110 results Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal in Global Legal Insights - FinTech Edition 2019 Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal have contributed to the 2019 FinTech edition of Global Legal Insights (GLI), providing the Netherlands chapter. Dutch Financial Regulators recommend a Dutch national licensing regime for crypto exchange platforms and crypto wallet providers On 18 January 2019, the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, "DNB") and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten, the "AFM") published their joint advice recommending a Dutch national licensing reg Financial regulatory law update 2019 Several changes to Dutch financial regulatory laws entered into force in January and February 2019. In this article we provide a short summary of these changes. Stibbe advises Wind aan de Stroom Stibbe advised Wind aan de Stroom and Triodos on a project finance package for the development of the extension of its wind farm on the Antwerp left bank with five extra wind turbines. Stibbe advises Heijmans Capital, 3i Infrastructure and Fluor Infrastructure on the PPP A27/A1 road project Stibbe advised the consortium 3Angle B.V., comprising of Heijmans Capital (a joint venture of Heijmans and 3i Infrastructure), 3i Infrastructure and Fluor Infrastructure, in connection with all legal aspects of the PPP A27/A1 road project. Stibbe advises SOLO group Stibbe advised SOLO Group, a network of unique brands whose common aim is to create clothing and accessories, on the financing for the acquisition of Mid Ocean Group B.V. Mid Ocean Group’s mission. Dutch Government proposes the long awaited amendments to the Dutch Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act On 21 October 2022, the long awaited legislative proposal to amend the Dutch Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act. Stibbe advises Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij Stibbe successfully assisted Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij on the development of the new greenfield “Kristal Solar Park”. Evaluatie Wbfo en start consultatie over mogelijke wijzigingen/wettelijke maatregelen voor vaste beloning Op 17 juli 2018 heeft de minister van Financiën de twee rapporten over de evaluatie van de Wet beloningsbeleid financiële ondernemingen (Wbfo) aangeboden aan de Tweede Kamer. Update initiatiefwetsvoorstel introductie instemmingsrecht en aanscherping vaste beloning bankiers Op 25 april 2018 had de Raad van State een kritisch advi het wetsvoorstel voor wijziging Wft. Op 5 juli 2018 volgden publicatie van dit advies, reactie van initiatiefnemers en aangepast wetsvoorstel voor de Tweede Kamer. Stibbe advises Equistone Partners Europe Stibbe assisted Equistone Partners Europe with the MBO of Wallenborn Transports, a Luxembourg based operator which is leading European provider of specialised premium road transportation services. Dutch Supreme Court decides against the pledgeability of non-transferable claims Lawyers occasionally wonder how the law ended up as it is. We had that experience after the Dutch Supreme Court’s decision of 1 July 2022 (Rabobank/Ten Berge q.q.; ECLI:NL:HR:2022:984), regarding the possibility or impossibility of pledging a claim. Ingmar de Groot en David Orobio de Castro geven studiemiddag over projectfinanciering Op woensdag 30 september organiseert het Instituut voor Bouwrecht (IBR) een studiemiddag over projectfinanciering van bouwprojecten. Ingmar de Groot en David Orobio de Castro zijn beiden spreker tijdens deze middag. Webinar: The Dutch Scheme in international restructurings Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp will present a webinar on the use of the Dutch Scheme in international restructurings, in collaboration with Lexology/Global Restructuring Review. Rein van Helden speaks at the 36th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Berlin On 16 May 2019, Rein van Helden will speak at the session "Bye-bye banking? The rise of the challenger lenders." Wetgevingsbrieven 2024 van de AFM en DNB Ingrid van der Klooster bespreekt de jaarlijkse wetgevingswensen van de Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) en De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), zoals opgenomen in hun wetgevingsbrieven van 2024. ESG and sustainable finance update: how to manage greenwashing risks in green and sustainability-linked loans and bonds With green, sustainable and sustainability-linked debt funding on the rise, how do financial market participants steer clear of greenwashing risks when they provide or attract such debt funding? Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023 - Luxembourg chapter Claire-Marie Darnand, Victorien Hémery, Benjamin Marthoz, Tom Storck, Johan Léonard and Anaïs Bracqbien have contributed to the Luxembourg chapter of the Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023. Pagination Previous page Page 4 Page 5 Current page 6 Page 7 Next page
Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal in Global Legal Insights - FinTech Edition 2019 Roderik Vrolijk and Soeradj Ramsanjhal have contributed to the 2019 FinTech edition of Global Legal Insights (GLI), providing the Netherlands chapter.
