233 results Stibbe advises Focus Entertainment Stibbe advises Focus Entertainment SA on the acquisition of a majority stake in WW1 Game Series. Pieter Schütte and Paul Vestering attend the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA Pieter Schütte and Paul Vestering will be attending the 7th edition of the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA on 19 and 20 September in Frankfurt, Germany. Tijdelijke Wet COVID-19 Justitie & Veiligheid: werkingsduur verlengd tot 1 december 2022 De werkingsduur van de Tijdelijke Wet COVID-19 Justitie & Veiligheid (“de Tijdelijke wet”) is bij Koninklijk Besluit opnieuw verlengd. De nieuwe vervaldatum is vastgesteld op 1 december 2022. Deep dive into forward deals: forward funding and forward commitment This article discusses the main considerations when considering and structuring forward deals. Stibbe advises Sappi We are very pleased Stibbe is advising Sappi Limited (Sappi) in relation to the contemplated sale and carve-out transaction involving Sappi’s graphic paper mills in Maastricht. Getting the Deal Through - Private M&A 2023: The BeNeLux chapters A team of Stibbe lawyers from our Brussels, Luxembourg and Amsterdam offices have authored the BeNeLux sections of the Private M&A 2023 chapters published by Lexology Getting the Deal Through. Stibbe advises VCK Stibbe advises VCK on the sale of VCK Logistics to Janssen. Wie is de UBO? De UBO-registratieverplichting en terugmeldverplichting nader beschouwd Op 27 maart 2022 was het zover: uiterlijk op die datum moesten in Nederland opgerichte rechtspersonen en personenvennootschappen hun uiteindelijk belanghebbenden, oftewel hun ultimate beneficial owners, hebben geregistreerd in het UBO-register. Stibbe advises Vereniging Aegon on the combination of Aegon’s Dutch operations with a.s.r. Stibbe advises Vereniging Aegon on the combination of Aegon’s Dutch operations with a.s.r. The combination creates a leader in the Dutch pension, life, and non-life insurance markets. Update initiatiefwetsvoorstel introductie instemmingsrecht en aanscherping vaste beloning bankiers Op 25 april 2018 had de Raad van State een kritisch advi het wetsvoorstel voor wijziging Wft. Op 5 juli 2018 volgden publicatie van dit advies, reactie van initiatiefnemers en aangepast wetsvoorstel voor de Tweede Kamer. Stibbe wins Mergermarket ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award During the European M&A Awards 2018 in London organised by Mergermarket, Stibbe received the ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award. Following a review of all pitches and M&A league table data the judges selected Stibbe as the winner for the Benelu Stibbe advises Equistone Partners Europe Stibbe assisted Equistone Partners Europe with the MBO of Wallenborn Transports, a Luxembourg based operator which is leading European provider of specialised premium road transportation services. Stibbe advises EFG Hermes Stibbe advised EFG Hermes, one of the leading private equity funds in the Middle East, regarding the sale of its 49% stake in a 998 MW pan-European wind energy portfolio to a group of institutional investors advised by J.P. Morgan Asset Management. Webinar on the new regime applicable to cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions François Bernard, will conduct a webinar in Luxembourg on Tuesday 5 May (10:00 - 12:00) in collaboration with Legitech on Directive (EU) 2019/2121 amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 as regards cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions. Pieter Schütte co-chairs the annual IBA Corporate Governance Conference in Frankfurt The International Bar Association (IBA) is organising its 6th Annual Corporate Governance Conference in Frankfurt on 5 and 6 December 2019. Together with Damien Zoubek (Cravath, Swaine & Moore) Pieter Schütte will co-chair this two-day conference. Derk Le Stibbe advises Apollo Global Management L.P. Advising Apollo Global Management L.P. on the acquisition of Rio Tinto's Alcan Engineered Products division through a Dutch joint venture structure. Mark-up wetteksten Boek 2 BW | 2025 Stibbe stelt jaarlijks een uitgave beschikbaar waarin een mark-up is opgenomen van Boek 2 BW, zoals dat luidt na (ongewijzigde) implementatie van recent in werking getreden wetten en lopende wetsvoorstellen. Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van duurzaamheidsverslaggeving Op 5 januari 2023 is de Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive ("CSRD") in werking getreden. Pagination Previous page Page 10 Page 11 Current page 12 Page 13 Next page
Stibbe advises Focus Entertainment Stibbe advises Focus Entertainment SA on the acquisition of a majority stake in WW1 Game Series.
