Mandatory asbestos certificate As from 23 November 2022, an asbestos certificate will be required for most buildings built prior to 2001 in the Flanders Region, which are sold or otherwise transferred.
Tweede update FAQ Didam-arrest Recent hebben zich twee ontwikkelingen voorgedaan op het gebied van het Didam-arrest. In dit arrest werd kort gezegd geoordeeld dat overheden bij de verkoop van grond gelegenheid moeten bieden aan (potentiële) gegadigden om mee te dingen.
Stibbe advises Aquafin Stibbe successfully assisted Aquafin with the entire procurement and contracting process for the development of a new sludge treatment installation.
Afdeling oordeelt: geen algemene plicht tot nul-emissie van zeer zorgwekkende stof PFOS bij watervergunning voor lozing. Recent oordeelde de Afdeling dat er bij de watervergunning voor lozingen geen algemene plicht is voor nul-emissies van zeer zorgwekkende stoffen (ZZS).
Stibbe advises Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe assisted the Belgian Buildings Agency (federal government agency) on the construction of six prison compounds in Belgium.
Stibbe advises Re-Vive Stibbe assisted Re-Vive – in accordance with its values and objectives: people, planet, and profit – on the legal aspects of the EKLA project in Brussels.
Stibbe advises Eurogare Stibbe advised Eurogare on the launch and follow-up of the entire public procurement process for the reconstruction of the railway station in Mons.
Stibbe advised Iret Development Stibbe acted as counsel to Iret Develoment in its tendering procedure, development, and negotiations of the more than EUR 100 million public–private partnership (PPP) project, which is the new police headquarters building in Antwerp.
Stibbe advises Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij Stibbe successfully assisted Limburgse Reconversiemaatschappij on the development of the new greenfield “Kristal Solar Park”.
Stibbe advises the Belgian Buildings Agency Stibbe advised the Belgian Buildings Agency on the financial close of the Dendermonde Prison project.
Stibbe advises Floating PV Stibbe acted as a transaction counsel to Floating PV NV, a vehicle set up by Sibelco, Groep Machiels and Luminus to build five hectares of floating solar panels at Sibelco’s Schansheide quarry in Dessel.
L'impact de la pandémie du Covid-19 sur l’exécution des marchés publics La crise du Coronavirus impacte les marchés publics. Ceux-ci sont soumis à des règles particulières impliquant l’obligation pour les adjudicateurs d’indemniser les adjudicataires qui subissent les effets de cette crise.
Real estate and the impact of COVID-19 COVID-19 is increasingly disrupting our real estate industry. This article provides you with answers to some of the legal questions raised by the real estate industry during this crisis.