187 results Langs (Vlaamse) autosnelwegen Sedert 1958 gelden langs autosnelwegen bouwvrije stroken. De Vlaamse regering moderniseerde op 25 januari 2019 de regelgeving rond bouwvrije stroken voor wat het Vlaamse Gewest betreft. De vrijwaring van de Vlaamse strategische belangen tegen vijandige buitenlandse investeerders Op 1 januari 2019 trad het Vlaamse Bestuursdecreet in werking. Dit decreet bevat een specifieke regeling, die de strategische belangen van Vlaanderen moet vrijwaren. European Birds Directive: deviation schemes with varying success Both the Belgian and French Councils of State have expressed their views on the application of Article 9 of the Birds Directive. This article allows for a scheme that deviates from the prohibition to disturb, hunt, or kill protected bird species. Raad voor reclame vaardigt aanbevelingen uit voor online influencers In oktober 2018 vaardigde de Raad voor Reclame aanbevelingen uit voor online influencers. Deze aanbevelingen moet de consument beschermen en online influencers (of anderen die hiervan gebruik maken) helpen om de regels inzake reclame correct na te leven. ESG and potential director’s liability: taking the lead in the transition to more sustainable business operations There is a lot coming at companies with regard to sustainability matters these days. This could also affect company directors’ responsibilities and liability. In this article, we will discuss some points of attention and share our practical observations. Real estate and the impact of COVID-19 COVID-19 is increasingly disrupting our real estate industry. This article provides you with answers to some of the legal questions raised by the real estate industry during this crisis. Fewer or more consumer rights for a more sustainable world? On the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March, our consumer law experts discuss what legal measures can be taken to reduce the negative impact on climate. Meer of minder consumentenrechten voor een duurzamere wereld? Ter gelegenheid van World Consumer Rights Day op 15 maart bespreken onze experten in het consumentenrecht welke wettelijke maatregelen genomen kunnen worden om de negatieve impact op het klimaat te verminderen. Colour shifting risks: cartel fines for alleged indirect info exchange upheld National courts upheld the approach by two national competition authorities towards indirect information exchange, lowering the standard of proof for collusion by competitors when receiving competitively sensitive information from a buyer (or supplier). The vertical fight continues: two more cases on vertical restraints Companies should not take competition rules lightly in their supply relationships. The EU General Court's Valve judgment and the ACM's LG decision illustrate the consistent attention to vertical restraints. Stibbe Brussels reinforces Real Estate and Energy practices with two new partners Stibbe is pleased to announce the appointments of Anneleen Quirynen (Real Estate, Construction & Projects) and Lothar Van Driessche (Energy, Industry & Utilities) as partners in the Brussels office. Stibbe Brussel versterkt Vastgoed- en Energiepraktijk met twee nieuwe partners Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe heeft Anneleen Quirynen (Real Estate, Construction & Projects) en Lothar Van Driessche (Energy, Industry & Utilities) tot partner benoemd. Stibbe Bruxelles renforce ses pratiques en immobilier et en énergie avec deux nouveaux associés Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe a nommé Anneleen Quirynen (Real Estate, Construction & Projects) et Lothar Van Driessche (Energy, Industry & Utilities) en tant qu'associés. Stibbe advises on strategic real estate acquisition in Continental Europe Stibbe advised on the strategic acquisition of Forum Estates Holding BV by Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB. This transaction marks Cibus' first step into continental Europe, with an underlying property value of approximately EUR 508 million. Stibbe advises Catella Real Estate AG Stibbe advised Catella Real Estate AG on its second acquisition in Luxembourg: a 14,000m² office building in the emerging office district of Howald, which is almost fully let to Saint-Paul Luxembourg media group. Stibbe advises Patrizia Stibbe advised Patrizia on behalf of its pan-European residential fund “Living Cities” on the acquisition from Besix RED of Evenepoel Properties SA who owns the Viridis project. Besix RED will ensure the turnkey development until completion. Stibbe advises Alides Stibbe advises Alides REIM on the acquisition of the entities owning the 12,868m² Montoyer 34 office building located in the heart of the European district in Brussels. Frequent ESG disclosure issues under the EU Sustainable Finance framework explained ESMA publishes explanatory notes to various concepts under the Taxonomy Regulation, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the Benchmark Regulation. Pagination Previous page Page 8 Page 9 Current page 10 Page 11 Next page
Langs (Vlaamse) autosnelwegen Sedert 1958 gelden langs autosnelwegen bouwvrije stroken. De Vlaamse regering moderniseerde op 25 januari 2019 de regelgeving rond bouwvrije stroken voor wat het Vlaamse Gewest betreft.
