298 results Voortgang UBO-register en Centraal aandeelhoudersregister Nadat lange tijd de verwachting was dat het UBO-register in de zomer van 2018 operationeel zou kunnen zijn, heeft de Minister van Financiën verduidelijkt dat indiening van het wetsvoorstel bij de Tweede kamer gepland staat voor maart 2019. Wetsvoorstel implementatie Prospectusverordening Op 17 december 2018 is het wetsvoorstel Wet implementatie prospectusverordening ingediend bij de Tweede Kamer. Dit implementatiewetsvoorstel strekt tot implementatie van de Prospectusverordening (Verordening (EU) 2017/1129). Netherlands Commercial Court van start Op 1 januari 2019 zijn op basis van de Wet Netherlands Commercial Court het Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) en het Netherlands Commercial Court of Appeal (NCCA) van start gegaan. Wet toezicht trustkantoren 2018 in werking getreden Op 1 januari 2019 zijn de Wet toezicht trustkantoren 2018 en het bijbehorende Besluit in werking getreden. De normen waaraan trustkantoren moeten voldoen worden aangescherpt en toezichthouder DNB krijgt meer bevoegdheden om handhavend op te treden. Steven Hijink over vertrouwen en transparantie in het ondernemingsrecht Steven Hijink sprak op 9 november 2018 zijn inaugurale rede uit met als titel: 'Vertrouwen en transparantie' – de complexe verhouding tussen transparantieverplichtingen en vertrouwen in het ondernemingsrecht. De bewerkte tekst van zijn oratie is gepublice Stibbe advises PostNL Stibbe advises PostNL on the acquisition of Sandd for an enterprise value of EUR 130 million. Stibbe advises Nedap Stibbe advised Nedap on the sale of Nsecure B.V. to technical service provider Unica. Nsecure provides access and identity management solutions to the financial, insurance and industry sectors. Nsecure connects safety systems to business processes to prov Stibbe advises KPS Capital Partners on the acquisition of Taylor Made Golf Company, Inc. Stibbe advised KPS Capital Partners, LP on the USD 425 million acquisition of Taylor Made Golf Company, Inc. from adidas AG. Stibbe advises Aedifica Stibbe advised Aedifica recently on two transactions in order to further expand her Dutch portfolio of care assets. Stibbe advises Air Liquide on the acquisition of Cryotainer Stibbe advises Air Liquide on the acquisition of the Dutch company Cryotainer active in industrial nitrogen services. Stibbe advises Eni Stibbe advised Italian energy company Eni onthe sale of Eni Gas & Power NV/SA to Dutch utility company Eneco. Stibbe advises Intertrust on its acquisition of Elian Group Stibbe advises Intertrust, a leading global provider of high-value trust and corporate services, on its acquisition of Elian Group ("Elian") from Elian's management and funds managed by Electra Partners LLP. Stibbe advises Vistra Stibbe advises The Carlyle Group Stibbe assisted global private equity player The Carlyle Group with its acquisition of The Sniffers, a Belgian provider of fugitive emission monitoring and related services to the oil & gas industries. Stibbe advises the management of Raet Stibbe advises the management of Raet on a majority investment by HgCapital in Raet. HgCapital will assume majority ownership from CVC Capital Partners and will be investing alongside the management team, who will retain a significant minority stake in Ra Stibbe advises Colliers International Stibbe advises Colliers International, a global leader in commercial real estate services, on its acquisition of WPM, Netherland’s leading property and asset management company. Stibbe advises HNA Group Stibbe advised HNA Group, the owner of China’s fourth-largest airline Hainan Airlines, as Belgian counsel in relation to its EUR 2.56 billion acquisition of Swissport Group from PAI Partners. Stibbe advises Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG and Efkon AG Stibbe assisted a consortium composed of Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG, and Efkon AG with the preparation of its bid and with the negotiations and subsequent closing of the contract for the realization of the ETCS PPR project. Pagination Previous page Page 12 Current page 13 Page 14 Page 15 Next page
Voortgang UBO-register en Centraal aandeelhoudersregister Nadat lange tijd de verwachting was dat het UBO-register in de zomer van 2018 operationeel zou kunnen zijn, heeft de Minister van Financiën verduidelijkt dat indiening van het wetsvoorstel bij de Tweede kamer gepland staat voor maart 2019.
