88 results European PFAS ban proposal submitted for consultation The Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Denmark and Sweden have jointly submitted a proposal to the European Chemicals Agency for a European PFAS restriction through REACH. The proposal was submitted for consultation on 22 March 2023 via the ECHA website. Signaleringsblog week 14: actuele jurisprudentie bestuursrecht en omgevingsrecht In deze blog signaleren wij kort enkele belangwekkende bestuursrechtelijke en omgevingsrechtelijke uitspraken van de afgelopen periode. Stibbe advises Pallas Stibbe is advising the stichting Voorbereiding Pallas-reactor on the licence under the Nuclear Energy Act granted on 15 February 2023 by the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority (ANVS) and on all other required government approvals. The future of nuclear power in the Netherlands (part 2): Borssele preferred site for two new nuclear power plants On 9 December 2022, Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy presented to the Second Chamber of the House of Representatives his further elaboration of the coalition agreement's intentions on nuclear energy. Stibbe Brussels reinforces Public Law and EU/Competition Law practices with two Counsel appointments Stibbe Brussels has promoted Sophie Adriaenssen to Counsel in its Public Law practice group and has welcomed Quentin Declève as Counsel in its EU/Competition Law practice. The appointments are effective as per 1 January 2023. Meer ruimte voor termijnoverschrijding De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State en het College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven bieden meer ruimte voor het aannemen van een verschoonbare overschrijding van bezwaar- en beroepstermijnen. Preventieve zorgplicht uit artikel 13 Wbb vereist niet dat bodemverontreiniging in het geheel voorkomen dient te worden Op grond van artikel 13 van de Wet bodembescherming (Wbb) geldt er een algemene zorgplicht die verplicht om bij (dreigende) bodemverontreiniging alle maatregelen te nemen die redelijkerwijs gevergd kunnen worden. Relevant amendments regarding the environmental permit For the environmental permit under the Omgevingswet (Environment and Planning Act), many things will change compared to the old legislation. In this blog, we address a number of important changes. The Municipalities Preferential Rights Act as a condition subsequent in Dutch real estate transactions The Municipalities Preferential Rights Act (Wet voorkeursrecht gemeenten – Wvg) allows municipalities, provinces and the national government of the Netherlands to establish a preferential right on immovable property. Environmental rules in the environmental plan With the arrival of the Omgevingswet (Environment and Planning Act) as of 1 January 2024, the concept of the omgevingsplan (environmental plan) will make its appearance. The expansion of the ETS to include buildings, road transport and maritime transport: the bill to implement the amended ETS Directive The bill to implement the changes to the European Emission Trading System (ETS) has been submitted to the Lower House. The bill envisages three major changes. Netherlands lags behind in implementing amended ETS Directive (Update 2 April 2024) The ETS Directive was amended in May 2023. Member States had until 31 January 2023 to implement the provisions of the amended ETS Directive. The Netherlands failed to meet that implementation deadline. Enforcement of open, sustainability-oriented CSDDD standards: lessons from administrative law Tom Barkhuysen and Valérie van 't Lam wrote a preliminary opinion for the Koninklijke Vereeniging 'Handelsrecht' on how to enforce the CSDDD's open standards. European Court of Human Rights rules in landmark case that governments must combat climate change The European Court of Human Rights rules that governments have an obligation to take effective measures to meet climate targets and combat the harmful effects of climate change. The future of nuclear power in the Netherlands (part 3): the project procedure has started! A Notification of Intention and Participation for the construction of two new nuclear power plants was published in the Government Gazette on 22 February 2024. Participation under the Environment and Planning Act Under the Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet), there is a commitment to implement more early participation. The extensive preparation procedure (uniforme openbare voorbereidingsprocedure) remains the main and most elaborate source of participation External safety under the Environment and Planning Act External safety plays a role under the Environment and Planning Act in the drafting of environmental plans and the granting of environmental permits. Compared to the former environmental law regime, some important changes are taking place. CBAM: current and future obligations for importers of certain carbon-intensive goods The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) came into force on 1 October 2023. Importers of certain carbon-intensive goods have to report on emissions released during the production of those goods. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page
European PFAS ban proposal submitted for consultation The Netherlands, Germany, Norway, Denmark and Sweden have jointly submitted a proposal to the European Chemicals Agency for a European PFAS restriction through REACH. The proposal was submitted for consultation on 22 March 2023 via the ECHA website.