De vrijwaring van de Vlaamse strategische belangen tegen vijandige buitenlandse investeerders Op 1 januari 2019 trad het Vlaamse Bestuursdecreet in werking. Dit decreet bevat een specifieke regeling, die de strategische belangen van Vlaanderen moet vrijwaren.
European Birds Directive: deviation schemes with varying success Both the Belgian and French Councils of State have expressed their views on the application of Article 9 of the Birds Directive. This article allows for a scheme that deviates from the prohibition to disturb, hunt, or kill protected bird species.
Raad voor reclame vaardigt aanbevelingen uit voor online influencers In oktober 2018 vaardigde de Raad voor Reclame aanbevelingen uit voor online influencers. Deze aanbevelingen moet de consument beschermen en online influencers (of anderen die hiervan gebruik maken) helpen om de regels inzake reclame correct na te leven.
ESG and potential director’s liability: taking the lead in the transition to more sustainable business operations There is a lot coming at companies with regard to sustainability matters these days. This could also affect company directors’ responsibilities and liability. In this article, we will discuss some points of attention and share our practical observations.
Real estate and the impact of COVID-19 COVID-19 is increasingly disrupting our real estate industry. This article provides you with answers to some of the legal questions raised by the real estate industry during this crisis.
Fewer or more consumer rights for a more sustainable world? On the occasion of World Consumer Rights Day on 15 March, our consumer law experts discuss what legal measures can be taken to reduce the negative impact on climate.
Meer of minder consumentenrechten voor een duurzamere wereld? Ter gelegenheid van World Consumer Rights Day op 15 maart bespreken onze experten in het consumentenrecht welke wettelijke maatregelen genomen kunnen worden om de negatieve impact op het klimaat te verminderen.
Colour shifting risks: cartel fines for alleged indirect info exchange upheld National courts upheld the approach by two national competition authorities towards indirect information exchange, lowering the standard of proof for collusion by competitors when receiving competitively sensitive information from a buyer (or supplier).
The vertical fight continues: two more cases on vertical restraints Companies should not take competition rules lightly in their supply relationships. The EU General Court's Valve judgment and the ACM's LG decision illustrate the consistent attention to vertical restraints.
Stibbe Brussels reinforces Real Estate and Energy practices with two new partners Stibbe is pleased to announce the appointments of Anneleen Quirynen (Real Estate, Construction & Projects) and Lothar Van Driessche (Energy, Industry & Utilities) as partners in the Brussels office.
Stibbe Brussel versterkt Vastgoed- en Energiepraktijk met twee nieuwe partners Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe heeft Anneleen Quirynen (Real Estate, Construction & Projects) en Lothar Van Driessche (Energy, Industry & Utilities) tot partner benoemd.
Stibbe Bruxelles renforce ses pratiques en immobilier et en énergie avec deux nouveaux associés Le bureau bruxellois de Stibbe a nommé Anneleen Quirynen (Real Estate, Construction & Projects) et Lothar Van Driessche (Energy, Industry & Utilities) en tant qu'associés.
Stibbe advises on strategic real estate acquisition in Continental Europe Stibbe advised on the strategic acquisition of Forum Estates Holding BV by Cibus Nordic Real Estate AB. This transaction marks Cibus' first step into continental Europe, with an underlying property value of approximately EUR 508 million.
Stibbe advises Catella Real Estate AG Stibbe advised Catella Real Estate AG on its second acquisition in Luxembourg: a 14,000m² office building in the emerging office district of Howald, which is almost fully let to Saint-Paul Luxembourg media group.
Stibbe advises Patrizia Stibbe advised Patrizia on behalf of its pan-European residential fund “Living Cities” on the acquisition from Besix RED of Evenepoel Properties SA who owns the Viridis project. Besix RED will ensure the turnkey development until completion.
Stibbe advises Alides Stibbe advises Alides REIM on the acquisition of the entities owning the 12,868m² Montoyer 34 office building located in the heart of the European district in Brussels.
Frequent ESG disclosure issues under the EU Sustainable Finance framework explained ESMA publishes explanatory notes to various concepts under the Taxonomy Regulation, the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the Benchmark Regulation.