731 results ACM’s 2021 enforcement focus: digital, green and COVID-19 The ACM’s list of 2021 focus areas is out. Whereas the digital economy and the energy transition are repeats from last year, the effects of the COVID-19 crisis is a new, although somewhat unsurprising, designated focal point. ECJ clarifies limits of antitrust limitation periods Companies confronted with antitrust investigations and fines may find safeguard behind the rules governing limitation periods (often termed ‘statutes of limitation’). However, two preliminary rulings by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) show that those FAQ: Hoe lang duurt een bestuursrechtelijke bezwaar- en (hoger) beroepsprocedure? Voor vrijwel alle betrokkenen bij een besluit speelt op enig moment de vraag hoe lang een bestuursrechtelijke bezwaar- dan wel (hoger) beroepsprocedure tegen dat besluit in beslag neemt. Kwaliteitsborging voor het bouwen: Ontwerpbesluit wordt aangepast Het nieuwe stelsel voor kwaliteitsborging in de bouw zal - naar alle waarschijnlijkheid op 1 januari 2022 - stapsgewijs in werking treden. ESG: The Transition to ESG Benchmarks and new ESG disclosure requirements Marking a substantial step towards achieving the goals of the EU Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth (the “EU Action Plan on Sustainable Growth”), the benchmark regulations will enter into force on 23 December 2020. Gatecrashing gatekeepers? The EU’s digital reform is out Christmas is a time for contemplation, and the proposals of the long-awaited Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act may give gatekeepers and other online intermediaries even more reason to be pensive this year. WAMCA: imperfections come to the surface Dutch courts have not yet developed procedural rules for the WAMCA, the new Dutch regime for collective redress. This adds to pre-existing uncertainty around many procedural aspects of this new law. Marieke Driessen new partner at Stibbe Stibbe in Amsterdam is proud to welcome Marieke Driessen as a partner in its Financial Markets Group. With Marieke’s arrival, Stibbe’s Financial Markets practice in Amsterdam will grow to six partners as of January 1, 2021. DNB publishes guidelines for outsourcing notifications by insurers Requirements applicable to outsourcing (including intra-group arrangements as well as outsourcing to the cloud) under Dutch and EU financial regulatory regimes have become more stringent in recent years. Outsourcing has therefore been a priority on the Du The next 5 years: European Commission launches New Consumer Agenda Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission is already looking ahead to set its consumer protection priorities for the next five years. Edouard d'Anterroches contributes to BLI's white paper on ESG Stibbe Luxembourg's Funds Partner Edouard d'Anterroches analyses the advantages and the limits of the European Commission's Draft Regulation aimed at facilitating sustainable investments. Stibbe advises Bureau Clara Wichmann on possible discriminatory effects of the NOW Research carried out by a team from Stibbe Amsterdam (on a pro bono basis), together with Bureau Clara Wichmann, has concluded that it cannot be ruled out that the Temporary emergency bridging measure for work retention (NOW) discriminates against women. The Clean Air Agreement and industry: Dutch government aims to tighten emission requirements On 26 March 2021, the implementation agenda for the Clean Air Agreement was presented to the House of Representatives. This marks the start of a process of concretizing the arrangements for emission reduction, as laid down in the Clean Air Agreement. Public consultation on proposed amendment of Dutch classification rules for certain domestic and foreign legal entities On 29 March 2021 the Dutch government has released a consultation document (the “Consultation Document”) containing a draft bill of law and explanatory memorandum to amend the Dutch classification rules for certain domestic and foreign legal entities. Slovak Telekom: ECJ on essentials of the ‘essential facilities’ doctrine Only dominant companies with a “genuinely tight grip” on the market can be forced to grant rivals access to their infrastructure. Court bundles educational publishers merger off to ACM for reassessment Digital mergers have steered competition authorities away from their usual mantra of structural over behavioural remedies. The Rotterdam District Court recently gave its blessing to the ACM’s remedies for securing access to a digital school platform. Climate case Milieudefensie et al. – The Hague District Court orders Shell to reduce CO2 emissions On May 26, 2021, the District Court of The Hague rendered its judgment in the case between Milieudefensie and others against Shell. Highest Dutch Court: ACM has not proved dominance of Dutch railway operator NS A high market share is not always proof of a dominant position. The Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) upheld the annulment of the ACM’s fine of nearly EUR 41 million on Dutch railway operator NS for alleged abuse of dominance. Pagination Previous page Page 20 Current page 21 Page 22 Page 23 Next page
ACM’s 2021 enforcement focus: digital, green and COVID-19 The ACM’s list of 2021 focus areas is out. Whereas the digital economy and the energy transition are repeats from last year, the effects of the COVID-19 crisis is a new, although somewhat unsurprising, designated focal point.
