does this mean for textile producers in the Netherlands? Sinds 1 juli 2023 is het Besluit uitgebreide producentenverantwoordelijkheid textiel in werking getreden.
Mail van burgemeester was wel degelijk appellabel besluit Een mail van een burgemeester aan een burger naar aanleiding van diens verzoek iets aan bedreigingen door een medebewoner te doen, blijkt wél een appellabel besluit.
FAQ: An Open Government Act request has been submitted that relates to me, now what? The Dutch government has given you the opportunity to present your views on an intended disclosure of information based on the Open Government Act (Wet open overheid). What does the Open Government Act entail?
Dawn raid drama: bycatch and data rooms Beware of the fine line in antitrust investigations between illegal fishing expeditions and accidental discoveries pointing at a separate antitrust infringement.
If at first you don’t succeed ... Court unblocks two blocked healthcare mergers The ACM needs to ‘try, try again’ when assessing healthcare mergers. The Rotterdam District Court overturned two of the ACM’s healthcare merger prohibitions within less than two months.
Stibbe StartsUp attends the Next Web Event Stibbe StartsUp will be attending the Next Web Event (TNW) in Amsterdam on 15 and 16 June 2023.
Dutch national security screening regime enters into force The Dutch national security screening regime (Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames or Wet Vifo) enters into force today, 1 June.
The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation Erik Valgaeren, Jan Joos and Thibau Duquin contributed to the article 'The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation' published by the IBA Business Law International Journal.
Waterdoelen in Nederland – een schets van de juridische stand van zaken. Het eerste blogbericht uit een reeks (deel I) Water staat hoog op de agenda. En met reden: de kwaliteit en kwantiteit van het oppervlakte- en grondwater in Nederland staan onder druk, aldus de Raad voor de leefomgeving en infrastructuur (“Rli”).
Natan Vermeersch wins the CREG Prize 2022 We are proud to announce that Natan Vermeersch has been awarded the prestigious CREG - Commission for Electricity and Gas Regulation - Belgium Prize in the Flemish Community for his master's thesis, titled "De gunning van offshore domeinconcessies".
EU Artificial Intelligence Act and Generative AI – an update In this blogpost, our TMT expert Thibau Duquin elaborates on the AI Act, the rules on generative AI such as ChatGPT, and the next steps.
Announcement of amendments to draft bill to exclude RETT concurrence exemption for share deals The Dutch government announced that the draft legislative proposal to exclude the application of the RETT concurrence exemption on the acquisition of a qualifying share interest in companies owning newly developed real estate will be amended.
The era of FDI screenings kicks off in Belgium The Belgian screening mechanism for FDIs will enter into force on 1 July 2023. The mechanism is designed to safeguard Belgium's critical infrastructure and to protect sectors crucial to Belgium's public order, national security and strategic interests.
Stibbe supports third IFA European Region Conference Stibbe Amsterdam is supporting the third Regional IFA conference and is looking forward to welcoming IFA members in Amsterdam.
Signaleringsblog week 16: actuele jurisprudentie bestuursrecht en omgevingsrecht In deze blog signaleren wij kort enkele belangwekkende bestuursrechtelijke en omgevingsrechtelijke uitspraken van de afgelopen periode.
ECJ accepts carve-out Italy in Commission’s Amazon Buy Box investigation The EU Court of Justice dismissed Amazon’s claim that the exclusion of Italy from the European Commission’s investigation into its Buy Box feature deprived Amazon of its protection against a parallel investigation by the Italian competition authority.
The 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon Stibbe attends the 38th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Lisbon.