386 results Blijf up-to-date met Stibbe’s Equal Pay website Stibbe’s Equal Pay Team lanceert vandaag, op Equal Pay Day in Nederland, een website die werkgevers een uitgebreid en praktisch overzicht biedt van alle juridische aspecten van gelijke beloning voor vrouwen en mannen. Nieuwe hernieuwbare energierichtlijn: wijzigingen inzake garanties van oorsprong, vergunningen en RFNBO’s Op 20 november 2023 trad richtlijn (EU) 2023/2413 tot herziening van de Hernieuwbare Energierichtlijn (EU) 2018/2001 (“RED III”) in werking. De lidstaten krijgen 18 maanden om RED III om te zetten. Dutch court confirms: Samsung's 'price recommendations' practices were unlawful The Rotterdam District Court has delivered its judgment in the ACM's first-ever vertical restraints case. It upholds the fine imposed on Samsung for coordinating its retailers' online consumer prices under the pretence of 'price recommendations'. De uitzondering van hoger openbaar belang uit de Kaderrichtlijn Water. Het vijfde blogbericht uit een reeks (deel V) Artikel 4 lid 7 Kaderrichtlijn Water (KRW) biedt een uitzonderingsgrond voor de verplichtingen die voortvloeien uit de richtlijn. In deze blog gaan wij in op deze uitzonderingsgrond die ziet op het hoger openbaar belang. European capital markets: multiple-vote share structures The European Commission put forth a proposal for a directive on multiple-vote share structures. In this blog, we discuss the use of multiple-vote share structures in the EU and the Netherlands and provide insights into the proposed directive. The Commission’s ‘killer’ pharma campaign: reason to complain? The European Commission is on the prowl in the pharma sector. Recent cases on alleged disparagement and pipeline drugs-killings show that it is not afraid to show its teeth and, ultimately, bite. Digital antitrust conduct: too elusive to catch? The ink on the Digital Market Act has barely dried, but fast-evolving digital developments already have competition authorities calling for new tools. Is Big Tech not kept in check by the DMA, the antitrust rules and the EU Merger Regulation after all? The Foreign Subsidies Regulation’s initial focus on China Although the text of the Foreign Subsidies Regulation is not aimed at specific countries, the European Commission’s initial enforcement actions appear to be targeting Chinese subsidies. The honeymoon phase of the Foreign Subsidies Regulation is over! Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork. The industry voices have been clear about the Foreign Subsidies Regulation. But what is the authority’s view? We provide an update on recent developments, including the European Commission’s first policy brief. No impairment of the EC’s impartiality: ECJ upholds Scania judgment The ECJ upheld the Commission’s fine on Scania for participating in a cartel. The Commission’s impartiality is not necessarily impaired by having the Commission case team in charge of the settlement procedure also deal with the penalty decision. European Court of Justice plays hardball in Sports rulings The rulings by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the discretionary powers of international sports associations to authorise alternative competitions show that the specifics of sports are no reason to tread lightly when applying EU competition rules. Competition law in 2024: putting theory into practice 2023 marked the near finale of the European Commission’s overhaul of its competition policy, leaving only a few loose ends to tie up in 2024/2025. It is now time to watch theory be put into practice by the competition authorities and at the courts. From Farm to Fairness: Unpacking the Dutch Unfair Trading Practices Act for the Agri-Food Supply Chain Since 2021, Dutch rules against unfair trading practices, which implemented an EU Directive, apply to business-to-business relationships in agri-food supply chains. Enforcement by the ACM, initially slow, is now intensifying. Sélection des développements juridiques belges et européens Veuillez trouver ici une sélection des récents développements juridiques belges et européens arrêtés au 31 décembre 2023. Selectie van EU-BE juridische ontwikkelingen Hier vindt u een selectie van recente Belgische en Europese juridische ontwikkelingen tot en met 31 december 2023. FSR zorgt voor nieuwe uitdagingen bij transacties en aanbestedingen Op 12 januari van dit jaar trad de Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) in werking, die per 12 oktober een meldplicht bij de Europese Commissie voor bepaalde transacties en aanbestedingen introduceert. Developments in DMA land: EU tags Big Tech as first Gatekeepers The European Commission has designated six Tech Giants (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta and Microsoft) as gatekeepers for 22 core platform services under the Digital Markets Act (DMA). Ready, set, go! The Dutch national security screening FDI regime takes off The Dutch Investments, Mergers and Acquisitions Security Screening Act (Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames – Vifo Act) entered into force on 1 June 2023. Pagination Previous page Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Next page
Blijf up-to-date met Stibbe’s Equal Pay website Stibbe’s Equal Pay Team lanceert vandaag, op Equal Pay Day in Nederland, een website die werkgevers een uitgebreid en praktisch overzicht biedt van alle juridische aspecten van gelijke beloning voor vrouwen en mannen.