ECJ clarifies limits of antitrust limitation periods Companies confronted with antitrust investigations and fines may find safeguard behind the rules governing limitation periods (often termed ‘statutes of limitation’). However, two preliminary rulings by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) show that those
FAQ: Hoe lang duurt een bestuursrechtelijke bezwaar- en (hoger) beroepsprocedure? Voor vrijwel alle betrokkenen bij een besluit speelt op enig moment de vraag hoe lang een bestuursrechtelijke bezwaar- dan wel (hoger) beroepsprocedure tegen dat besluit in beslag neemt.
Kwaliteitsborging voor het bouwen: Ontwerpbesluit wordt aangepast Het nieuwe stelsel voor kwaliteitsborging in de bouw zal - naar alle waarschijnlijkheid op 1 januari 2022 - stapsgewijs in werking treden.
ESG: The Transition to ESG Benchmarks and new ESG disclosure requirements Marking a substantial step towards achieving the goals of the EU Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth (the “EU Action Plan on Sustainable Growth”), the benchmark regulations will enter into force on 23 December 2020.
Gatecrashing gatekeepers? The EU’s digital reform is out Christmas is a time for contemplation, and the proposals of the long-awaited Digital Markets Act and Digital Services Act may give gatekeepers and other online intermediaries even more reason to be pensive this year.
WAMCA: imperfections come to the surface Dutch courts have not yet developed procedural rules for the WAMCA, the new Dutch regime for collective redress. This adds to pre-existing uncertainty around many procedural aspects of this new law.
Marieke Driessen new partner at Stibbe Stibbe in Amsterdam is proud to welcome Marieke Driessen as a partner in its Financial Markets Group. With Marieke’s arrival, Stibbe’s Financial Markets practice in Amsterdam will grow to six partners as of January 1, 2021.
DNB publishes guidelines for outsourcing notifications by insurers Requirements applicable to outsourcing (including intra-group arrangements as well as outsourcing to the cloud) under Dutch and EU financial regulatory regimes have become more stringent in recent years. Outsourcing has therefore been a priority on the Du
The next 5 years: European Commission launches New Consumer Agenda Despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the European Commission is already looking ahead to set its consumer protection priorities for the next five years.
Edouard d'Anterroches contributes to BLI's white paper on ESG Stibbe Luxembourg's Funds Partner Edouard d'Anterroches analyses the advantages and the limits of the European Commission's Draft Regulation aimed at facilitating sustainable investments.
Stibbe advises Bureau Clara Wichmann on possible discriminatory effects of the NOW Research carried out by a team from Stibbe Amsterdam (on a pro bono basis), together with Bureau Clara Wichmann, has concluded that it cannot be ruled out that the Temporary emergency bridging measure for work retention (NOW) discriminates against women.
The Clean Air Agreement and industry: Dutch government aims to tighten emission requirements On 26 March 2021, the implementation agenda for the Clean Air Agreement was presented to the House of Representatives. This marks the start of a process of concretizing the arrangements for emission reduction, as laid down in the Clean Air Agreement.
Public consultation on proposed amendment of Dutch classification rules for certain domestic and foreign legal entities On 29 March 2021 the Dutch government has released a consultation document (the “Consultation Document”) containing a draft bill of law and explanatory memorandum to amend the Dutch classification rules for certain domestic and foreign legal entities.
Slovak Telekom: ECJ on essentials of the ‘essential facilities’ doctrine Only dominant companies with a “genuinely tight grip” on the market can be forced to grant rivals access to their infrastructure.
Court bundles educational publishers merger off to ACM for reassessment Digital mergers have steered competition authorities away from their usual mantra of structural over behavioural remedies. The Rotterdam District Court recently gave its blessing to the ACM’s remedies for securing access to a digital school platform.
Climate case Milieudefensie et al. – The Hague District Court orders Shell to reduce CO2 emissions On May 26, 2021, the District Court of The Hague rendered its judgment in the case between Milieudefensie and others against Shell.
Highest Dutch Court: ACM has not proved dominance of Dutch railway operator NS A high market share is not always proof of a dominant position. The Trade and Industry Appeals Tribunal (CBb) upheld the annulment of the ACM’s fine of nearly EUR 41 million on Dutch railway operator NS for alleged abuse of dominance.