140 results The revised Network and Information Security Directive: enhancing EU cybersecurity standards More businesses and organisations will have to strengthen their cybersecurity strategies, as the European legislator revised the NIS Directive. NIS 2 will impose stricter cybersecurity obligations on more organisations. Data Privacy Day 2023: highlighting the most impactful ECJ judgments from the past year In recent years, the ECJ has issued landmark judgments with far-yielding consequences for data controllers and data processors. To celebrate Data Privacy Day 2023, we highlighted the most impactful judgments of the ECJ from the past year. Belgian DPA rules on employee geographic tracking by public authorities On 21 February 2023, the litigation chamber of the Belgian data protection authority has ruled on the legitimacy of the geographic tracking of employees by a public authority. Three months after the UBO-case â Where do we stand and whatâs next? This article looks at the aftermath of the UBO case invalidating the general access to UBO data, and looks at what lies ahead for companies and member states, and specifically at Belgium's recent regulatory action. Proposed copyright tax reform feared to push investors abroad The controversial tax reform for income generated through copyright will have an enormous impact in various sectors such as IT. Het nieuwe privacybeleid van tiktok: nieuwe privacy-issues op de loer TikTok is een inmiddels welbekende van origine Chinese social media-app waarop korte filmpjes kunnen worden opgenomen en gedeeld. Sinds de app in 2017 werd uitgebracht, heeft de populariteit van TikTok een enorme vlucht genomen. Cross-border representative actions: publication of requirements for Dutch organisations seeking designation as âqualified entitiesâ By 26 December 2023 at the latest, EU Member States must publish a list of organisations that they have designated as âqualified entitiesâ (bevoegde instanties) for bringing cross-border representative actions within the EU on behalf of consumers. Selectie nieuwe prejudiciĂ«le vragen over consumentenrecht Hier vindt u een selectie van nieuwe prejudiciĂ«le vragen over het consumentenrecht uit 2023. The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: our 16 key takeaways The AI Act is the first comprehensive AI regulation in the world. In this first episode of our Artificial Intelligence series, we have set out our initial key takeaways on the AI Act based on the text as currently approved by the Council of the EU. Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten. Een âvastgoedcoachâ is een vastgoedmakelaar en moet ingeschreven zijn Een zelfverklaarde âvastgoedcoachâ kwalificeert als makelaar omdat hij actief panden aanbiedt en plaatsbezoeken organiseert. From Farm to Fairness: Unpacking the Dutch Unfair Trading Practices Act for the Agri-Food Supply Chain Since 2021, Dutch rules against unfair trading practices, which implemented an EU Directive, apply to business-to-business relationships in agri-food supply chains. Enforcement by the ACM, initially slow, is now intensifying. SĂ©lection des dĂ©veloppements juridiques belges et europĂ©ens Veuillez trouver ici une sĂ©lection des rĂ©cents dĂ©veloppements juridiques belges et europĂ©ens arrĂȘtĂ©s au 31 dĂ©cembre 2023. Selectie van EU-BE juridische ontwikkelingen Hier vindt u een selectie van recente Belgische en Europese juridische ontwikkelingen tot en met 31 december 2023. Hof van Justitie: prejudiciĂ«le vragen over gegevensverwerkingen door Meta Op 4 juli 2023 heeft het Europees Hof van Justitie een arrest gewezen in de zaak C-252/21 (Meta e.a. tegen Bundeskartellamt). Meta Platforms Ireland (hierna: Meta) exploiteert onder meer het online sociale netwerk Facebook in de Europese Unie. EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework: A new adequacy decision for the United States On Monday July 10, 2023, the European Commission adopted her adequacy decision for the United States, the âEU-U.S. Data Privacy Frameworkâ, which has immediate effect. The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation Erik Valgaeren, Jan Joos and Thibau Duquin contributed to the article 'The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation' published by the IBA Business Law International Journal. EU Artificial Intelligence Act and Generative AI â an update In this blogpost, our TMT expert Thibau Duquin elaborates on the AI Act, the rules on generative AI such as ChatGPT, and the next steps. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Next page
The revised Network and Information Security Directive: enhancing EU cybersecurity standards More businesses and organisations will have to strengthen their cybersecurity strategies, as the European legislator revised the NIS Directive. NIS 2 will impose stricter cybersecurity obligations on more organisations.