Nieuwe hernieuwbare energierichtlijn: wijzigingen inzake garanties van oorsprong, vergunningen en RFNBO’s Op 20 november 2023 trad richtlijn (EU) 2023/2413 tot herziening van de Hernieuwbare Energierichtlijn (EU) 2018/2001 (“RED III”) in werking. De lidstaten krijgen 18 maanden om RED III om te zetten.
Dutch court confirms: Samsung's 'price recommendations' practices were unlawful The Rotterdam District Court has delivered its judgment in the ACM's first-ever vertical restraints case. It upholds the fine imposed on Samsung for coordinating its retailers' online consumer prices under the pretence of 'price recommendations'.
De uitzondering van hoger openbaar belang uit de Kaderrichtlijn Water. Het vijfde blogbericht uit een reeks (deel V) Artikel 4 lid 7 Kaderrichtlijn Water (KRW) biedt een uitzonderingsgrond voor de verplichtingen die voortvloeien uit de richtlijn. In deze blog gaan wij in op deze uitzonderingsgrond die ziet op het hoger openbaar belang.
European capital markets: multiple-vote share structures The European Commission put forth a proposal for a directive on multiple-vote share structures. In this blog, we discuss the use of multiple-vote share structures in the EU and the Netherlands and provide insights into the proposed directive.
The Commission’s ‘killer’ pharma campaign: reason to complain? The European Commission is on the prowl in the pharma sector. Recent cases on alleged disparagement and pipeline drugs-killings show that it is not afraid to show its teeth and, ultimately, bite.
Digital antitrust conduct: too elusive to catch? The ink on the Digital Market Act has barely dried, but fast-evolving digital developments already have competition authorities calling for new tools. Is Big Tech not kept in check by the DMA, the antitrust rules and the EU Merger Regulation after all?
The Foreign Subsidies Regulation’s initial focus on China Although the text of the Foreign Subsidies Regulation is not aimed at specific countries, the European Commission’s initial enforcement actions appear to be targeting Chinese subsidies.
The honeymoon phase of the Foreign Subsidies Regulation is over! Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork. The industry voices have been clear about the Foreign Subsidies Regulation. But what is the authority’s view? We provide an update on recent developments, including the European Commission’s first policy brief.
No impairment of the EC’s impartiality: ECJ upholds Scania judgment The ECJ upheld the Commission’s fine on Scania for participating in a cartel. The Commission’s impartiality is not necessarily impaired by having the Commission case team in charge of the settlement procedure also deal with the penalty decision.
European Court of Justice plays hardball in Sports rulings The rulings by the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the discretionary powers of international sports associations to authorise alternative competitions show that the specifics of sports are no reason to tread lightly when applying EU competition rules.
Competition law in 2024: putting theory into practice 2023 marked the near finale of the European Commission’s overhaul of its competition policy, leaving only a few loose ends to tie up in 2024/2025. It is now time to watch theory be put into practice by the competition authorities and at the courts.
From Farm to Fairness: Unpacking the Dutch Unfair Trading Practices Act for the Agri-Food Supply Chain Since 2021, Dutch rules against unfair trading practices, which implemented an EU Directive, apply to business-to-business relationships in agri-food supply chains. Enforcement by the ACM, initially slow, is now intensifying.
Sélection des développements juridiques belges et européens Veuillez trouver ici une sélection des récents développements juridiques belges et européens arrêtés au 31 décembre 2023.
Selectie van EU-BE juridische ontwikkelingen Hier vindt u een selectie van recente Belgische en Europese juridische ontwikkelingen tot en met 31 december 2023.
FSR zorgt voor nieuwe uitdagingen bij transacties en aanbestedingen Op 12 januari van dit jaar trad de Foreign Subsidies Regulation (FSR) in werking, die per 12 oktober een meldplicht bij de Europese Commissie voor bepaalde transacties en aanbestedingen introduceert.
Developments in DMA land: EU tags Big Tech as first Gatekeepers The European Commission has designated six Tech Giants (Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta and Microsoft) as gatekeepers for 22 core platform services under the Digital Markets Act (DMA).
Ready, set, go! The Dutch national security screening FDI regime takes off The Dutch Investments, Mergers and Acquisitions Security Screening Act (Wet veiligheidstoets investeringen, fusies en overnames – Vifo Act) entered into force on 1 June 2023.