Stibbe advises Bureau Clara Wichmann on possible discriminatory effects of the NOW

NL Law

Research carried out by a team from Stibbe Amsterdam (on a pro bono basis), together with Bureau Clara Wichmann, has concluded that it cannot be ruled out that the Temporary emergency bridging measure for work retention (NOW) discriminates against women.

In a letter to Minister Wouter Koolmees, the Bureau insists that further investigation is needed to prevent female entrepreneurs from being disproportionately affected by the NOW. Clara Wichmann sent this letter on behalf of all member organisations of the alliance 'Samen Werkt Het'.

NOW reference period

A reference period is used to determine the extent of the NOW, and cannot be changed. If a woman has been pregnant during this reference period, this may have adverse effects on the amount of the benefit. It cannot therefore be excluded that the NOW scheme indirectly discriminates against women in this way. Whether these effects exist in reality will have to be investigated further. The same applies to the possible effects of other support measures (such as the Temporary bridging scheme for flexible workers (TOFA) and the Temporary bridging scheme for self-employed workers (Tozo)).

Read the full letter of the 'Samen Werkt Het' alliance.

Read the press release of Bureau Clara Wichman.

Stibbe NOW website

The developments surrounding the NOW subsidy continue at a rapid pace, and due to the ongoing corona crisis this is likely to continue. That is why the Stibbe NOW team has set up a special website relating to the NOW. On this website, Stibbe’s NOW Team keeps track of literature, case law, regulations and news items about the NOW. You will also find the most important parliamentary documentation on the NOW. This website also contains our short reads with legal explanations of NOW developments.

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