Klimaatzaak bij Internationaal Gerechtshof: zoveel staten, zoveel meningen Dit blogbericht bespreekt de uiteenlopende standpunten van landen zoals Vanuatu, Nederland en de Verenigde Staten in de lopende procedure bij het Internationaal Gerechtshof over de verplichtingen voor staten om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan.
Branda Katan appointed Professor by Special Appointment at Leiden University Leiden University has appointed Branda Katan Professor by Special Appointment for the Corporate Litigation chair as from 1 March 2023. The chair was proposed by the Association for Corporate Litigation.
Climate change and sustainability - Environmental considerations for a sustainable business model Climate change has become the most important sustainability issue of our time. Three major developments in the field of climate and sustainability inevitably affect the way businesses operate and how they move towards more sustainable business models.
Legal trend: climate change litigation The Urgenda case against the Dutch government sets a precedent for climate litigation. With similar cases pending, this blog offers updates on climate change litigation.