Pieter Schütte and Paul Vestering attend the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA Pieter Schütte and Paul Vestering will be attending the 7th edition of the annual Corporate Governance Conference of the IBA on 19 and 20 September in Frankfurt, Germany.
Tijdelijke Wet COVID-19 Justitie & Veiligheid: werkingsduur verlengd tot 1 december 2022 De werkingsduur van de Tijdelijke Wet COVID-19 Justitie & Veiligheid (“de Tijdelijke wet”) is bij Koninklijk Besluit opnieuw verlengd. De nieuwe vervaldatum is vastgesteld op 1 december 2022.
Deep dive into forward deals: forward funding and forward commitment This article discusses the main considerations when considering and structuring forward deals.
Stibbe advises Sappi We are very pleased Stibbe is advising Sappi Limited (Sappi) in relation to the contemplated sale and carve-out transaction involving Sappi’s graphic paper mills in Maastricht.
Getting the Deal Through - Private M&A 2023: The BeNeLux chapters A team of Stibbe lawyers from our Brussels, Luxembourg and Amsterdam offices have authored the BeNeLux sections of the Private M&A 2023 chapters published by Lexology Getting the Deal Through.
Wie is de UBO? De UBO-registratieverplichting en terugmeldverplichting nader beschouwd Op 27 maart 2022 was het zover: uiterlijk op die datum moesten in Nederland opgerichte rechtspersonen en personenvennootschappen hun uiteindelijk belanghebbenden, oftewel hun ultimate beneficial owners, hebben geregistreerd in het UBO-register.
Stibbe advises Vereniging Aegon on the combination of Aegon’s Dutch operations with a.s.r. Stibbe advises Vereniging Aegon on the combination of Aegon’s Dutch operations with a.s.r. The combination creates a leader in the Dutch pension, life, and non-life insurance markets.
Update initiatiefwetsvoorstel introductie instemmingsrecht en aanscherping vaste beloning bankiers Op 25 april 2018 had de Raad van State een kritisch advi het wetsvoorstel voor wijziging Wft. Op 5 juli 2018 volgden publicatie van dit advies, reactie van initiatiefnemers en aangepast wetsvoorstel voor de Tweede Kamer.
Stibbe wins Mergermarket ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award During the European M&A Awards 2018 in London organised by Mergermarket, Stibbe received the ‘Benelux M&A Legal Adviser of the Year’ award. Following a review of all pitches and M&A league table data the judges selected Stibbe as the winner for the Benelu
Stibbe advises Equistone Partners Europe Stibbe assisted Equistone Partners Europe with the MBO of Wallenborn Transports, a Luxembourg based operator which is leading European provider of specialised premium road transportation services.
Stibbe advises EFG Hermes Stibbe advised EFG Hermes, one of the leading private equity funds in the Middle East, regarding the sale of its 49% stake in a 998 MW pan-European wind energy portfolio to a group of institutional investors advised by J.P. Morgan Asset Management.
Webinar on the new regime applicable to cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions François Bernard, will conduct a webinar in Luxembourg on Tuesday 5 May (10:00 - 12:00) in collaboration with Legitech on Directive (EU) 2019/2121 amending Directive (EU) 2017/1132 as regards cross-border conversions, mergers and divisions.
Pieter Schütte co-chairs the annual IBA Corporate Governance Conference in Frankfurt The International Bar Association (IBA) is organising its 6th Annual Corporate Governance Conference in Frankfurt on 5 and 6 December 2019. Together with Damien Zoubek (Cravath, Swaine & Moore) Pieter Schütte will co-chair this two-day conference. Derk Le
Stibbe advises Apollo Global Management L.P. Advising Apollo Global Management L.P. on the acquisition of Rio Tinto's Alcan Engineered Products division through a Dutch joint venture structure.
Mark-up wetteksten Boek 2 BW | 2025 Stibbe stelt jaarlijks een uitgave beschikbaar waarin een mark-up is opgenomen van Boek 2 BW, zoals dat luidt na (ongewijzigde) implementatie van recent in werking getreden wetten en lopende wetsvoorstellen.
Ontwikkelingen op het gebied van duurzaamheidsverslaggeving Op 5 januari 2023 is de Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive ("CSRD") in werking getreden.