Dutch Financial Regulators recommend a Dutch national licensing regime for crypto exchange platforms and crypto wallet providers On 18 January 2019, the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, "DNB") and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten, the "AFM") published their joint advice recommending a Dutch national licensing reg
Financial regulatory law update 2019 Several changes to Dutch financial regulatory laws entered into force in January and February 2019. In this article we provide a short summary of these changes.
Stibbe advises Wind aan de Stroom Stibbe advised Wind aan de Stroom and Triodos on a project finance package for the development of the extension of its wind farm on the Antwerp left bank with five extra wind turbines.
Stibbe advises Heijmans Capital, 3i Infrastructure and Fluor Infrastructure on the PPP A27/A1 road project Stibbe advised the consortium 3Angle B.V., comprising of Heijmans Capital (a joint venture of Heijmans and 3i Infrastructure), 3i Infrastructure and Fluor Infrastructure, in connection with all legal aspects of the PPP A27/A1 road project.
Stibbe advises SOLO group Stibbe advised SOLO Group, a network of unique brands whose common aim is to create clothing and accessories, on the financing for the acquisition of Mid Ocean Group B.V. Mid Ocean Group’s mission.
Dutch Government proposes the long awaited amendments to the Dutch Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act On 21 October 2022, the long awaited legislative proposal to amend the Dutch Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorism Financing Act.
Stibbe advises Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij Stibbe successfully assisted Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij on the development of the new greenfield “Kristal Solar Park”.
Evaluatie Wbfo en start consultatie over mogelijke wijzigingen/wettelijke maatregelen voor vaste beloning Op 17 juli 2018 heeft de minister van Financiën de twee rapporten over de evaluatie van de Wet beloningsbeleid financiële ondernemingen (Wbfo) aangeboden aan de Tweede Kamer.
Update initiatiefwetsvoorstel introductie instemmingsrecht en aanscherping vaste beloning bankiers Op 25 april 2018 had de Raad van State een kritisch advi het wetsvoorstel voor wijziging Wft. Op 5 juli 2018 volgden publicatie van dit advies, reactie van initiatiefnemers en aangepast wetsvoorstel voor de Tweede Kamer.
Stibbe advises Equistone Partners Europe Stibbe assisted Equistone Partners Europe with the MBO of Wallenborn Transports, a Luxembourg based operator which is leading European provider of specialised premium road transportation services.
Dutch Supreme Court decides against the pledgeability of non-transferable claims Lawyers occasionally wonder how the law ended up as it is. We had that experience after the Dutch Supreme Court’s decision of 1 July 2022 (Rabobank/Ten Berge q.q.; ECLI:NL:HR:2022:984), regarding the possibility or impossibility of pledging a claim.
Ingmar de Groot en David Orobio de Castro geven studiemiddag over projectfinanciering Op woensdag 30 september organiseert het Instituut voor Bouwrecht (IBR) een studiemiddag over projectfinanciering van bouwprojecten. Ingmar de Groot en David Orobio de Castro zijn beiden spreker tijdens deze middag.
Webinar: The Dutch Scheme in international restructurings Job van Hooff and Daisy Nijkamp will present a webinar on the use of the Dutch Scheme in international restructurings, in collaboration with Lexology/Global Restructuring Review.
Rein van Helden speaks at the 36th IBA International Financial Law Conference in Berlin On 16 May 2019, Rein van Helden will speak at the session "Bye-bye banking? The rise of the challenger lenders."
Wetgevingsbrieven 2024 van de AFM en DNB Ingrid van der Klooster bespreekt de jaarlijkse wetgevingswensen van de Autoriteit Financiële Markten (AFM) en De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB), zoals opgenomen in hun wetgevingsbrieven van 2024.
ESG and sustainable finance update: how to manage greenwashing risks in green and sustainability-linked loans and bonds With green, sustainable and sustainability-linked debt funding on the rise, how do financial market participants steer clear of greenwashing risks when they provide or attract such debt funding?
Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023 - Luxembourg chapter Claire-Marie Darnand, Victorien Hémery, Benjamin Marthoz, Tom Storck, Johan Léonard and Anaïs Bracqbien have contributed to the Luxembourg chapter of the Chambers and Partners Real Estate Global Practice Guide 2023.