Data Privacy Day 2023: highlighting the most impactful ECJ judgments from the past year In recent years, the ECJ has issued landmark judgments with far-yielding consequences for data controllers and data processors. To celebrate Data Privacy Day 2023, we highlighted the most impactful judgments of the ECJ from the past year.
Belgian DPA rules on employee geographic tracking by public authorities On 21 February 2023, the litigation chamber of the Belgian data protection authority has ruled on the legitimacy of the geographic tracking of employees by a public authority.
Three months after the UBO-case â Where do we stand and whatâs next? This article looks at the aftermath of the UBO case invalidating the general access to UBO data, and looks at what lies ahead for companies and member states, and specifically at Belgium's recent regulatory action.
Proposed copyright tax reform feared to push investors abroad The controversial tax reform for income generated through copyright will have an enormous impact in various sectors such as IT.
Het nieuwe privacybeleid van tiktok: nieuwe privacy-issues op de loer TikTok is een inmiddels welbekende van origine Chinese social media-app waarop korte filmpjes kunnen worden opgenomen en gedeeld. Sinds de app in 2017 werd uitgebracht, heeft de populariteit van TikTok een enorme vlucht genomen.
Cross-border representative actions: publication of requirements for Dutch organisations seeking designation as âqualified entitiesâ By 26 December 2023 at the latest, EU Member States must publish a list of organisations that they have designated as âqualified entitiesâ (bevoegde instanties) for bringing cross-border representative actions within the EU on behalf of consumers.
Selectie nieuwe prejudiciële vragen over consumentenrecht Hier vindt u een selectie van nieuwe prejudiciële vragen over het consumentenrecht uit 2023.
The EU Artificial Intelligence Act: our 16 key takeaways The AI Act is the first comprehensive AI regulation in the world. In this first episode of our Artificial Intelligence series, we have set out our initial key takeaways on the AI Act based on the text as currently approved by the Council of the EU.
Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten.
Een âvastgoedcoachâ is een vastgoedmakelaar en moet ingeschreven zijn Een zelfverklaarde âvastgoedcoachâ kwalificeert als makelaar omdat hij actief panden aanbiedt en plaatsbezoeken organiseert.
From Farm to Fairness: Unpacking the Dutch Unfair Trading Practices Act for the Agri-Food Supply Chain Since 2021, Dutch rules against unfair trading practices, which implemented an EU Directive, apply to business-to-business relationships in agri-food supply chains. Enforcement by the ACM, initially slow, is now intensifying.
SĂ©lection des dĂ©veloppements juridiques belges et europĂ©ens Veuillez trouver ici une sĂ©lection des rĂ©cents dĂ©veloppements juridiques belges et europĂ©ens arrĂȘtĂ©s au 31 dĂ©cembre 2023.
Selectie van EU-BE juridische ontwikkelingen Hier vindt u een selectie van recente Belgische en Europese juridische ontwikkelingen tot en met 31 december 2023.
Hof van Justitie: prejudiciële vragen over gegevensverwerkingen door Meta Op 4 juli 2023 heeft het Europees Hof van Justitie een arrest gewezen in de zaak C-252/21 (Meta e.a. tegen Bundeskartellamt). Meta Platforms Ireland (hierna: Meta) exploiteert onder meer het online sociale netwerk Facebook in de Europese Unie.
EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework: A new adequacy decision for the United States On Monday July 10, 2023, the European Commission adopted her adequacy decision for the United States, the âEU-U.S. Data Privacy Frameworkâ, which has immediate effect.
The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation Erik Valgaeren, Jan Joos and Thibau Duquin contributed to the article 'The Pandemic's Impact on Legal Work: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Frameworks, Practical Impacts and Innovation' published by the IBA Business Law International Journal.
EU Artificial Intelligence Act and Generative AI â an update In this blogpost, our TMT expert Thibau Duquin elaborates on the AI Act, the rules on generative AI such as ChatGPT, and the next steps.