Wetsvoorstel implementatie Prospectusverordening Op 17 december 2018 is het wetsvoorstel Wet implementatie prospectusverordening ingediend bij de Tweede Kamer. Dit implementatiewetsvoorstel strekt tot implementatie van de Prospectusverordening (Verordening (EU) 2017/1129).
Netherlands Commercial Court van start Op 1 januari 2019 zijn op basis van de Wet Netherlands Commercial Court het Netherlands Commercial Court (NCC) en het Netherlands Commercial Court of Appeal (NCCA) van start gegaan.
Wet toezicht trustkantoren 2018 in werking getreden Op 1 januari 2019 zijn de Wet toezicht trustkantoren 2018 en het bijbehorende Besluit in werking getreden. De normen waaraan trustkantoren moeten voldoen worden aangescherpt en toezichthouder DNB krijgt meer bevoegdheden om handhavend op te treden.
Steven Hijink over vertrouwen en transparantie in het ondernemingsrecht Steven Hijink sprak op 9 november 2018 zijn inaugurale rede uit met als titel: 'Vertrouwen en transparantie' – de complexe verhouding tussen transparantieverplichtingen en vertrouwen in het ondernemingsrecht. De bewerkte tekst van zijn oratie is gepublice
Stibbe advises PostNL Stibbe advises PostNL on the acquisition of Sandd for an enterprise value of EUR 130 million.
Stibbe advises Nedap Stibbe advised Nedap on the sale of Nsecure B.V. to technical service provider Unica. Nsecure provides access and identity management solutions to the financial, insurance and industry sectors. Nsecure connects safety systems to business processes to prov
Stibbe advises KPS Capital Partners on the acquisition of Taylor Made Golf Company, Inc. Stibbe advised KPS Capital Partners, LP on the USD 425 million acquisition of Taylor Made Golf Company, Inc. from adidas AG.
Stibbe advises Aedifica Stibbe advised Aedifica recently on two transactions in order to further expand her Dutch portfolio of care assets.
Stibbe advises Air Liquide on the acquisition of Cryotainer Stibbe advises Air Liquide on the acquisition of the Dutch company Cryotainer active in industrial nitrogen services.
Stibbe advises Eni Stibbe advised Italian energy company Eni onthe sale of Eni Gas & Power NV/SA to Dutch utility company Eneco.
Stibbe advises Intertrust on its acquisition of Elian Group Stibbe advises Intertrust, a leading global provider of high-value trust and corporate services, on its acquisition of Elian Group ("Elian") from Elian's management and funds managed by Electra Partners LLP.
Stibbe advises The Carlyle Group Stibbe assisted global private equity player The Carlyle Group with its acquisition of The Sniffers, a Belgian provider of fugitive emission monitoring and related services to the oil & gas industries.
Stibbe advises the management of Raet Stibbe advises the management of Raet on a majority investment by HgCapital in Raet. HgCapital will assume majority ownership from CVC Capital Partners and will be investing alongside the management team, who will retain a significant minority stake in Ra
Stibbe advises Colliers International Stibbe advises Colliers International, a global leader in commercial real estate services, on its acquisition of WPM, Netherland’s leading property and asset management company.
Stibbe advises HNA Group Stibbe advised HNA Group, the owner of China’s fourth-largest airline Hainan Airlines, as Belgian counsel in relation to its EUR 2.56 billion acquisition of Swissport Group from PAI Partners.
Stibbe advises Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG and Efkon AG Stibbe assisted a consortium composed of Belgacom, T-Systems International GmbH, Strabag AG, and Efkon AG with the preparation of its bid and with the negotiations and subsequent closing of the contract for the realization of the ETCS PPR project.