Pro Bono Collaborative for Refugees in the Netherlands Stibbe participated in the Pro Bono Collaborative for Refugees in the Netherlands of The Dutch Council for Refugees (Stichting Vluchtelingenwerk) in 2022 and 2023.
Legal sponsorship of Wildlife Justice Commission We take great pride in our longstanding partnership with the Wildlife Justice Commission, serving as one of their legal sponsors.
Stibbe advises Clara Wichmann and NJCM on ‘Nu Niet Zwanger’ project The Minister of Health, Welfare and Sports has imposed new obligations on the 'Nu Niet Zwanger' project of the GGD as a result of administrative appeal proceedings initiated by Bureau Clara Wichmann and the Dutch Lawyers Committee for Human Rights (NJCM).
Stibbe advises Dierenartsen zonder grenzen / Vétérinaires sans Frontières Belgium Stibbe has assisted Dierenartsen Zonder Grenzen / Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium with pro bono legal advice regarding GDPR compliance.
Stibbe advises PAG-ASA Over the past years, Stibbe has collaborated with PAG-ASA by providing pro bono legal aid to victims and representing them before the criminal courts.
Stibbe advises Museum Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder Museum Ons' Lieve Heer op Solder will continue to receive a subsidy during the arts plan period of 2021-2024. This will guarantee the survival of the second-oldest museum in Amsterdam long into the future.
CSR CSR is an integral part of our firm’s culture and corporate strategy. We have defined clear principles and initiatives to play our part as corporate citizens.