19 results Cross-border representative actions: publication of requirements for Dutch organisations seeking designation as ‘qualified entities’ By 26 December 2023 at the latest, EU Member States must publish a list of organisations that they have designated as ‘qualified entities’ (bevoegde instanties) for bringing cross-border representative actions within the EU on behalf of consumers. Court of Appeal overturns first instance judgment and establishes that several prestressing steel producers are liable for the potential loss alleged by Deutsche Bahn The Court of Appeal of 's-Hertogenbosch ruled that several producers of prestressing steel are jointly and severally liable for potential loss that Deutsche Bahn may have suffered as a result of an infringement of competition law rules. District Court ruled on the recognition of the res judicata effect of a Turkish judgment and dismissed an antitrust follow on damages claim regarding the cathode-ray tube markets The District Court of Oost-Brabant recognized the res judicata effect of a Turkish court of appeal judgment, in which the Turkish court had dismissed antitrust damages claims brought by Vestel against Philips, Samsung, LGE, Technicolor, TTD and TDP. Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten. Structural sustainability cannot be enforced through liability In her inaugural lecture at Leiden University on 22 March, Branda Katan spoke about enforcing sustainability through liability. The number of civil cases against companies is expected to increase in the coming years. Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference 2024 The Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference took place on 25 June. The take aways on the two main topics Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching and Climate Litigation can be found in a freely accessible one-pager. Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres 2024 Op 25 juni vond het Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres plaats. De take aways van de twee hoofdonderwerpen Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching en Climate Litigation zijn te vinden in een vrij toegankelijke onepager. The anti-SLAPP Directive has legal effect Litigation against, for example journalists, NGOs, and human rights defenders could effectively silence them. To prevent this, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union recently adopted the anti-SLAPP Directive. Stibbe contributes to Chambers ESG Guide 2024 The year 2024 has been notable for developments in ESG. Climate cases, impactful new laws and regulations, and geopolitical developments have shaped – or will largely shape – companies' choices. Stibbe has been a key contributor to the Chambers ESG Guide. Dutch court rules that investors suffer investment loss in the market where securities are listed and traded On 29 January 2020, the Rotterdam District Court ruled on the question of which laws are applicable to the tort claims brought by (former) Petrobras investors against Petrobras (ECLI:NL:RBROT:2020:614). TenderNed en Klic-viewer: innoveren met overheidsinformatie kan een riskante onderneming zijn Aanbieders van online-diensten en applicaties kunnen niet altijd rekenen op bescherming van hun marktpositie op basis van de staatssteun- en mededingingsregels. Dit blijkt uit een onlangs gewezen uitspraak van de hoogste Unierechter. EU Council suggests fundamental changes to proposal for Directive on representative actions The proposed text for a Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers has radically changed – again. Stibbe announces new Counsel and Of Counsel appointments Brussels, 9 January 2020 – The Brussels office of Stibbe has promoted Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans and Sophie Bourgois to Counsel and Elisabeth Baeyens to Of Counsel. Stibbe benoemt nieuwe Counsels en Of Counsel Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe benoemt Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans en Sophie Bourgois tot Counsel en Elisabeth Baeyens tot Of Counsel. Brexit and Private International Law (Part 2 of 2) This second of two blogs discusses the enforcement of UK court judgments in the Netherlands and applicable law. It also gives a brief overview of other EU PIL instruments that have ceased to apply to the UK from 1 January 2021. Stibbe advises BP Stibbe successfully acted as counsel for BP in proceedings before the Dutch courts and the CJEU. Brexit and Private International Law (Part 1 of 2) Since 1 January 2021, EU regulations simplifying cross-border litigation no longer apply in relation to the UK and – in most cases – to parties based in the UK. Legal trend: climate change litigation The Urgenda case against the Dutch government sets a precedent for climate litigation. With similar cases pending, this blog offers updates on climate change litigation. Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Next page
Cross-border representative actions: publication of requirements for Dutch organisations seeking designation as ‘qualified entities’ By 26 December 2023 at the latest, EU Member States must publish a list of organisations that they have designated as ‘qualified entities’ (bevoegde instanties) for bringing cross-border representative actions within the EU on behalf of consumers.
