54 results The top five points for corporate borrowers to protect themselves against bank insolvency in Europe and elsewhere Here are five steps that corporate borrowers can take to protect themselves against the fall-out of their financing banksâ insolvency. Stibbe advises Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first ABB Stibbe assisted Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first capital increase through an accelerated book building. BNR: het faillissement van de Amsterdam Trade Bank Bij BNRâs âOnder Curatorenâ vertelt Job van Hooff, curator en partner in Stibbeâs Restructuring & Insolvency praktijk, over de afwikkeling van het faillissement van Amsterdam Trade Bank. Invalidation of agreements entered into by a bankruptcy trustee with the approval of the supervisory judge under Article 69 of the Bankruptcy Act? The Dutch Supreme Court handed down a judgment on 15 Dec 2023 clarifying whether agreements entered into by a bankruptcy trustee with the approval of the supervisory judge can be affected by an application under Article 69 of the Dutch Bankruptcy Act. New double tax treaty concluded with the United Kingdom ratified by Luxembourg The new double tax treaty between Luxembourg and the United Kingdom (âDTTâ) ratified by the Luxembourg Parliament on 19 July 2023 should apply as from 2024. Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023 - Luxembourg chapter Claire-Marie Darnand, Victorien HĂ©mery, Benjamin Marthoz, Tom Storck, Johan LĂ©onard and AnaĂŻs Bracqbien have contributed to the Luxembourg chapter of the Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023. Op naar hoe: de volgende stap in het AFM-toezicht op duurzaamheidsclaims De Autoriteit FinanciĂ«le Markten (AFM) maant financiĂ«le ondernemingen tot uitgebreidere, concretere en duidelijkere communicatie over duurzaamheid. Financial Regulation â Q2 2023 Update Changes to Dutch financial regulations entered into force on or around 1 July, including notable amendments for holders of a qualifying holding in certain Dutch regulated financial institutions. We have listed the main changes in this publication. The third AFM report on SFDR compliance signals tightening enforcement and highlights a shift in supervision towards the quality of disclosures A recent report of the AFM underlines its focus on monitoring SFDR compliance, signals tightening enforcement action against those lagging behind, and highlights a new phase of supervisory attention for clear, accurate and reliable SFDR disclosures. Dutch tax insights in debt restructuring cases We will highlight certain focus areas from a Dutch tax perspective in debt restructuring cases involving a Dutch debtor, also considering creditors holding or obtaining an equity stake â directly or indirectly - in the borrowing entity. Stibbe contributes to CFO Forum 2024 Marieke Driessen, Derk Lemstra and Rogier Raas participated in the CFO Forum - The Annual Meeting 2024, organised by our partner Transformation Forums, on 23 May 2024. You can read the insights of the meeting in the report. Contractual clauses prohibiting the transferability or pledgeability of business claims could become void in the near future We discuss a draft bill to declare contractual clauses limiting the transferability and/or pledgeability of claims in business relations void, and call upon the Dutch Senate to reconsider at least its applicability to existing contracts. Stibbe recognised in the GRR 100 2024 Stibbe has been recognised in the 2024 edition of GRR 100 (Global Restructuring Review) as one of the worldâs leading law firms in the field of cross-border restructuring and insolvency proceedings. Wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden: (mogelijke) impact op de financieringspraktijk Het op 2/6/2020 bij de Tweede Kamer ingediende wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden beoogt de bestaande praktijk van het contractueel overeenkomen van verboden of beperkingen van de overdracht of verpanding van geldvorderingen op naam op te heffen. Extension of approval and filing deadlines for financial data of Luxembourg companies Alike other European countries, Luxembourg has adopted, in the context of the Covid-19 state of crisis, temporary measures. extended deadlines for filing and publishing financial data for commercial companies and regulated entities, among others. Marc Fyon and Viktor Pokorny authored two articles on the new Belgian Companies Code The two in-depth analyses examine, respectively, the impact of the reform on the governance of financial institutions and on financial transactions, and the new form of limited company ("SociĂ©tĂ© Ă responsabilitĂ© limitĂ©e"/"Besloten vennootschap"). Cease fire on troubled companies! Royal Decree temporarily suspends enforcement Royal Decree No. 15 introduces a temporary moratorium amid COVID-19, shielding debtor-companies from enforcement measures and bankruptcy declarations. Impact van de coronacrisis op ICT-overeenkomsten De uitbraak van het coronavirus heeft gevolgen voor de gang van zaken binnen iedere organisatie. Mogelijk ook op uw contracten met leveranciers of juist afnemers van ICT. Het onderstaande overzicht bevat aandachtspunten voor het bepalen van uw positie ten Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next page
The top five points for corporate borrowers to protect themselves against bank insolvency in Europe and elsewhere Here are five steps that corporate borrowers can take to protect themselves against the fall-out of their financing banksâ insolvency.
