98 results Vanaf 1 augustus 2021 digitale oprichting van een B.V. mogelijk? Op 31 juli 2019 is de Richtlijn digitale instrumenten en processen in het vennootschapsrecht in werking getreden. Deze richtlijn maakt in bepaalde gevallen een volledig digitale oprichting van vennootschappen mogelijk. Draft bill of law regarding certain payments to non-cooperative jurisdictions Luxembourg's Government announces draft bill of law addressing interest/royalties payments to related entities established in a country or territory listed under the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes. Additional Dutch tax measures to provide relief for economic impact corona crisis Further to the measures already announced on 12 March 2020, the Dutch government earlier this week announced additional extraordinary measures (both tax and non-tax related) to mitigate the economic impact of the corona crisis. Below we will summarize som Dutch tax measures to provide relief for economic impact corona crisis On 12 March, the Government sent a letter to the lower house of the Dutch parliament setting out a number of measures to mitigate the economic impact of the corona crisis, including a number of tax measures. Below we will provide you with a concise overvi 2020: Het jaar van het multilateraal instrument? - Column Fondsnieuws Het multilateraal instrument (MLI) is een van de belangrijkste fiscale ontwikkelingen van het moment. In een column voor Fondsnieuws bespreekt David de Groot de (potentiële) gevolgen die het MLI voor beleggingsfondsen kan hebben. Stibbe advises Azerion Stibbe advises Azerion on its business combination with European FinTech IPO Company 1 B.V. (EFIC1), a SPAC listed on Euronext Amsterdam, pursuant to which Azerion will become a public company with an initial enterprise value of €1.3 billion. Stibbe advises Union Investment Stibbe successfully assisted Union Investment with the acquisition from Patrizia AG, on behalf of the South Korean based AIP Asset Management, of the company owning the Astro Tower, the tallest passive building in Brussels. The Netherlands' Budget Day 2021: the impact of the Dutch 2022 Tax Package on international businesses On Tuesday 21 September 2021 (Budget Day; Prinsjesdag) the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2022 Tax Package (Belastingpakket) including the 2022 Tax Plan (Belastingplan). Stibbe ‘Netherlands Tax Firm of the Year 2021’ For the fifth time, Stibbe has been named ‘Netherlands Tax Firm of the Year’ by International Tax Review. Stibbe advises Insight Stibbe advises Insight Venture Partners on the acquisition of a minority stake in Dutch scale-up Trengo. Stibbe advises several investors on their investment in McDermott International Stibbe advised a group of investors consisting of The Baupost Group, MFN Partners, Sculptor Capital Management, Mason Capital Management, First Pacific Advisors and Invesco on the expansion of their investment in McDermott International. Stibbe advises The Baupost Group Stibbe advised The Baupost Group, a large Boston-based investment fund with $29 billion under management, on its majority investment in the Timex Group, one of the largest watch makers in the world. Luxembourg tax measures on non-cooperative jurisdictions: EU blacklist updated The European Union updates non-cooperative jurisdictions list, affecting bill of law nº 7547. From Jan 1, 2021, interest or royalties paid to related enterprises in listed countries won't be tax-deductible. Tax Alert: Public consultation additional source taxation on dividends to low tax jurisdictions On 25 September 2020, the under minister of Finance released a draft legislative proposal open for public consultation until 23 October 2020. The draft legislative proposal includes a source taxation on profit distributions by Dutch companies to sharehold The Netherlands' Budget Day 2020: the impact of the Dutch 2021 Tax Package on international businesses In this Tax Alert we will summarize three recent tax developments that are relevant for international business with presence in the Netherlands. Public consultation on proposed amendment of Dutch classification rules for certain domestic and foreign legal entities On 29 March 2021 the Dutch government has released a consultation document (the “Consultation Document”) containing a draft bill of law and explanatory memorandum to amend the Dutch classification rules for certain domestic and foreign legal entities. The Dutch Scheme – tax aspects On 1 January 2021, the Act on confirmation of private restructuring plans (Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord, also known as the “WHOA”, hereinafter: the “Dutch Scheme”) came into effect. Combating Non-Arm’s-Length Transfer Pricing in the Netherlands Charlotte Tolman and Michael Molenaars will contribute periodically to Tax Notes International magazine. Pagination Previous page Page 2 Current page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Next page
Vanaf 1 augustus 2021 digitale oprichting van een B.V. mogelijk? Op 31 juli 2019 is de Richtlijn digitale instrumenten en processen in het vennootschapsrecht in werking getreden. Deze richtlijn maakt in bepaalde gevallen een volledig digitale oprichting van vennootschappen mogelijk.
