8 results Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten. From Farm to Fairness: Unpacking the Dutch Unfair Trading Practices Act for the Agri-Food Supply Chain Since 2021, Dutch rules against unfair trading practices, which implemented an EU Directive, apply to business-to-business relationships in agri-food supply chains. Enforcement by the ACM, initially slow, is now intensifying. The new sustainability advertising code: lessons from one year of review by the advertising code committee In the first year since the SAC came into force there have been 22 rulings by the ACC and the AT in which an advertisement has been tested against the SAC. This blog addresses the lessons that can be drawn from an analysis of these rulings. De nieuwe duurzaamheidsreclamecode: lessen voor de praktijk uit een jaar toetsing door de Reclame Code Commissie In het eerste jaar sinds de inwerkingtreding van de Code voor Duurzaamheidsreclame zijn er 22 uitspraken geweest van de Reclame Code Commissie en het College van Beroep waarin een reclame-uiting aan de CDR is getoetst. Dit blog bevat een analyse. Tom Verdonk co-edited āUnfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chainā Tom Verdonk has co-edited the book āUnfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chainā, recently published by Larcier-Intersentia. Game over for dark patterns? ACM fines Epic for unfairly targeting children The ACM has fined Epic Games for exploiting childrenās psychological vulnerabilities, marking a key moment for Dutch consumer law enforcement. Our briefing examines the broader implications for consumer-facing businesses, especially those in online sales. Stibbe in Amsterdam answers questions from consumers, small business foundations and NGOs about the coronavirus [updated] In a special Q&A, lawyers from our Amsterdam office shareĀ their legal expertise and strive to provide answers to questions put to us by consumers, self-employed persons, enterprises large and small, foundations and NGOs as a result of the corona crisis. European regulatory initiatives for online platforms and search engines As part of the digital economy, the rise of online platforms and search engines raises all kinds of legal questions. For example, do bicycle couriers qualify as employees who are entitled to ordinary labour law protections?
Verticale prijsbinding: handhaving, boetes en schadeclaims We bespreken de wijze waarop bedrijven hun afnemers ongeoorloofd dwingen tot het rekenen van minimumprijzen en waarom dat niet mag. De ACM handhaaft streng en leveranciers kunnen rekenen op hoge boetes en schadeclaims van gedupeerde consumenten.
From Farm to Fairness: Unpacking the Dutch Unfair Trading Practices Act for the Agri-Food Supply Chain Since 2021, Dutch rules against unfair trading practices, which implemented an EU Directive, apply to business-to-business relationships in agri-food supply chains. Enforcement by the ACM, initially slow, is now intensifying.
The new sustainability advertising code: lessons from one year of review by the advertising code committee In the first year since the SAC came into force there have been 22 rulings by the ACC and the AT in which an advertisement has been tested against the SAC. This blog addresses the lessons that can be drawn from an analysis of these rulings.
De nieuwe duurzaamheidsreclamecode: lessen voor de praktijk uit een jaar toetsing door de Reclame Code Commissie In het eerste jaar sinds de inwerkingtreding van de Code voor Duurzaamheidsreclame zijn er 22 uitspraken geweest van de Reclame Code Commissie en het College van Beroep waarin een reclame-uiting aan de CDR is getoetst. Dit blog bevat een analyse.
Tom Verdonk co-edited āUnfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chainā Tom Verdonk has co-edited the book āUnfair Trading Practices in the Agricultural and Food Supply Chainā, recently published by Larcier-Intersentia.
Game over for dark patterns? ACM fines Epic for unfairly targeting children The ACM has fined Epic Games for exploiting childrenās psychological vulnerabilities, marking a key moment for Dutch consumer law enforcement. Our briefing examines the broader implications for consumer-facing businesses, especially those in online sales.
Stibbe in Amsterdam answers questions from consumers, small business foundations and NGOs about the coronavirus [updated] In a special Q&A, lawyers from our Amsterdam office shareĀ their legal expertise and strive to provide answers to questions put to us by consumers, self-employed persons, enterprises large and small, foundations and NGOs as a result of the corona crisis.
European regulatory initiatives for online platforms and search engines As part of the digital economy, the rise of online platforms and search engines raises all kinds of legal questions. For example, do bicycle couriers qualify as employees who are entitled to ordinary labour law protections?