Stibbe advises Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first ABB Stibbe assisted Intervest Offices & Warehouses on its first capital increase through an accelerated book building.
BNR: het faillissement van de Amsterdam Trade Bank Bij BNRâs âOnder Curatorenâ vertelt Job van Hooff, curator en partner in Stibbeâs Restructuring & Insolvency praktijk, over de afwikkeling van het faillissement van Amsterdam Trade Bank.
Invalidation of agreements entered into by a bankruptcy trustee with the approval of the supervisory judge under Article 69 of the Bankruptcy Act? The Dutch Supreme Court handed down a judgment on 15 Dec 2023 clarifying whether agreements entered into by a bankruptcy trustee with the approval of the supervisory judge can be affected by an application under Article 69 of the Dutch Bankruptcy Act.
New double tax treaty concluded with the United Kingdom ratified by Luxembourg The new double tax treaty between Luxembourg and the United Kingdom (âDTTâ) ratified by the Luxembourg Parliament on 19 July 2023 should apply as from 2024.
Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023 - Luxembourg chapter Claire-Marie Darnand, Victorien HĂ©mery, Benjamin Marthoz, Tom Storck, Johan LĂ©onard and AnaĂŻs Bracqbien have contributed to the Luxembourg chapter of the Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023.
Op naar hoe: de volgende stap in het AFM-toezicht op duurzaamheidsclaims De Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) maant financiële ondernemingen tot uitgebreidere, concretere en duidelijkere communicatie over duurzaamheid.
Financial Regulation â Q2 2023 Update Changes to Dutch financial regulations entered into force on or around 1 July, including notable amendments for holders of a qualifying holding in certain Dutch regulated financial institutions. We have listed the main changes in this publication.
The third AFM report on SFDR compliance signals tightening enforcement and highlights a shift in supervision towards the quality of disclosures A recent report of the AFM underlines its focus on monitoring SFDR compliance, signals tightening enforcement action against those lagging behind, and highlights a new phase of supervisory attention for clear, accurate and reliable SFDR disclosures.
Dutch tax insights in debt restructuring cases We will highlight certain focus areas from a Dutch tax perspective in debt restructuring cases involving a Dutch debtor, also considering creditors holding or obtaining an equity stake â directly or indirectly - in the borrowing entity.
Stibbe contributes to CFO Forum 2024 Marieke Driessen, Derk Lemstra and Rogier Raas participated in the CFO Forum - The Annual Meeting 2024, organised by our partner Transformation Forums, on 23 May 2024. You can read the insights of the meeting in the report.
Contractual clauses prohibiting the transferability or pledgeability of business claims could become void in the near future We discuss a draft bill to declare contractual clauses limiting the transferability and/or pledgeability of claims in business relations void, and call upon the Dutch Senate to reconsider at least its applicability to existing contracts.
Stibbe recognised in the GRR 100 2024 Stibbe has been recognised in the 2024 edition of GRR 100 (Global Restructuring Review) as one of the worldâs leading law firms in the field of cross-border restructuring and insolvency proceedings.
Wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden: (mogelijke) impact op de financieringspraktijk Het op 2/6/2020 bij de Tweede Kamer ingediende wetsvoorstel opheffing verpandingsverboden beoogt de bestaande praktijk van het contractueel overeenkomen van verboden of beperkingen van de overdracht of verpanding van geldvorderingen op naam op te heffen.
Extension of approval and filing deadlines for financial data of Luxembourg companies Alike other European countries, Luxembourg has adopted, in the context of the Covid-19 state of crisis, temporary measures. extended deadlines for filing and publishing financial data for commercial companies and regulated entities, among others.
Marc Fyon and Viktor Pokorny authored two articles on the new Belgian Companies Code The two in-depth analyses examine, respectively, the impact of the reform on the governance of financial institutions and on financial transactions, and the new form of limited company ("Société à responsabilité limitée"/"Besloten vennootschap").
Cease fire on troubled companies! Royal Decree temporarily suspends enforcement Royal Decree No. 15 introduces a temporary moratorium amid COVID-19, shielding debtor-companies from enforcement measures and bankruptcy declarations.
Impact van de coronacrisis op ICT-overeenkomsten De uitbraak van het coronavirus heeft gevolgen voor de gang van zaken binnen iedere organisatie. Mogelijk ook op uw contracten met leveranciers of juist afnemers van ICT. Het onderstaande overzicht bevat aandachtspunten voor het bepalen van uw positie ten