Signaleringsblog week 14: actuele jurisprudentie bestuursrecht en omgevingsrecht In deze blog signaleren wij kort enkele belangwekkende bestuursrechtelijke en omgevingsrechtelijke uitspraken van de afgelopen periode.
Stibbe advises Pallas Stibbe is advising the stichting Voorbereiding Pallas-reactor on the licence under the Nuclear Energy Act granted on 15 February 2023 by the Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection Authority (ANVS) and on all other required government approvals.
The future of nuclear power in the Netherlands (part 2): Borssele preferred site for two new nuclear power plants On 9 December 2022, Minister Jetten for Climate and Energy presented to the Second Chamber of the House of Representatives his further elaboration of the coalition agreement's intentions on nuclear energy.
Stibbe Brussels reinforces Public Law and EU/Competition Law practices with two Counsel appointments Stibbe Brussels has promoted Sophie Adriaenssen to Counsel in its Public Law practice group and has welcomed Quentin Declève as Counsel in its EU/Competition Law practice. The appointments are effective as per 1 January 2023.
Meer ruimte voor termijnoverschrijding De Afdeling bestuursrechtspraak van de Raad van State en het College van Beroep voor het bedrijfsleven bieden meer ruimte voor het aannemen van een verschoonbare overschrijding van bezwaar- en beroepstermijnen.
Preventieve zorgplicht uit artikel 13 Wbb vereist niet dat bodemverontreiniging in het geheel voorkomen dient te worden Op grond van artikel 13 van de Wet bodembescherming (Wbb) geldt er een algemene zorgplicht die verplicht om bij (dreigende) bodemverontreiniging alle maatregelen te nemen die redelijkerwijs gevergd kunnen worden.
Relevant amendments regarding the environmental permit For the environmental permit under the Omgevingswet (Environment and Planning Act), many things will change compared to the old legislation. In this blog, we address a number of important changes.
The Municipalities Preferential Rights Act as a condition subsequent in Dutch real estate transactions The Municipalities Preferential Rights Act (Wet voorkeursrecht gemeenten – Wvg) allows municipalities, provinces and the national government of the Netherlands to establish a preferential right on immovable property.
Environmental rules in the environmental plan With the arrival of the Omgevingswet (Environment and Planning Act) as of 1 January 2024, the concept of the omgevingsplan (environmental plan) will make its appearance.
The expansion of the ETS to include buildings, road transport and maritime transport: the bill to implement the amended ETS Directive The bill to implement the changes to the European Emission Trading System (ETS) has been submitted to the Lower House. The bill envisages three major changes.
Netherlands lags behind in implementing amended ETS Directive (Update 2 April 2024) The ETS Directive was amended in May 2023. Member States had until 31 January 2023 to implement the provisions of the amended ETS Directive. The Netherlands failed to meet that implementation deadline.
Enforcement of open, sustainability-oriented CSDDD standards: lessons from administrative law Tom Barkhuysen and Valérie van 't Lam wrote a preliminary opinion for the Koninklijke Vereeniging 'Handelsrecht' on how to enforce the CSDDD's open standards.
European Court of Human Rights rules in landmark case that governments must combat climate change The European Court of Human Rights rules that governments have an obligation to take effective measures to meet climate targets and combat the harmful effects of climate change.
The future of nuclear power in the Netherlands (part 3): the project procedure has started! A Notification of Intention and Participation for the construction of two new nuclear power plants was published in the Government Gazette on 22 February 2024.
Participation under the Environment and Planning Act Under the Environment and Planning Act (Omgevingswet), there is a commitment to implement more early participation. The extensive preparation procedure (uniforme openbare voorbereidingsprocedure) remains the main and most elaborate source of participation
External safety under the Environment and Planning Act External safety plays a role under the Environment and Planning Act in the drafting of environmental plans and the granting of environmental permits. Compared to the former environmental law regime, some important changes are taking place.
CBAM: current and future obligations for importers of certain carbon-intensive goods The Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) came into force on 1 October 2023. Importers of certain carbon-intensive goods have to report on emissions released during the production of those goods.