673 results Proposed copyright tax reform feared to push investors abroad The controversial tax reform for income generated through copyright will have an enormous impact in various sectors such as IT. Revised Dutch Corporate Governance Code published The Dutch Corporate Governance Code Monitoring Committee (the Committee) adopted the revised Dutch Corporate Governance Code (the 2022 Code) on 20 December 2022. EU Member States reach agreement on Pillar Two The Council of the EU announced on 12 December 2022 that the EU Member States had unanimously reached agreement on the directive on the implementation of Pillar Two. It formally adopted the directive three days later. Stibbe Brussels reinforces Public Law and EU/Competition Law practices with two Counsel appointments Stibbe Brussels has promoted Sophie Adriaenssen to Counsel in its Public Law practice group and has welcomed Quentin Declève as Counsel in its EU/Competition Law practice. The appointments are effective as per 1 January 2023. Competition law developments in 2022 While 2022 revolved around new and improved regulatory tools, the focus in 2023 will be on putting these tools to use. More merger-related obligations, digital sector scrutiny and clarity on competition-law and consumer-law aspects is imminent. Key developments in sustainability claims in 2022 In 2022, the ACM and the European Commission put the spotlight on the accuracy of companies’ sustainability claims. Notably, the ACM published several market studies and adopted commitment decisions concerning allegedly misleading sustainability claims. Levelling the playing field in 2023: new tools and hurdles While 2022 revolved around new and improved regulatory tools, the focus in 2023 will be on putting these tools to use. More merger-related obligations, digital sector scrutiny and clarity on competition-law and consumer-law aspects is imminent. Foreign investment developments in 2022 2022 marks the second year of the EU Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Regulation, and the year in which legislators haven been busy shaping the Dutch national security screening regime and the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation. Pillar Two – a new reality for the tax position of MNEs As of 1 January 2024, large-scale domestic and multinational groups within in the EU will face a minimum effective tax rate of 15%, as a result of the agreement reached by the EU Member States on the Directive implementing Pillar Two (the Directive). Reporting for non-EU AIFMs as of Q1 2023 Effective from Q1 2023, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (the “AFM”) indicated that it will require AIFMs who have notified AIFs for marketing under Article 36/Article 42 AIFMD to submit Periodic Reports. Meer ruimte voor termijnoverschrijding De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State en het College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven bieden meer ruimte voor het aannemen van een verschoonbare overschrijding van bezwaar- en beroepstermijnen. Preventieve zorgplicht uit artikel 13 Wbb vereist niet dat bodemverontreiniging in het geheel voorkomen dient te worden Op grond van artikel 13 van de Wet bodembescherming (Wbb) geldt er een algemene zorgplicht die verplicht om bij (dreigende) bodemverontreiniging alle maatregelen te nemen die redelijkerwijs gevergd kunnen worden. Stibbe named most popular firm among students Law students have named Stibbe, for the fourth time in a row, as most popular future employer in the Netherlands! Stibbe advises Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first ABB Stibbe assisted Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first capital increase through an accelerated book building. Cross-border representative actions: publication of requirements for Dutch organisations seeking designation as ‘qualified entities’ By 26 December 2023 at the latest, EU Member States must publish a list of organisations that they have designated as ‘qualified entities’ (bevoegde instanties) for bringing cross-border representative actions within the EU on behalf of consumers. International Comparative Legal Guide - Patents Law & Regulations - Belgium Chapter The ICLG to Patents Law & Regulations covers common issues in patent laws and regulations – including enforcement, amendment, licensing, term extension, and prosecution. Relevant amendments regarding the environmental permit For the environmental permit under the Omgevingswet (Environment and Planning Act), many things will change compared to the old legislation. In this blog, we address a number of important changes. The Municipalities Preferential Rights Act as a condition subsequent in Dutch real estate transactions The Municipalities Preferential Rights Act (Wet voorkeursrecht gemeenten – Wvg) allows municipalities, provinces and the national government of the Netherlands to establish a preferential right on immovable property. Pagination Previous page Page 1 Current page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page
Proposed copyright tax reform feared to push investors abroad The controversial tax reform for income generated through copyright will have an enormous impact in various sectors such as IT.
