673 results Including scope 3 emissions in environmental impact assessments used in public decision-making In this blog post, we discuss the role that Scope 3 emissions can play in project permitting and environmental impact assessments. We do this in the light of a landmark decision by the UK Supreme Court on 20 June 2024. Rules against deforestation: the effect and coming into effect of the Deforestation Regulation Developments regarding the regulation on deforestation. In this blog we address the most prominent matters. The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive (IRRD) was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 8 January 2025. The IRRD introduces a new regulatory framework aimed at strengthening the stability and resilience of the EU insurance sector. Stibbe strengthens Corporate, Employment and Tax practices with three Counsel appointments We are proud to announce the promotions of Sophie Brenard (Corporate and M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits and Pensions), and Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) to Counsel, effective 1 January 2025. Top tips for doing capital markets deals in the Netherlands Nora Offergelt and Pieter Schütte have written a Practice Note with Practical Law Capital Markets in which they discuss the top tips for doing capital markets deals in the Netherlands. WORG worden groot! De Vlaamse regering heeft in 2024 meer dan 100 gebieden als "watergevoelige openruimtegebieden" aangeduid, en zal er nog meer aanduiden. Dat brengt aanzienlijke bouwbeperkingen met zich mee. Update on Dutch entity classification and anti-base-erosion rules In this issue of Tax Notes International, Ashley Peeters and Michael Molenaars provide a detailed analysis of recent tax developments in Dutch regulations concerning entity classification and anti-base-erosion rules. Klimaatproblematiek onder het EVRM In deze noot bespreken Ali al Khatib en Tess Linders drie klimaatuitspraken van de Grote Kamer van het EHRM over de verplichting van overheden om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan. Actualiteiten WAMCA najaar 2024 Op donderdag 28 november 2024 organiseert de Leiden Law Academy de cursus 'Actualiteiten WAMCA: De WAMCA bezien vanuit het perspectief van eisers en gedaagden'. Increasing control of data centre locations Due to the impact of the booming data centre market, Dutch municipalities and provinces adopt data centre policies and umbrella zoning plans to regulate data centre locations. Stibbe advises Mitiska REIM Stibbe’s Real Estate Transaction Group advised Mitiska REIM with the acquisition of Woonboulevard Arnhem in the Netherlands. Court assesses threshold for substantiating cartel damage plausibility On 23 June 2021, the Rotterdam District Court rendered two (final) judgments regarding damages claims following the European Commission’s decision on an alleged elevators cartel. Amsterdam Court of Appeal rules on the applicable law to air freight cartel damages claims On 6 July 2021, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal had to decide whether the pragmatic approach of the Amsterdam District Court, which had applied Dutch law to all air freight cartel damages claims, could be upheld. CJEU clarifies jurisdiction for follow-on damage claims The Court of Justice of the European Union recently further clarified which courts within the EU have jurisdiction to hear follow-on damage claims. Netherlands FDI regime protecting national security is getting closer On 30 June 2021, a legislative proposal introducing an investment screening on grounds of national security in the Netherlands was submitted to the House of Representatives. Court rules ACM can use accidental evidence found in dawn raids While skimming through employees’ chat conversations and e-mails, it is not uncommon for competition authorities to stumble across other potential antitrust violations, separate from the initial scope of the search. ACM issues first excessive pricing fine in pharma On 1 July 2021, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) imposed a fine of EUR 19.5 million on drug manufacturer Leadiant for excessive pricing of their orphan drug CDCA-Leadiant. Horizontal cooperation: from the dark side to the light? Recent enforcement action shows that companies involved in data sharing and data pooling or sustainability cooperation need to tread carefully. Pagination Previous page Page 22 Current page 23 Page 24 Page 25 Next page
Including scope 3 emissions in environmental impact assessments used in public decision-making In this blog post, we discuss the role that Scope 3 emissions can play in project permitting and environmental impact assessments. We do this in the light of a landmark decision by the UK Supreme Court on 20 June 2024.
Rules against deforestation: the effect and coming into effect of the Deforestation Regulation Developments regarding the regulation on deforestation. In this blog we address the most prominent matters.
The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive The Insurance Recovery and Resolution Directive (IRRD) was published in the Official Journal of the EU on 8 January 2025. The IRRD introduces a new regulatory framework aimed at strengthening the stability and resilience of the EU insurance sector.
Stibbe strengthens Corporate, Employment and Tax practices with three Counsel appointments We are proud to announce the promotions of Sophie Brenard (Corporate and M&A), Charlotte Mortiaux (Employment, Benefits and Pensions), and Christophe Martin-Raynaud (Tax) to Counsel, effective 1 January 2025.
Top tips for doing capital markets deals in the Netherlands Nora Offergelt and Pieter Schütte have written a Practice Note with Practical Law Capital Markets in which they discuss the top tips for doing capital markets deals in the Netherlands.
WORG worden groot! De Vlaamse regering heeft in 2024 meer dan 100 gebieden als "watergevoelige openruimtegebieden" aangeduid, en zal er nog meer aanduiden. Dat brengt aanzienlijke bouwbeperkingen met zich mee.
Update on Dutch entity classification and anti-base-erosion rules In this issue of Tax Notes International, Ashley Peeters and Michael Molenaars provide a detailed analysis of recent tax developments in Dutch regulations concerning entity classification and anti-base-erosion rules.
Klimaatproblematiek onder het EVRM In deze noot bespreken Ali al Khatib en Tess Linders drie klimaatuitspraken van de Grote Kamer van het EHRM over de verplichting van overheden om klimaatverandering tegen te gaan.
Actualiteiten WAMCA najaar 2024 Op donderdag 28 november 2024 organiseert de Leiden Law Academy de cursus 'Actualiteiten WAMCA: De WAMCA bezien vanuit het perspectief van eisers en gedaagden'.
Increasing control of data centre locations Due to the impact of the booming data centre market, Dutch municipalities and provinces adopt data centre policies and umbrella zoning plans to regulate data centre locations.
Stibbe advises Mitiska REIM Stibbe’s Real Estate Transaction Group advised Mitiska REIM with the acquisition of Woonboulevard Arnhem in the Netherlands.
Court assesses threshold for substantiating cartel damage plausibility On 23 June 2021, the Rotterdam District Court rendered two (final) judgments regarding damages claims following the European Commission’s decision on an alleged elevators cartel.
Amsterdam Court of Appeal rules on the applicable law to air freight cartel damages claims On 6 July 2021, the Amsterdam Court of Appeal had to decide whether the pragmatic approach of the Amsterdam District Court, which had applied Dutch law to all air freight cartel damages claims, could be upheld.
CJEU clarifies jurisdiction for follow-on damage claims The Court of Justice of the European Union recently further clarified which courts within the EU have jurisdiction to hear follow-on damage claims.
Netherlands FDI regime protecting national security is getting closer On 30 June 2021, a legislative proposal introducing an investment screening on grounds of national security in the Netherlands was submitted to the House of Representatives.
Court rules ACM can use accidental evidence found in dawn raids While skimming through employees’ chat conversations and e-mails, it is not uncommon for competition authorities to stumble across other potential antitrust violations, separate from the initial scope of the search.
ACM issues first excessive pricing fine in pharma On 1 July 2021, the Dutch Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM) imposed a fine of EUR 19.5 million on drug manufacturer Leadiant for excessive pricing of their orphan drug CDCA-Leadiant.
Horizontal cooperation: from the dark side to the light? Recent enforcement action shows that companies involved in data sharing and data pooling or sustainability cooperation need to tread carefully.