Draft bill of law regarding certain payments to non-cooperative jurisdictions Luxembourg's Government announces draft bill of law addressing interest/royalties payments to related entities established in a country or territory listed under the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes.
Additional Dutch tax measures to provide relief for economic impact corona crisis Further to the measures already announced on 12 March 2020, the Dutch government earlier this week announced additional extraordinary measures (both tax and non-tax related) to mitigate the economic impact of the corona crisis. Below we will summarize som
Dutch tax measures to provide relief for economic impact corona crisis On 12 March, the Government sent a letter to the lower house of the Dutch parliament setting out a number of measures to mitigate the economic impact of the corona crisis, including a number of tax measures. Below we will provide you with a concise overvi
2020: Het jaar van het multilateraal instrument? - Column Fondsnieuws Het multilateraal instrument (MLI) is een van de belangrijkste fiscale ontwikkelingen van het moment. In een column voor Fondsnieuws bespreekt David de Groot de (potentiële) gevolgen die het MLI voor beleggingsfondsen kan hebben.
Stibbe advises Azerion Stibbe advises Azerion on its business combination with European FinTech IPO Company 1 B.V. (EFIC1), a SPAC listed on Euronext Amsterdam, pursuant to which Azerion will become a public company with an initial enterprise value of €1.3 billion.
Stibbe advises Union Investment Stibbe successfully assisted Union Investment with the acquisition from Patrizia AG, on behalf of the South Korean based AIP Asset Management, of the company owning the Astro Tower, the tallest passive building in Brussels.
The Netherlands' Budget Day 2021: the impact of the Dutch 2022 Tax Package on international businesses On Tuesday 21 September 2021 (Budget Day; Prinsjesdag) the Dutch Ministry of Finance published the 2022 Tax Package (Belastingpakket) including the 2022 Tax Plan (Belastingplan).
Stibbe ‘Netherlands Tax Firm of the Year 2021’ For the fifth time, Stibbe has been named ‘Netherlands Tax Firm of the Year’ by International Tax Review.
Stibbe advises Insight Stibbe advises Insight Venture Partners on the acquisition of a minority stake in Dutch scale-up Trengo.
Stibbe advises several investors on their investment in McDermott International Stibbe advised a group of investors consisting of The Baupost Group, MFN Partners, Sculptor Capital Management, Mason Capital Management, First Pacific Advisors and Invesco on the expansion of their investment in McDermott International.
Stibbe advises The Baupost Group Stibbe advised The Baupost Group, a large Boston-based investment fund with $29 billion under management, on its majority investment in the Timex Group, one of the largest watch makers in the world.
Luxembourg tax measures on non-cooperative jurisdictions: EU blacklist updated The European Union updates non-cooperative jurisdictions list, affecting bill of law nº 7547. From Jan 1, 2021, interest or royalties paid to related enterprises in listed countries won't be tax-deductible.
Tax Alert: Public consultation additional source taxation on dividends to low tax jurisdictions On 25 September 2020, the under minister of Finance released a draft legislative proposal open for public consultation until 23 October 2020. The draft legislative proposal includes a source taxation on profit distributions by Dutch companies to sharehold
The Netherlands' Budget Day 2020: the impact of the Dutch 2021 Tax Package on international businesses In this Tax Alert we will summarize three recent tax developments that are relevant for international business with presence in the Netherlands.
Public consultation on proposed amendment of Dutch classification rules for certain domestic and foreign legal entities On 29 March 2021 the Dutch government has released a consultation document (the “Consultation Document”) containing a draft bill of law and explanatory memorandum to amend the Dutch classification rules for certain domestic and foreign legal entities.
The Dutch Scheme – tax aspects On 1 January 2021, the Act on confirmation of private restructuring plans (Wet homologatie onderhands akkoord, also known as the “WHOA”, hereinafter: the “Dutch Scheme”) came into effect.
Combating Non-Arm’s-Length Transfer Pricing in the Netherlands Charlotte Tolman and Michael Molenaars will contribute periodically to Tax Notes International magazine.