702 results Brand owners beware: Commission tough on cross-border sales restrictions The European Commission recently imposed a EUR 6.2 million fine on Hello Kitty owner Sanrio for preventing its licensees from selling licensed merchandising products across the entire EEA. Commercial interest on overdue interest payments on a loan – uncertainty remains If a person buys a car from a car dealer and fails to pay the purchase price on the agreed date, that person has to pay not only the purchase price but also statutory interest (Clause 6:119 DCC), unless otherwise agreed. The ACM follows EU approach in its first pharmaceutical merger The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) recently reviewed its first merger between two pharmaceutical companies. Digitisation and competition law: past, present and future It is nearly time for the European Commission to reveal its course of action in digitisation and competition law. The need for speed in mergers is no reason to ignore rights of defence On 16 January 2019, the European Court of Justice clarified the procedural guarantees the European Commission needs to provide to merging parties during merger reviews. Legislative proposal for mass damages claims approved by the Dutch House of Representatives On 29 January 2019, the Dutch House of Representatives approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). This proposal aims to amend article 3:305a DCC to enable collective Companies unprepared for increasing cyber risks Companies increasingly face cybercrime incidents. Stibbe offers tailor-made solutions. Sweet & Maxwell’s annual EU Competition Law Handbook The 29th edition of Sweet & Maxwell’s annual EU Competition Law Handbook has been published. Dutch Financial Regulators recommend a Dutch national licensing regime for crypto exchange platforms and crypto wallet providers On 18 January 2019, the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, "DNB") and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten, the "AFM") published their joint advice recommending a Dutch national licensing reg Wouter den Hollander wins award for finest administrative law publication in 2018 On Friday 19 January 2019, Wouter den Hollander received the award for finest administrative law publication in 2018. Steven Hijink joins Dutch Accounting Standards Board Steven Hijink has been appointed as one of ten members of the Dutch Accounting Standards Board (DASB), the executive body of the Dutch Council for Annual Reporting. Stibbe advises Panda Green Energy Stibbe assisted Panda Green Energy, formerly known as United Photovoltaics Group, with the Luxembourg aspects of the sale of six UK solar farms, with a combined capacity of about 82.5MW, to Greencoat Solar. Amended governance rules addressing third party funding for collective claim organizations On 4 March 2019, an amended version of the Dutch "Claimcode" was published. The Claimcode is an instrument of self-regulation, created by parties who are active on the claims market. Legislative proposal on mass damages claims approved by the Dutch Senate On 19 March 2019, the Dutch Senate approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). As the legislative proposal did not give rise to any debate in the Senate, it was passe European Court of Justice resolves – Peeters/Gatzen claim falls within the scope of Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 (Brussels I recast) instead of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 (Insolvency Regulation) On 6 February 2019, the European Court of Justice ruled that the Peeters/Gatzen claim falls within the scope of Regulation Brussels I and therefore the Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings does not apply. Handbook on the Netherlands Commercial Court published To coincide with the opening of the Netherlands Commercial Court, Matthijs Kuijpers of Stibbe Amsterdam has released the handbook on this new court setting out all relevant information concerning this new international court and what it may offer parties Financial regulatory law update 2019 Several changes to Dutch financial regulatory laws entered into force in January and February 2019. In this article we provide a short summary of these changes. Court of Justice: Suppliers of luxury goods may prohibit their authorised distributors from selling on third party internet platforms On 6 December 2017, the Court of Justice rendered its much anticipated judgment in a dispute between a supplier of luxury cosmetics (Coty) and one of its authorised resellers. Pagination Previous page Page 28 Current page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Next page
Brand owners beware: Commission tough on cross-border sales restrictions The European Commission recently imposed a EUR 6.2 million fine on Hello Kitty owner Sanrio for preventing its licensees from selling licensed merchandising products across the entire EEA.
Commercial interest on overdue interest payments on a loan – uncertainty remains If a person buys a car from a car dealer and fails to pay the purchase price on the agreed date, that person has to pay not only the purchase price but also statutory interest (Clause 6:119 DCC), unless otherwise agreed.
The ACM follows EU approach in its first pharmaceutical merger The Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) recently reviewed its first merger between two pharmaceutical companies.
Digitisation and competition law: past, present and future It is nearly time for the European Commission to reveal its course of action in digitisation and competition law.
The need for speed in mergers is no reason to ignore rights of defence On 16 January 2019, the European Court of Justice clarified the procedural guarantees the European Commission needs to provide to merging parties during merger reviews.
Legislative proposal for mass damages claims approved by the Dutch House of Representatives On 29 January 2019, the Dutch House of Representatives approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). This proposal aims to amend article 3:305a DCC to enable collective
Companies unprepared for increasing cyber risks Companies increasingly face cybercrime incidents. Stibbe offers tailor-made solutions.
Sweet & Maxwell’s annual EU Competition Law Handbook The 29th edition of Sweet & Maxwell’s annual EU Competition Law Handbook has been published.Â
Dutch Financial Regulators recommend a Dutch national licensing regime for crypto exchange platforms and crypto wallet providers On 18 January 2019, the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, "DNB") and the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Stichting Autoriteit Financiële Markten, the "AFM") published their joint advice recommending a Dutch national licensing reg
Wouter den Hollander wins award for finest administrative law publication in 2018 On Friday 19 January 2019, Wouter den Hollander received the award for finest administrative law publication in 2018.
Steven Hijink joins Dutch Accounting Standards Board Steven Hijink has been appointed as one of ten members of the Dutch Accounting Standards Board (DASB), the executive body of the Dutch Council for Annual Reporting.
Stibbe advises Panda Green Energy Stibbe assisted Panda Green Energy, formerly known as United Photovoltaics Group, with the Luxembourg aspects of the sale of six UK solar farms, with a combined capacity of about 82.5MW, to Greencoat Solar.
Amended governance rules addressing third party funding for collective claim organizations On 4 March 2019, an amended version of the Dutch "Claimcode" was published. The Claimcode is an instrument of self-regulation, created by parties who are active on the claims market.
Legislative proposal on mass damages claims approved by the Dutch Senate On 19 March 2019, the Dutch Senate approved the legislative proposal that introduces collective actions for damages under article 3:305a of the Dutch Civil Code (DCC). As the legislative proposal did not give rise to any debate in the Senate, it was passe
European Court of Justice resolves – Peeters/Gatzen claim falls within the scope of Regulation (EU) 1215/2012 (Brussels I recast) instead of Regulation (EU) 2015/848 (Insolvency Regulation) On 6 February 2019, the European Court of Justice ruled that the Peeters/Gatzen claim falls within the scope of Regulation Brussels I and therefore the Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings does not apply.
Handbook on the Netherlands Commercial Court published To coincide with the opening of the Netherlands Commercial Court, Matthijs Kuijpers of Stibbe Amsterdam has released the handbook on this new court setting out all relevant information concerning this new international court and what it may offer parties
Financial regulatory law update 2019 Several changes to Dutch financial regulatory laws entered into force in January and February 2019. In this article we provide a short summary of these changes.
Court of Justice: Suppliers of luxury goods may prohibit their authorised distributors from selling on third party internet platforms On 6 December 2017, the Court of Justice rendered its much anticipated judgment in a dispute between a supplier of luxury cosmetics (Coty) and one of its authorised resellers.