Revised Dutch Corporate Governance Code published The Dutch Corporate Governance Code Monitoring Committee (the Committee) adopted the revised Dutch Corporate Governance Code (the 2022 Code) on 20 December 2022.
EU Member States reach agreement on Pillar Two The Council of the EU announced on 12 December 2022 that the EU Member States had unanimously reached agreement on the directive on the implementation of Pillar Two. It formally adopted the directive three days later.
Stibbe Brussels reinforces Public Law and EU/Competition Law practices with two Counsel appointments Stibbe Brussels has promoted Sophie Adriaenssen to Counsel in its Public Law practice group and has welcomed Quentin Declève as Counsel in its EU/Competition Law practice. The appointments are effective as per 1 January 2023.
Competition law developments in 2022 While 2022 revolved around new and improved regulatory tools, the focus in 2023 will be on putting these tools to use. More merger-related obligations, digital sector scrutiny and clarity on competition-law and consumer-law aspects is imminent.
Key developments in sustainability claims in 2022 In 2022, the ACM and the European Commission put the spotlight on the accuracy of companies’ sustainability claims. Notably, the ACM published several market studies and adopted commitment decisions concerning allegedly misleading sustainability claims.
Levelling the playing field in 2023: new tools and hurdles While 2022 revolved around new and improved regulatory tools, the focus in 2023 will be on putting these tools to use. More merger-related obligations, digital sector scrutiny and clarity on competition-law and consumer-law aspects is imminent.
Foreign investment developments in 2022 2022 marks the second year of the EU Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Regulation, and the year in which legislators haven been busy shaping the Dutch national security screening regime and the EU Foreign Subsidies Regulation.
Pillar Two – a new reality for the tax position of MNEs As of 1 January 2024, large-scale domestic and multinational groups within in the EU will face a minimum effective tax rate of 15%, as a result of the agreement reached by the EU Member States on the Directive implementing Pillar Two (the Directive).
Reporting for non-EU AIFMs as of Q1 2023 Effective from Q1 2023, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (the “AFM”) indicated that it will require AIFMs who have notified AIFs for marketing under Article 36/Article 42 AIFMD to submit Periodic Reports.
Meer ruimte voor termijnoverschrijding De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State en het College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven bieden meer ruimte voor het aannemen van een verschoonbare overschrijding van bezwaar- en beroepstermijnen.
Preventieve zorgplicht uit artikel 13 Wbb vereist niet dat bodemverontreiniging in het geheel voorkomen dient te worden Op grond van artikel 13 van de Wet bodembescherming (Wbb) geldt er een algemene zorgplicht die verplicht om bij (dreigende) bodemverontreiniging alle maatregelen te nemen die redelijkerwijs gevergd kunnen worden.
Stibbe named most popular firm among students Law students have named Stibbe, for the fourth time in a row, as most popular future employer in the Netherlands!
Stibbe advises Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first ABB Stibbe assisted Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first capital increase through an accelerated book building.
Cross-border representative actions: publication of requirements for Dutch organisations seeking designation as ‘qualified entities’ By 26 December 2023 at the latest, EU Member States must publish a list of organisations that they have designated as ‘qualified entities’ (bevoegde instanties) for bringing cross-border representative actions within the EU on behalf of consumers.
International Comparative Legal Guide - Patents Law & Regulations - Belgium Chapter The ICLG to Patents Law & Regulations covers common issues in patent laws and regulations – including enforcement, amendment, licensing, term extension, and prosecution.
Relevant amendments regarding the environmental permit For the environmental permit under the Omgevingswet (Environment and Planning Act), many things will change compared to the old legislation. In this blog, we address a number of important changes.
The Municipalities Preferential Rights Act as a condition subsequent in Dutch real estate transactions The Municipalities Preferential Rights Act (Wet voorkeursrecht gemeenten – Wvg) allows municipalities, provinces and the national government of the Netherlands to establish a preferential right on immovable property.