431 results Towards a European legal framework for the development and use of Artificial Intelligence Back in 2014, Stephen Hawking said, "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race." Online platforms and uploading of protected works: a priori no liability for operators of online platforms In a judgment dated 22 June 2021, the CJEU clarifies the liability framework of online platform operators when content protected by copyright is uploaded by platform users. The European Climate Law explained Co-legislators on the European Climate Law reached a provisional agreement on April 21, 2021. This Climate Law is one of the key elements of the European Green Deal, published by the European Commission in December 2019. Nynke Brouwer new senior associate at Stibbe We are pleased to announce that Nynke Brouwer will be joining Stibbe’s Amsterdam office as senior associate. Her appointment as from 13 June 2022 will further strengthen our TMT/IP practice. The new VBER is here! Time to update your distribution agreements The new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) entered into force on 1 June 2022. The new VBER is stricter on dual distribution and across-platform retail parity obligations than the old one, but is more lenient towards active sales and online sales r Park your parking structures: EU Court upholds Canon’s gun jumping fine Companies involved in M&A transactions had better think twice before temporarily parking a target undertaking with an interim buyer. Digital Law Up(to)date: EDPB guidelines on facial recognition in the area of law enforcement The European Data Protection Board adopted on 12 May 2022 Guidelines 05/2022 on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement. Digital Law Up(to)date: Approval of the Data Governance Act by the Council of the EU The Council of the European Union adopted the Data Governance Act. The new regulation promotes the availability of data and builds a trustworthy environment to facilitate their use for research and the creation of innovative new services and products. Digital Law Up(to)date: Art. 17 of directive 2019/790 is valid The CJEU validates the new liability regime for large online platforms organised by article 17 of the directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market. Digital Law Up(to)date: Clarification by the CJEU on the retention of traffic and location electronic communications data for the purpose of combating serious crime The Grand Chamber of the CJEU confirms that EU law precludes national legislative measures which provide for the general and indiscriminate retention of traffic and location data relating to e-communications, for the purpose of combating serious crime. Stibbe appoints two new partners Stibbe Brussels proudly announces the promotions of Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) and Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) to partner. The new appointments will take effect on 1 July 2022. Stibbe nomme deux nouveaux associés Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe est fier d'annoncer la promotion de Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) et de Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) au titre d'associé. Les nouvelles nominations prendront effet le 1er juillet 2022. Stibbe benoemt twee nieuwe partners Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe heeft Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) en Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) als partners benoemd. De nieuwe benoemingen gaan in op 1 juli 2022. Prove it or lose it: court sets aside ACM fines in two separate cases The Rotterdam District Court recently confirmed the high bar which has been set for the ACM when proving its case: the court annulled the fines imposed by the ACM in two different cases and, significantly, each for the same reason. The ACM has to pay: moral damages awarded to real estate traders The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) needs to cough up a total of EUR 120,000 in moral damages to three real estate traders. The postman will no longer ring twice: Minister unblocks postal merger The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) recently blocked postal operator PostNL's acquisition of its only national competitor, Sandd, because this would create "a monopolist on the postal delivery market". Margrethe Vestager to play matchmaker between enforcement and regulation Current Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager may face even greater challenges in the next European Commission. Regulate tech giants and create European champions, says Dutch government Companies beware: revised EU competition rules are on their way. Pagination Previous page Page 17 Current page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Next page
Towards a European legal framework for the development and use of Artificial Intelligence Back in 2014, Stephen Hawking said, "The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race."
Online platforms and uploading of protected works: a priori no liability for operators of online platforms In a judgment dated 22 June 2021, the CJEUÂ clarifies the liability framework of online platform operators when content protected by copyright is uploaded by platform users.
The European Climate Law explained Co-legislators on the European Climate Law reached a provisional agreement on April 21, 2021. This Climate Law is one of the key elements of the European Green Deal, published by the European Commission in December 2019.
Nynke Brouwer new senior associate at Stibbe We are pleased to announce that Nynke Brouwer will be joining Stibbe’s Amsterdam office as senior associate. Her appointment as from 13 June 2022 will further strengthen our TMT/IP practice.
The new VBER is here! Time to update your distribution agreements The new Vertical Block Exemption Regulation (VBER) entered into force on 1 June 2022. The new VBER is stricter on dual distribution and across-platform retail parity obligations than the old one, but is more lenient towards active sales and online sales r
Park your parking structures: EU Court upholds Canon’s gun jumping fine Companies involved in M&A transactions had better think twice before temporarily parking a target undertaking with an interim buyer.
Digital Law Up(to)date: EDPB guidelines on facial recognition in the area of law enforcement The European Data Protection Board adopted on 12 May 2022 Guidelines 05/2022 on the use of facial recognition technology in the area of law enforcement.
Digital Law Up(to)date: Approval of the Data Governance Act by the Council of the EU The Council of the European Union adopted the Data Governance Act. The new regulation promotes the availability of data and builds a trustworthy environment to facilitate their use for research and the creation of innovative new services and products.
Digital Law Up(to)date: Art. 17 of directive 2019/790 is valid The CJEU validates the new liability regime for large online platforms organised by article 17 of the directive 2019/790 on copyright and related rights in the Digital Single Market.
Digital Law Up(to)date: Clarification by the CJEU on the retention of traffic and location electronic communications data for the purpose of combating serious crime The Grand Chamber of the CJEU confirms that EU law precludes national legislative measures which provide for the general and indiscriminate retention of traffic and location data relating to e-communications, for the purpose of combating serious crime.
Stibbe appoints two new partners Stibbe Brussels proudly announces the promotions of Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) and Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) to partner. The new appointments will take effect on 1 July 2022.
Stibbe nomme deux nouveaux associés Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe est fier d'annoncer la promotion de Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) et de Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) au titre d'associé. Les nouvelles nominations prendront effet le 1er juillet 2022.
Stibbe benoemt twee nieuwe partners Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe heeft Guan Schaiko (Environment & Planning) en Pieter Nobels (Banking & Finance) als partners benoemd. De nieuwe benoemingen gaan in op 1 juli 2022.
Prove it or lose it: court sets aside ACM fines in two separate cases The Rotterdam District Court recently confirmed the high bar which has been set for the ACM when proving its case: the court annulled the fines imposed by the ACM in two different cases and, significantly, each for the same reason.
The ACM has to pay: moral damages awarded to real estate traders The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) needs to cough up a total of EUR 120,000 in moral damages to three real estate traders.
The postman will no longer ring twice: Minister unblocks postal merger The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) recently blocked postal operator PostNL's acquisition of its only national competitor, Sandd, because this would create "a monopolist on the postal delivery market".
Margrethe Vestager to play matchmaker between enforcement and regulation Current Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager may face even greater challenges in the next European Commission.
Regulate tech giants and create European champions, says Dutch government Companies beware: revised EU competition rules are on their way.Â