Court of Appeal overturns first instance judgment and establishes that several prestressing steel producers are liable for the potential loss alleged by Deutsche Bahn The Court of Appeal of 's-Hertogenbosch ruled that several producers of prestressing steel are jointly and severally liable for potential loss that Deutsche Bahn may have suffered as a result of an infringement of competition law rules.
District Court ruled on the recognition of the res judicata effect of a Turkish judgment and dismissed an antitrust follow on damages claim regarding the cathode-ray tube markets The District Court of Oost-Brabant recognized the res judicata effect of a Turkish court of appeal judgment, in which the Turkish court had dismissed antitrust damages claims brought by Vestel against Philips, Samsung, LGE, Technicolor, TTD and TDP.
Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten.
Structural sustainability cannot be enforced through liability In her inaugural lecture at Leiden University on 22 March, Branda Katan spoke about enforcing sustainability through liability. The number of civil cases against companies is expected to increase in the coming years.
Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference 2024 The Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Conference took place on 25 June. The take aways on the two main topics Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching and Climate Litigation can be found in a freely accessible one-pager.
Take aways Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres 2024 Op 25 juni vond het Stibbe ESG & Sustainability Congres plaats. De take aways van de twee hoofdonderwerpen Greenwashing vs. Greenbleaching en Climate Litigation zijn te vinden in een vrij toegankelijke onepager.
The anti-SLAPP Directive has legal effect Litigation against, for example journalists, NGOs, and human rights defenders could effectively silence them. To prevent this, the European Parliament and the Council of the European Union recently adopted the anti-SLAPP Directive.
Stibbe contributes to Chambers ESG Guide 2024 The year 2024 has been notable for developments in ESG. Climate cases, impactful new laws and regulations, and geopolitical developments have shaped – or will largely shape – companies' choices. Stibbe has been a key contributor to the Chambers ESG Guide.
Dutch court rules that investors suffer investment loss in the market where securities are listed and traded On 29 January 2020, the Rotterdam District Court ruled on the question of which laws are applicable to the tort claims brought by (former) Petrobras investors against Petrobras (ECLI:NL:RBROT:2020:614).
TenderNed en Klic-viewer: innoveren met overheidsinformatie kan een riskante onderneming zijn Aanbieders van online-diensten en applicaties kunnen niet altijd rekenen op bescherming van hun marktpositie op basis van de staatssteun- en mededingingsregels. Dit blijkt uit een onlangs gewezen uitspraak van de hoogste Unierechter.
EU Council suggests fundamental changes to proposal for Directive on representative actions The proposed text for a Directive on representative actions for the protection of the collective interests of consumers has radically changed – again.
Stibbe announces new Counsel and Of Counsel appointments Brussels, 9 January 2020 – The Brussels office of Stibbe has promoted Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans and Sophie Bourgois to Counsel and Elisabeth Baeyens to Of Counsel.
Stibbe benoemt nieuwe Counsels en Of Counsel Het Brusselse kantoor van Stibbe benoemt Delphine Gillet, Jan Proesmans en Sophie Bourgois tot Counsel en Elisabeth Baeyens tot Of Counsel.
Brexit and Private International Law (Part 2 of 2) This second of two blogs discusses the enforcement of UK court judgments in the Netherlands and applicable law. It also gives a brief overview of other EU PIL instruments that have ceased to apply to the UK from 1 January 2021.
Stibbe advises BP Stibbe successfully acted as counsel for BP in proceedings before the Dutch courts and the CJEU.
Brexit and Private International Law (Part 1 of 2) Since 1 January 2021, EU regulations simplifying cross-border litigation no longer apply in relation to the UK and – in most cases – to parties based in the UK.
Legal trend: climate change litigation The Urgenda case against the Dutch government sets a precedent for climate litigation. With similar cases pending, this blog offers updates on climate change litigation.